Be My Strength

Maybe it's because of your hair

Maybe it's because of your hair


On the day of the meeting, a few heavily tinted black BMWs caught the attention of the other users of the road. They thought that it was some high-profile politicians inside the cars. As if by instinct, the other cars that were on the road made ways for those BMWs to pass through.     

The fact was that inside one of the cars was DX, Ghost, and Callum. All three of them were dressed up in black suits and were sitting with a stern expression. Each of them was thinking about what would happen later at the meeting place.     

They were meeting at one of Mr. Ye's summer house in the countryside. It was 5 hours along by cars. To speed up, DX, Callum, Ghost, and Han Ye took the chopper. Once they arrived near the place, they changed to a car due to the lack of landing place.     

The rest of their men waited for them at the landing area.     

Kai Xin was left at home. Despite her crying and whining, DX refused to let her tag along. In the end, they came to a compromise. He would let her watch everything through a video call in exchange for her to stay at home and out of harm's way.     

"Are we there yet?"     

DX held the iPad higher and changed the camera to the back camera before pointing it out the window.     

"For the last time, no," said DX. Kai Xin had been asking him the same question at least 15 times since they entered the car. He loved her, but she could be crazy sometimes. He knew that she was eager to know what was happening. After all, she was worried about him as well.     

Suddenly, Callum said loud enough so that Kai Xin could hear him.     

"We'll call you when we arrive."     

He was a little annoyed by her asking the same question over and over again. Unlike DX, he was not in love with her and did not mind to be a little harsh in his tone. However, he did regret a little when DX sent him a warning glare.     

Kai Xin heard him clear and loud. In a demanding tone, she said, "You better be or you're babysitting Little Monkey when she starts teething!"     

She then added, "Hubby!"     

DX immediately turned the camera to the front camera and then he handed the iPad to Callum. When she was looking at Callum, Kai Xin narrowed her eyes as she warned, "If you didn't call me, not only would you be babysitting my daughter, you'd be babysitting without any kind of help!"     

At her threat, Callum shuddered at the thought of babysitting his niece. Last week, there was a day when everyone was busy - some went on dates, some went out for work. DX and Kai Xin had to go to the hospital for a follow-up, and they did not want to leave Little Monkey with the staff.     

DX and Kai Xin had been quite hands-on with raising Little Monkey, so they told Callum that they were worried that the staff might not be able to handle Little Monkey. The only staff that Little Monkey liked was Old Mo.     

Unfortunately, Old Mo had gone out with Old Madam Du to meet their mutual friend.     

When he heard DX asking Kai Xin if they could leave Little Monkey with Jane, Callum quickly offered his service. He did not expect his brother would actually be OK with him babysitting Little Monkey.     

Seeing that his brother actually trust him to babysit, he felt so proud that he promised them he would do a good job. That was… until everyone left.     

It was only for 3 hours but to him, it felt like an eternity. The little baby was either pooping, crying, or screaming her lungs off. On the occasion that she was not doing any of those, she ignored him most of the time.     

Not only her, but he had to change his own clothes as often as he changed her!     

Once, when she cried, he started crying as well.     

"Oh my god! You little devil! Can you please stop crying?!" asked Callum as he walked around with her in his arms.     

When he asked the staff for help, all of them pretended to be busy. Truth was that DX had told them not to help Callum unless it was an emergency. They knew that Little Monkey was just crying for her daddy, so they did not help Callum out.     

Everyone knew the reason for DX's order.     

Callum had offended his older brother previously when he said that Kai Xin's legs looked like chopsticks. Kai Xin, who had felt conscious about the way she looked, felt sad the whole night. She kept forcing herself to eat so that she would gain weight faster.     

For that, DX wanted to punish Callum for his insensitivity and it was a good day to punish Callum by making him babysitting his daughter. He arranged for the entire family to leave the house on that day, leaving Callum the only free one.     

The only one who knew nothing about it was Callum.     

As Callum walked around the huge mansion with Little Monkey crying in his arms, he called Ghost for help, but the latter just hung up on him.     

When DX and Kai Xin finally returned after three hours, Little Monkey was sound asleep in her crib while Callum was asleep on the floor next to her. To him, taking care of her was more exhausting than running a marathon.     

After he passed the baby back to DX and Kai Xin, he never offered to help again. He loved his niece to death but she was made from the same mold as her father. Both of them were born to torture him.     

As he finished thinking about the bad memory, Callum shuddered. He looked at Kai Xin with a pitiful expression and said, "My dear sister-in-law, please don't say such scary things… I'll definitely give you a call… Your little brother knows what's at stake here."     

Kai Xin humphed before she hung up.     

"Better make sure your phone is on you the whole time," said DX as he placed the iPad away.     

Callum sighed and leaned back against his seat. "Don't worry, I've it with me. Even if it's not, there's Xiao Ying's phone."     

Ghost, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned his head back and said, "I'm not lending you my phone."     

"Why not?" asked Callum with a curious expression.     

Ghost narrowed his eyes at his lover and in a gruff tone, he said, "Ask yourself…"     

Callum pouted. He had left a number of photos of a certain part of him in Ghost's phone as a joke. Obviously, Ghost did not find it funny. When he came work that day, he had given Ghost the silent treatment for two days.     

"But you like me… don't you?" asked Callum with a pout.     

"That doesn't mean that I don't like to see you suffer," said Ghost nonchalantly, completely ignoring Callum's attempt to be cute. He then turned back to face the front.     

Han Ye, who was driving, chuckled when he saw Callum's horrified expression.     

Hearing Ghost's words, Callum immediately took out his phone and checked the battery life before holding onto it as if it was his most prized possession.     

When they arrived, Callum immediately called Kai Xin. He was not about to take the risk of having to babysit Little Monkey for an extended period of time. Once he placed his phone in his shirt pocket with the back camera facing out so that Kai Xin could see clearly, he got down from the car.     

The moment their feet touched the ground, everyone had their serious expression back on as they stared at the man in front of them.     

"Mr. Ye," Han Ye greeted the man respectfully.     

Mr. Ye nodded at him in acknowledgment. He then turned to Ghost. After staring at him for a few seconds, he asked, "How are you lately?"     

"Fine," replied Ghost nonchalantly. He did not dislike or like this uncle of him. Growing up, he had met with Mr. Ye numerous times. However, it had always been brief and non-memorable.     

On one occasion, he had accompanied his grandfather and the rest of his family to his aunt's memorial. It had been 20 years since she passed away and his grandfather wanted everyone to go and pay their respects.     

Up until then, Ghost and his grandfather had visited his aunt's grave on her birthday. They usually went in the morning with Luo Han, Mrs. Luo, and Luo Yin, while Mr. Ye usually visit in the afternoon.     

His grandfather had told him then that Mr. Ye did not like to have anyone around as he talked to his late wife. It was a wish that Grandfather Luo granted him.     

Her 20th anniversary was the first time Ghost went to pay his respect along with everyone else. He recalled seeing Mr. Ye staring at his aunt's photo on the grave with a deep and sorrowful expression. Mr. Ye looked like a man who had plenty to say. He even dropped a tear then.     

At that time, Ghost thought that like everyone else, Mr. Ye was faking it.     

However, lately, after knowing what he knew, he felt that he actually knew nothing about the man in the 20 years since he returned to Luo Family.     

Mr. Ye smiled sincerely at Ghost before he said, "I never noticed how similar you're to her… Maybe it's because of your hair…"     

Ghost frowned when he heard Mr. Ye's words. He was confused by that statement.     

"He thought that I look like his dead wife?" thought Ghost. It would not have surprised him since he knew that his mother bore a resemblance to his aunt.     

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