Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

*Now she could die in peace!

*Now she could die in peace!

0"Mother, when did you fall in love with father?"     

He Lin could understand the turmoil in the heart of her daughter. She didn't ask her the reason for this sudden question. She thought for sometime before replying, "I guess, I fell for him the moment he had said yes for the marriage."     

Xin Mei looked at her mother who was lost in her memories. There was a unique smile on her lips which she had never seen before. Her mother looked calm and very happy.     

"When my parents informed me that a prospective groom was coming to see me for my hand, I had protested. I didn't want to see any groom and I didn't want to get married, just like you."     

"When he came to see me, I talked very rudely to him. I lied to him that I had a boyfriend, I drink and smoke, so I thought he would say no to me but…"     

"He said yes," Xin Mei interrupted her.     

"Yup, he said yes. When I asked him for a reason, he replied that he had seen lies in my eyes. He looked into my eyes and he knew that I was the best for him. He invited me for a private chat where we talked.... we talked for hours. He asked me the reason why I was against the marriage. And he took away all my hesitations."     

"Your father was good to me just like Su Yuchen." He Lin smiled and looked at Xin Mei. "Xin Mei, I know you are arranged to marry him and feel hesitant about moving forward with him."     

"You are right, Mother. Sometimes, I feel so confused." Xin Mei sighed. "I feel afraid of my feelings towards him. I want to move forward with him but I am afraid that I am moving too fast. It's only been sixteen days since we married but I have started to feel strongly for him. Sometimes, I feel suffocated by my feelings."     

"It's natural my daughter." He Lin smiled and pulled her cheeks. "Your heart knows that you are to spend the rest of your life with him. So, you have generated feelings for him. You are slowly giving your heart to your husband. You should not keep your feelings in your heart. Do whatever your heart desires. If you want to kiss him then kiss him, ogle him during late at night then ogle at him, miss him then miss him. Do whatever you want."     

Xin Mei smiled when she heard her mother. Both mother and daughter talked for a long time. Xin Mei felt very relaxed when she talked to her mother. It was like a burden lifted off her heart.     

In between their talks, Xin Mei and He Lin prepared their lunch. Both of them had their fun cooking together. After lunch, they talked for some time again.     

"Mother, I should go now." Xin Mei informed her mother.     

"Ok kiddo if there is anything in your heart then you can talk to me." He Lin patted the back of her daughter. Xin Mei wrapped her arms around her mother in a parting hug.     

They both walked towards the pathway where Xin Mei took her seat in her car.     

"Xin Mei," He Lin leaned down and looked at her daughter from the glass of the car. "As a mother, I will advise you Xin Mei; don't stop your heart from what it wants to do. Let it go free. Instead of avoiding your feelings for Su Yuchen, let your heart explore them."     

Xin Mei nodded to her mother before driving the car, away from her mother. She had decided that she wasn't going to stop her heart!     


Xin Mei was making her way back home. All of a sudden, she remembered that the hospital where Bai Yue was staying came in the way. So she decided to meet Bai Yue before making her way back home.     

"Grandma..." She greeted Bai Yue with a grin on her face.     

"Xin Mei." Bai Yue also grinned when she saw Xin Mei. "Come here, come here. Take a seat beside grandma. Husband, make some place for my granddaughter."     

Bai Yue pushed away her poor husband to make space for Xin Mei. Su Lingtian looked at his grinning wife and shook his head. His wife liked Xin Mei very much.     

"Tell me something about your married life." Bai Yue asked. There was a happy glint in her eyes. "Is my boy taking good care of you? If not, then you can complain to me. I will send Tian to pull his ears."     

"You don't need to do something like this grandma. Su Yuchen is taking good care of me." Xin Mei replied with a smile on her lips.     

"And where has he taken you for a honeymoon?" Xin Mei looked at Bai Yue with wide eyes. "What? Don't tell me you haven't gone on a honeymoon yet! Tian, isn't your boy too slow?"     

Bai Yue looked at her husband with complaining eyes.     

"Let me call him and scold him for you." Su Lingtian looked at his wife with a doting smile. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and was about to dial the number of Su Yuchen when Xin Mei stopped him.     

"Don't call him grandpa. It was my decision not to go for a honeymoon." She turned towards Bai Yue and looked at her with a guilty smile. "Grandma, you know about my work. It will be a big scandal if everyone got to know about our marriage. So we have decided to keep our marriage hidden. We can't go on a honeymoon."     

"Why can't you go to a honeymoon? Hidden marriage isn't an excuse," Bai Yue rebuked. "He could have taken you to some of our private property. No one would have found out about you there."     

"Wife, calm down, don't yell." Su Lingtian patted on the back of his angry wife. "Xin Mei, Bai Yue is right, Su Yuchen could have taken you anywhere for honeymoon. He could have taken you to our private island. There you could have enjoyed the beautiful scenery and spent some private time together."     

"Grandpa, you have a private island?" she asked with a surprise.     

"Yup, yup, husband gifted it to me on our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary," Bai Yue grinned. "It is very beautiful. You will love the natural beauty of that island. You should visit there."     

"Ok, I will talk with Su Yuchen. We will visit there once we have the time." Xin Mei decided to end the honeymoon topic conversation. She had started to feel quite awkward when talking about the honeymoon. "Grandma, please tell me, how is your health?"     

"I am as healthy as a horse." Bai Yue grinned. "Doctors had already started to prepare me for the heart transplant. The trust appointed by you is working hard to find a matching heart for me."     

Su Lingtian took Xin Mei's hand into his and looked at her with gratitude eyes. "It's all because of you that they are working hard to find a heart for my wife."     

Xin Mei nodded her head and looked at Bai Yue again.     

"Xin Mei," Bai Yue took her hand into hers and looked at her with gratitude. "Thank you for marrying my Chen. I am so happy and feeling free because of you. Chen had suffered from his childhood. Do you know that he had spent his childhood in an orphanage?"     

Xin Mei nodded her head. Bai Yue looked at her with a sad and teary smile. She tightened her grip on Xin Mei's hand.     

"He was fourteen when we first met him. He was so lonely. He only knew one girl. My Chen didn't have a happy childhood life like others. He had suffered a lot."     

"When we brought him home, he wasn't ready to talk to any of us, except for his cousin brother. It took me a long time to make my place in his heart. I knew he was lonely and he wanted a family to love him. And now he sees this family in you. Please give him the needed family."     

Voice of Bai Yue turned hoarse and she looked at Xin Mei with pained eyes. Her heart ache when she thought about his past. Tears were flowing from her eyes. Xin Mei felt pain in her heart when she saw the crying Bai Yue.     

"When he came to visit me, I had seen a fondness for you in his eyes. I could see that he wanted to have a family with you. Please...."     

"Grandma," Xin Mei cut her off. She wiped off her tears. "Don't worry, Grandma; I will give a family to Su Yuchen. I am his family and he is my family."     

Bai Yue took a deep breath in relaxation and kissed on the forehead of Xin Mei.     

Now she could die in peace!     

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