Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

*Where is the filter of my mouth?

*Where is the filter of my mouth?

0Su Yuchen again glanced at reflection of Xin Mei from the mirror. She was looking so beautiful, beautiful like an angel. He knew she was going to attract everybody's attention at the award show.     

However, what could he do? He sighed helplessly.     

He could not cage her or chain her up. He wanted to see her fly in the sky and he knew he had to stop being jealous. He cannot interfere with his wife's career only because he was jealous that other men would lust at his beautiful wife.     

He reminded to himself that this beauty already belongs to him, others could only admire her from afar but they could not win her heart or get as close as he could.     

"Don't we look like a perfect couple." Su Yuchen looked in the mirror with a gentle smile on his face. "A match made in heaven, aren't we?"     

Xin Mei looked in the mirror and she could say they were looking good together.     

A handsome man and beautiful woman!     

Su Yuchen was complimenting her beauty and she felt no less. Xin Mei stepped back and nestled against Su Yuchen's chest. She looked up and smiled at Su Yuchen.     

"We are looking good together."     

"Wifey" Su Yuchen whispered against her ears. He took something out of his pocket. He ran his fingers around her neck. Then Xin Mei felt something cold and hard nestling around her neck.     

Her eyes became wide when she looked at the platinum and diamond necklace. Xin Mei looked at the glittering diamonds and estimated this three-chain diamond necklace was very expensive.     

"Husband, what it is?" she asked and looked at him with surprise.     

"A gift for you dear." He placed his hands on her shoulders and again looked at her eyes through the mirror. "I am a bad husband, aren't I? I am gifting you an accessory so long after our marriage."     

"Husband, you don't need to buy me these expensive items. I don't need them to be happy."     

"Xin Mei," Su Yuchen said in scolding voice and patted on her head. "Learn to be a pampered and spoiled wife. You should ask for more instead of denying them. Your father told me he liked spoiling you. But I don't know how much. Don't you love jewellery?"     

"I do love it." Xin Mei traced the necklace with her finger. She lifted it from her finger and ran her finger around its edge. "But I don't want you to spend your money on buying so expensive jewelleries and dresses for me."     

"Wifey." He lovingly coaxed her. "I am not wasting my money but I am using it to dote on my wife. I love the way your eyes shine when looking at new jewelleries. I am late but now I would like to fill up your wardrobe with everything you want ."     

He reached inside his pocket and pulled out a pair of diamond earrings from his pocket. Xin Mei tried to protest but Su Yuchen shushed her.     

"If I will not spend money for you then on who am I working hard for? Let me spoil you a little bit. I know you do not want to spend my money, so let me shower you with it."     

Su Yuchen carefully made her wear her earrings. He ensured to not tighten them around her ears. He did not want her ears to turn red and hurt.     

After making her wear her earring, he pulled out another diamond bracelet from his pocket. He smiled when he saw the surprised look on the face of Xin Mei. He did not say a thing; he simply put it on her wrist.     

He smiled when he looked at her fingers where she was wearing their wedding ring.     

"I thought of wearing this ring. I think no one will recognize it as a wedding ring."     

"So true,wifey." He smiled and again adorned the wedding ring in her finger. He felt his heart swelling with happiness. He again felt happy that this woman was his wife!     

"But husband, you didn't need to spend so…."     

"Xin Mei," he rebuked. "You should learn something from grandma. She forces grandpa to buy her a piece of jewellery every month. Even when she is in the hospital, grandpa is still buying jewellery for her. She says if a husband is spending money on jewellery for his wife then the wife should be happy that his husband still loves her."     

"Su Yuchen, do you love me?" she asked unexpectedly. She looked at Su Yuchen who smiled. Without saying anything, he pressed his lips on her shoulder.     

'Oh wife, I love you so much. I am only waiting for the day when I will feel the same feelings from your eyes which I have for you.'     

Su Yuchen thought and again looked in the eyes of Xin Mei. His eyes were dark with love. There was gentleness in his eyes whenever he looked at her.     

Xin Mei felt her heart beating fast in her chest with his gesture. He may not have said anything but she could understand his unsaid words.     

"Now let's go down. Su Zixin must be waiting for you." Su Yuchen told to Xin Mei. He broke the hug and turned Xin Mei around so he could directly see her face. She was looking very beautiful.     

He leaned toward her to kiss her lips when Xin Mei pushed him back.     

"What?" he frowned with the accusation in his eyes.     

"Makeup artist had taken half an hour to paint my lips red. I can't let you destroy them with your kiss."     

Su Yuchen rolled his eyes when he heard her. He got another reason to hate makeup. He did not like it that his wife had applied makeup and he could not kiss her.     

"Wifey, please let me kiss you," he pleaded. "I will die with the craving of your lips in the next four days."     

"What four days?" Xin Mei asked with surprise. "Weren't you going only for two days?"     

"Yeah, I was but I had to extend it by another two days. It's still not final.But…" he looked at her with pleading eyes. "How would I survive if I didn't get my kiss?"     

"I don't know how you will survive but I am not going to let you kiss me." Xin Mei glared at him.     

"Wifey," he whined.     

"If you want to get my kiss then return early from the trip." Xin Mei told him and quickly made her way toward the living room where Su Zixin was waiting for her. She did not want Su Yuchen to trick her in getting his kiss.     

Su Yuchen walked behind her like a lost puppy. He was cursing the makeup artist who had applied lipstick on her lips.     

"Brother, why does your face look like a dog who hasn't received his food from the past week?" Su Zixin spoke without thinking and the next second he froze when he saw the chilly expression on the face of his brother.     

'Holy Mother, I should have a filter for my mouth.Why didn't I think before speaking? Why? Why? Why?'     

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