Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

Call from Qian Fan.

Call from Qian Fan.

0Xin Yan gifted a big, six feet teddy to Xin Mei. He thought Xin Mei would get happy to see the teddy. He knew she had a soft corner in her heart for the soft toys. But he was shocked when he heard her reply,     

"I don't need your teddy to cuddle. Now I have my husband with whom I cuddle during the night. You need this teddy more than me. Think it as Da Chun and cuddle with it during the night."     

She then demanded a gift from Su Yuchen.     

"Everyone has given me a gift. Now it is your turn. Let me see what gift you are going to gift me."     

Su Yuchen took her palm in his and closed her fingers. "Tomorrow, you will get your gift tomorrow only."     


The evening before the birthday of Xin Mei was full of fun for her. Every person of the young generation played running games in the garden, which they used to play as children. Those games included  treasure hunt, musical chair, catch-catch, ice and water, and many other games.     

Xin Mei was laughing all the time, remembering all the fun of her childhood days.     

When they were done with games, they had their dinner which was served to them by He Lin. The dishes included all her favourites from different restaurant or café in the city.     

After dinner, everyone took their places on the couch in the living room. They played the favourite movie of Xin Mei, Titanic on the television screen and started to watch it, to pass their time till twelve.     

Xin Mei's head was laid on the lap of He Lin and she was gently massaging her head.      

Su Yuchen looked at them with longing in his eyes. He liked this relationship of Xin Mei and He Lin. He also wished if his mother was alive and there beside him.     

Bai Yue looked at the expressions on the face of Su Yuchen and she felt bad. She knew how much this boy missed his mother.     

"Chen'er, come here, let mother also massage your head." He Lin also noticed the sad expression on the face of Su Yuchen. She lovingly called him toward herself.     

"No need mother, you massage the head of Xin Mei."     

"I have already messaged her head. Now come here, let mother massage the head of her favourite child, come, come, come." He Lin pulled Su Yuchen towards herself.     

Su Yuchen sighed and took his seat on the floor, in front of where He Lin was seated. He Lin started to massage his head with a loving smile on her lips.     

"Mother, from when did he become your favourite child?" Xin Mei turned on her stomach and looked at He Lin.     

"From the time, he had started to visit me. You have forgotten about me after getting married but Su Yuchen always remembers to visit me from time to time. He is the one to give me report about you." He Lin informed her and Xin Mei looked at Su Yuchen with wide eyes.     

"You visit my mother?"     

"Yup, I like to eat the food from her hand and to have some light chat with her." Su Yuchen informed her and Xin Mei looked at him. Her mouth formed a small 'O.'      

No doubt her mother had stopped calling her on regular basis. She was getting her report from Su Yuchen so she did not need to call her personally.      

Xin Mei looked at the duo of Su Yuchen and He Lin and she realized that Su Yuchen was very close to her mother. He Lin had open-heartedly accepted Su Yuchen as her son.     

"Now stop looking at us and focus on the movie. You will miss your favourite scene and then will cry later." He Lin reminded to Xin Mei.     

Xin Mei again shifted her gaze to the television screen and she was lost in watching her movie.     


By the time the movie ended, Xin Mei was crying very badly. Tears were falling off her eyes and soft sobs were leaving her mouth. She was clutching hard on the shirt of Su Yuchen.     

Xin Yan was looking at her with a scowl on his face. Xin Mei had watched titanic numerous time but still, she always cried. He did not know why his emotionally strong sister cried after watching a movie.     

"Chen, promise me, if we both are sinking then you will not do the stupidity like Jake. I cannot lose you. I will die without you."     

Su Yuchen looked at Xin Mei with a conflicted expression on his face. He did not know how to console her. She was acting as if she was on the ship and it was going to sink.     

"Mei, I am not stupid like Jake. I will never leave you alone. Now stop crying." He lovingly coaxed her and looked at He Lin with 'help me' expression on his face.     

He Lin shook her head and helped Su Yuchen in consoling Xin Mei. Once she was consoled, Su Yuchen lovingly removed her tears.     

'My stupid girl cried for a stupid movie. From now on, I will never let her watch this stupidest movie in the world.' Su Yuchen thought.     

Soon it was midnight and everyone started to wish Xin Mei a very happy birthday. They cut the extra dark chocolate cake which was also brought from the favourite bakery of Xin Mei.     

After the cake cutting, everyone wished Xin Mei one last time before they made their way back home. Xin Mei wanted her parents to stay for the night, but they wanted to give the couple some private time.     

Su Lingtian also took a crying Su Zixin with himself to his home to give the couple a private time. Besides, Su Lingtian personally wanted to grow some vegetables in his garden for which he needed the help of Su Zixin. Now you know why was he crying!     


Xin Mei was so happy that night that she permitted Su Yuchen to fulfil his appetite. She was not going to stop him after one round.     

She also teased him using the condoms which He Ye had gifted to her but he denied to use them. He loved the feel of her skin against his.     

"Argh! Who is calling me at this time?" Xin Mei groaned when her mobile rung at a very wrong timing.     

"Maybe it's your friend or some fan who has called to wish you birthday."     

Xin Mei grunted in displeasure and picked up the mobile from the bedside stand and there was an unknown number flashing on the display.     

"It's Qian Fan."     

"You remember his number?" Su Yuchen asked with jealousy in his voice.     

"How can I not? He is using this same number from last so many years. Earlier, I used to remember his number from my heart. Now I cannot forget it just like this." Xin Mei replied and was about to cut the call when Su Yuchen stopped her.     

Su Yuchen smiled evilly and did something which would always make Qian Fan regret his one single call to Xin Mei.     

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