The Famous Painter is the CEO's Wife

His Love

His Love

0September 13, 20XX (Friday)     

Y Building, Beijing     

The employees watched with bated breath how their CEO would react to his fiancee's sweet and sultry voice calling out "I am back." They were almost melted into the ground as a loud bang of someone falling into the floor was heard before hurried footsteps sounded, and they saw the door open with their CEO grinning like a lovestruck fool. The employees wanted the world to swallow them up as their CEO ignored his grandparents and hugged his fiancee tightly into his arms.     

Grandma Zhao was giggling on the side as she leaned into Grandpa Zhao's shoulder, who was shaking his head at his stupid grandson. Yang was oblivious to the world of eyes watching his actions. He pulled Mei Li away, and when he saw her smile, he immediately peppered her face with kisses.     

"I," Yang kissed her forehead.     

"Missed," he kissed her right cheek.     

"You," he kissed her left cheek.     

"So," he kissed her nose.     

"Much," Yang's lips then landed in Mei Li's pinkish lips.     

Mei Li smacked her hands to Yang's arms when his lips were starting to grow bold. Most of Yang's employees wanted to cover their eyes with their hands. They were the ones embarrassed for their CEO's actions. He hadn't even greeted his grandparents yet. The female staff swooned when Yang pulled Mei Li to his side, putting his hands to the small of her back, and turned to his grandparents with a grin.     

He said, "I have given you time to spend with my heart. Thank you for returning her."     

Mei Li blushed when she was referred to as Yang's heart. Grandpa Zhao coughed at his grandson's suave words, but could not help but be amazed. Seeing Mei Li's red face, Grandpa Zhao mirrored Yang's grin and said, "Of course. As your grandparents, we are pleased to give you your heart back. I will have to tell you to let your heart go to Zhao Manor so I can train her how to be my heiress."     

Gasps were heard after Grandpa Zhao's announcement. Grandma Zhao sighed at this two shameless grandfather-grandson duo. Grandma Zhao pinched the skin of her husband's arm as Mei Li poked Yang's side. The two women accidentally chorused, "Behave."     

Mei Li and Grandma Zhao looked at each other with a weird sort of camaraderie. At least, they know that they were not the only one that deals with the Zhao family's male member's prideful egos. Grandma Zhao dragged her husband to the door, as their purpose was already done. Mei Li giggled when Grandpa Zhao followed after Grandma Zhao like a lost puppy. When the hand on her back was slowly sliding to her waist and began to tighten, Mei Li look up to stare at Yang's eyes.     

"Were you a good boy when I was away?" Mei Li teasingly asked her fiance.     

Yang's employees blushed when Yang flirted, shamelessly, "I am always a good boy for you. One word and I'll spread myself on the bed, and you can have your way with me, anytime."     

Mei Li's pinkish blush, worsen. Her pointer fingers poked at Yang's side with so much force that it made Yang jump nearer to the wall. The giggles that left her mouth stopped Yang from his revenge. Dammit, he needed some medicine to this love sickness he had, given by a virus named Mei Li. He cursed his heart from beating so loud when she smiles, swore his heart from tumbling around his chest whenever she laughs, and cursed his heart for loving her so much that his love was synonymous to her being.     

Yang admits it; he hated greeting and ending the day without her. In their one month separation, he finally got how he could love her so much that his heart felt like it'll burst. Seeing her again, his resolve strengthened a hundred times stronger than before.     

His love will always be the being within her. No matter what the name her body carries; Wu Mei Li or Xue Mei Lin. Yang promised to give her forever, and he resolved himself to live forever and a day, so that she could exist every day with him and not letting her suffer a day without him. He would rather be the one hurt than even think of her crying for him. This is his love for her. This is how far he would go for her.     

Yang led Mei Li to his office while listening to Mei Li chat about the events that have happened and the new foods that she had tried in Taiwan. The secretaries enthusiastically greeted Mei Li more than they did to him. Secretary Bai had even stood up to ask Mei Li about her health. Yang was irked that other people were occupying her attention, so he yanked her inside his office and pushed her to lay on the sofa.     

"What are you do-" Mei Li almost yelled but was stopped with Yang's open mouth closing hers.     

Mei Li sighed as his warmth intermingled with hers. Her left hands ran through his hair and closed it into a fist, pulling the hairs at the back of his head gently, eliciting a growling moan from Yang from the suddenness of her actions. Her right hands opened to touch him, but his left hands crept towards her open palm and slowly intertwined their fingers. Their tongues danced in a war that Yang always won.     

The CEO pulled away when Mei Li's breathing grew heavier. He smirked at her dazed state. Yang sat down on the sofa, pulling and carrying Mei Li to be perched on his lap with him between her legs. He could feel Mei Li sitting on his little self.     

The painted inhaled and exhaled as she snaked her arms on his neck while burying her face on the crook of his neck. She smelled his scent and said, "I am home."     

"Welcome back."     

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