Be My Strength



0Once Luo Han and Ye Tian's conditions were somewhat stabilized, everyone was moved to the nearest hospital.     

At the hospital, while Luo Han and Ye Tian were being operated on, Callum and Ghost were sitting inside a room with Mr. Ye and Lin. Contrary to what he thought earlier, Callum only had a line fracture. His ribs and his back still hurt, but it was not that bad to the point that he could not handle it.     

Of course, the doctor who did a check on him advised him to rest but Callum refused. It was the first time his "wife" had seen his mother after so many years, and after he accepted her death, so Callum wanted to be there with Ghost. He knew that Ghost was not really fine at the moment and even though he did not know what to say to Ghost, Callum just wanted to be there for him.     

As for DX, he was outside the room talking to his wife over the phone. When they were on the way to the hospital, he told her that he would give her a call and the moment Luo Han and Ye Tian was pushed into the operating theatres, DX did as what he promised earlier.     

Meanwhile, inside one of the hospital's smaller meeting rooms, four people were sitting at the couch and each of them had a different expression on. Ghost's face had concern written on it. Callum's face was blank. Lin's face was showing a mixture of both fear and confusion. As for Mr. Ye, he had been frowning since the very start.     


After all, his son was currently in a critical condition, but he had to be here for Lin as well. He could not do anything for his son, but he could help Lin reunite with her family.     

As for Lin, she was still very afraid of Callum and Ghost, and she kept holding onto Mr. Ye's hand as if she was afraid he would leave her here alone with these "strangers". Even on the journey to the hospital, she did not want to sit with Ghost despite the latter's request.     

And Ghost refused to allow her out of his sight. He was afraid that she would disappear again if he allowed her to leave in Mr. Ye's car.     

In the end, Lin had only agreed to sit in the same car as Callum and Ghost after Mr. Ye said that he would be sitting with her.     

Obviously, her lack of trust in him caused great sorrow to Ghost who had never expected such a reunion. He wanted to hug her and to touch her. He wanted to make sure that she was real and not a figment of his imagination… But he could not. At the moment, he could hold himself back.     

"Mama…" thought Ghost as he stared at the mother he thought he had lost. Other than the fear in her eyes and the wrinkles on the corner of her eyes and her forehead, she looked like the mother he remembered.     

It saddened him to know that she could not recognize him. Mr. Ye was explaining Lin's condition to Ghost, but Ghost could barely pay any attention to him.     

Ghost just wanted to take his mother and hide her away but when he felt someone patting on his thigh, he turned and saw Callum giving him a soft smile.     

"She's alive… That's all that matters now…" whispered Callum. He did not like to see such a sad expression on Ghost's face. He liked to see his "wife" in either happy, angry, or s*xually frustrated mood… but not sad. If it helped, he would have allowed Ghost to hit him all over again until he felt better.     

Well, he offered earlier, but Ghost ignored him.     

Callum looked at Ghost's face with a worried expression when he realized that the latter had not said anything.     

It was only after a long silence that Ghost nodded.     

"He's right… That's all the matters now…" thought Ghost as he stared at his mother. As long as she was alive, he was sure that she would remember him one day.     

As for Lin, she was so uncomfortable with the grey-haired man who kept staring at her that she kept her head down the whole time. In addition, whenever she looked at the grey-haired man, she kept seeing images of a boy crying and it caused her heart to ache uncomfortably.     

She did not know why but seeing the grey-haired man gave her a nostalgic feeling.     

"I want to go home…" Lin whispered to Mr. Ye. She usually did not like to touch any man, but she was scared now and Mr. Ye was the only one she knew. If anything, he had never hurt her in any way.     

Mr. Ye gently patted her hand as he whispered back, "We'll go back soon…"     

"Mama, do you really not recognize me?" asked Ghost as he stared at his mother.     

Lin shook her head furiously as she buried her face in Mr. Ye's arms.     

"Like I said, Guang Ying… Xiao Lin doesn't remember much…" explained Mr. Ye.     

With a deep sigh, Ghost said, "I want to take her home…"     

When Lin heard that the grey-haired man named "Guang Ying" wanted to take her home, tears started to flow out of her eyes as she hugged Mr. Ye's waist tightly and cried, "No! Xiao Lin doesn't want to go with him!"     

When Mr. Ye patted her on the back, Lin looked up into his eyes and with a choked voice, she asked, "Xiao Lin will be good! Xiao Lin will study hard and not be picky with food! Big Brother, please don't send me away! Please don't abandon me!"     

Mr. Ye felt his heart ached as he looked at Lin whose face was covered with snot and tears. She was like an innocent child who had yet to learn how to cry gracefully, but this was what Mr. Ye liked about her.     

In a soft voice, Mr. Ye smiled and patted Lin on the head, "Xiao Lin is a really good girl. How can I bear to send you somewhere dangerous? But this man here… His name is Guang Ying. He's cute, right? He wants to invite you to his house to play… "     

Lin shook her head and cried louder, "No! I don't want to!"     

"Xiao Lin, Big Brother has to go away for a while… Remember Xiao Tian?"     

Lin sniffed and nodded. "Your son?"     

Mr. Ye had told her about Ye Tian before, and she knew that he was important to Mr. Ye, so she remembered his name.     

As he looked at her beautiful and innocent looking face, Mr. Ye said with a sad voice, "He's hurt now, and I've to take care of him…"     

"Xiao Tian is hurt?" asked Lin with a worried voice. If Mr. Ye was hurt, she would be really upset. So, she knew that Mr. Ye was really upset at the moment because she knew that he loved his son very much.     

With a gentle smile, Mr. Ye patted Lin's hand and said, "Yeah… Dr. Wong has something to do too, so she can't take care of you for now… Guang Ying will take care of you for a while. I know him. He won't hurt a fly... He'll take care - "     

"No!" Lin buried her face in his arm and shook her head as she cried, "No! Scare!"     

"Xiao Lin, Guang Ying is a good boy… He won't hurt you… Have I ever lied to you?"     

Lin hesitated for a moment. She then looked up at him before saying softly, "No."     

Mr. Ye smiled and gently patted Lin's head. With a soft voice, he asked, "I know you're scared, but can you do this for your big brother?"     

Lin turned to look at the grey-haired man who was looking at her with a weird expression. She then looked at Mr. Ye who was obviously torn between staying with her and staying with his son. She knew that Mr. Ye had done a lot for her, and she did not want to cause more trouble for him.     

In the end, she made up her mind. Letting his hand go, she agreed with a soft sigh, "Mmhmm…"     

Then, she lifted her left pinky and whispered, "Promise you'll take me home soon…"     

Mr. Ye gulped as he looked at her pinky. He knew that once she went back with Ghost, it would be hard for him to get her back again. However, in his heart, he knew that she did not belong with him in the first place.     

She was Ghost's mother… She had to be with her family, and Mr. Ye knew that he was not her family.     

With a smile, Mr. Ye hooked his pinky finger with hers as he lied to her, "Promise…"     


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