Be My Strength

A cacophony

A cacophony

0The four esteemed guests of the restaurant continued to eat. When the pot of tea was emptied, Shenlong Yuan asked one of the waiters to refill it with hot water.     

The waiter went out and a few minutes later, he came back in with a full pot. He poured the tea into Old Master Shenlong's empty cup, then Xiao Yi's cup. When he was moving to the two cousins, he accidentally tripped over his own foot.     

"Careful!" Xiao Yi yelled out when she saw the pot of hot tea flying towards Callum.     

A splash could be heard, but it was not Callum's voice.     


The sound of the pot falling onto the ground could be heard.     

Callum, who had quickly moved out of the way of the pot, looked up and saw one of the waiters with a partly wet shirt.     

He recognized the body shape but he told himself that it was impossible. His "wife" was too indifferent to do anything like this.     

Yet when the waiter took off his mask, Callum gasped loudly.     

"Guang Ying!" Callum cursed and he immediately pulled Ghost aside to check on his "burns". The idea that his "wife" might be hurt scared him and he wanted to make sure that he was absolutely fine.     

Callum was patting Ghost all over, including over his chest and down south. Annoyed, the latter snapped, "Shenlong Xun!"     

"What? Oh my god! That was hot water that splashed on you! Why are you so chill? Are you hurt?! Take off your shirt now! Let me see!" said Callum with a worried tone.     

He tried to unbutton Ghost's shirt but the latter slapped his hand away and hissed, "Idiot! It's not even warm water!"     

Callum froze. He looked up at Ghost with a confused face. However, Ghost merely looked at him with an expression that said, "Am I seriously in a relationship with this low IQ idiot?"     

"He doesn't look like he's in pain..." thought Callum. Calmer now, he patted the wet spot on Ghost's shirt. It was at room temperature.     

"Huh?" Callum glanced at his grandfather who had an equally confused look. Then he glanced at Xiao Yi and Shenlong Yuan. When he saw how hard Shenlong Yuan was trying to hide his grin, he figured everything out.     

"You!" snapped Callum as he pointed at Shenlong Yuan angrily.     

"What the hell is this? Why are you touching a man so inappropriately? In front of my granddaughter-in-law some more?! You didn't even ask about your pregnant girlfriend!" said Old Master Shenlong as he glared at his youngest grandson.     

Then he turned to the waiter who tripped and snapped, "How can you be that careless? What if you hurt my future great-grandson?!"     

"I-I'm sorry…" muttered the waiter who then looked at Shenlong Yuan helplessly. When he went out to refill the pot, he was suddenly pulled aside by one of the managers who told him to do this and that. According to the manager, it was "Young Master Yuan's instruction".     

"Ye Ye, don't blame the waiter. It's my fault…" Shenlong Yuan admitted quickly, just in case his grandfather decided to blow this out of proportion.     

Old Master Shenlong glared at him, "What are you trying to do now?"     

"Fixing my mistake…" murmured Shenlong Yuan. He then glanced at Ghost and Callum before signaling Callum to tell the truth.     

Callum glanced at Ghost for a second before turning back to his grandfather. With a helpless sigh, he said, "Old man, meet Luo Guang Ying."     

"Who the hell is he?"     

"Your future granddaughter-in-law," said Shenlong Yuan before he burst out in laughter.     

Xiao Yi, who had finally understood the whole story, could not stop herself from smiling as well. She thought to herself as she watched the interaction between the grandfather and grandson, "So, this is why he needs my help..."     

Old Master Shenlong looked at both his grandsons with a confused expression before he turned to glare at Callum, "What the f*ck is this?!"     

Callum remained calm as he thought about a way to make this easier for his grandfather. To his surprise, Ghost suddenly grabbed his shirt and kissed him right on the lips.     

Callum was so shocked by it that he did not even close his eyes for the entire duration of the kiss. He could hear the gasps and a woman's soft chuckle, but his body was somewhat numb. His hands moved on their own and landed on Ghost's waist.     

After Ghost released him, Callum stood there, speechless.     

Ghost then turned to Old Master Shenlong and said, "I'm Luo Guang Ying. Shenlong Xun is my man."     

"What?" gasped Old Master Shenlong. His face soon turned red with anger and embarrassment.     

"Shenlong Xun is my man. I'm not a woman, and I'm definitely not pregnant," said Ghost. He nodded at Xiao Yi before turning back to Old Master Shenlong.     

With a calm and clear voice, he said, "Your grandson and I are in a relationship, and I don't want to hide it anymore."     

Old Master Shenlong slammed his hands down on the table. Shenlong Yuan immediately moved closer to Xiao Yi to protect her in case his grandfather flew into a rage. He tried to tell her to leave first but she was adamant to stay and watch the show unfold.     

"You!" snapped Old Master Shenlong as he pointed at Callum angrily. He then asked, "What is this? Who is this man who claims that you are his man?!"     

Callum was still in a daze from the kiss earlier until Ghost gave him a swift kick in the shin.     

"Arh!" He yelled out as he held his bruised shin. He then turned to his grandfather and said, "He's telling the truth… We are together…"     

"What do you mean by together?" snapped Old Master Shenlong. He placed one of his hand on the curve part of his cane.     

Sensing the killing intent from him, Shenlong Yuan gently pulled Xiao Yi out of the way while Callum gently pushed Ghost behind him.     

Instead of backing down, Callum scratched his head and said with an innocent expression, "I mean… We are in a man and man relationship...and I love this man more than anything else in my life... and if one day he allows me to, we would be doing naughty things on the bed like what a man and a woman would do in their free time…"     

Behind him, Ghost facepalmed himself at Callum's description of their relationship.     

Old Master Shenlong raised his cane and yelled, "You stupid grandson!"     

For an old man who had passed his 75th birthday, he was energetic enough to lift his cane high and rushed towards Callum. Earlier, Ghost had been slightly worried that he might cause the old man to fall sick, but it looked like he was wrong.     

Judging from the strength of his voice, the old man was obviously stronger and healthier than him.     

Callum immediately grabbed Ghost's hand as they avoided his grandfather's cane. Old Master Shenlong chased them around the table for a few rounds. Meanwhile, Shenlong Yuan was laughing as he watched them while Xiao Yi continued to silently root for Callum and Ghost.     

"Stop running!" yelled Old Master Shenlong as he stopped at the opposite side of Callum and Ghost.     

Callum sneered, "If you calm down and promise that you won't hit me, then I won't run!"     

Old Master Shenlong slammed the cane down on the table angrily, breaking it in half. All the plates and dishes fell onto the ground causing a cacophony of deafening loud sound.     

The sound caused all the managers to rush in. Even some of the guests peeked into the private room out of curiosity.     

The old man continued to snap angrily as he tapped his cane on the floor, "Oh, I'm not only going to hit you, but I'm going to break your leg! It's been too long since I last teach you a lesson, isn't it, Shenlong Xun?! Just because you have Du XiAn protecting you, you think that I can't do anything to you?"     

Sensing how mad his grandfather was, Callum cursed, "F*ck!"     

He could not hit his grandfather, but it would be hard to defend himself and Ghost at the same time. So, he used the next best strategy: Run!     

He quickly pulled Ghost out of the private room they were in. They barraged their way through the crowd that had formed outside the room.     

They could hear Old Master Shenlong ordering Shenlong Yuan to catch them, but both of them grinned at each other before they ran out of the restaurant and into Ghost's car.     

As they sped away from there, Callum asked, "I thought you're not interested?"     

"I don't like the idea of my man touching another woman…" said Ghost. He looked at the rearview mirror and saw that no one was following them before sighing in relief.     

"Are you jealous?" asked Callum. His eyes were shining at the idea of Ghost being jealous.     

"No. I just don't like people touching what is mine."     

"You just said - I'm pretty sure that's the definition of jealous," murmured Callum as he raised an eyebrow at him.     

Ghost gave him a quick glare before turning back to the road and said, "No. It's called being possessive. Read more books, you idiot."     

In a very soft voice, Callum murmured, "No, that's called 'you are totally in love with me'."     

Ghost did not say anything but when Callum was not watching, he smiled softly.     

"You keep calling me your wife… I'll show you who is the wife here…" thought Ghost as he maintained a straight face. He was a little annoyed when he saw Callum serving that woman. As much as he wanted to stay in the background and watch them, a big part of him refused to.     

While Ghost was driving, Callum suddenly asked, "Where are we going next?"     

"Du Mansion... That's the safest place..."     

"Are you staying over?" asked Callum as he looked at Ghost's face. He had expected Ghost to shook his head or tell him to f*ck off.     

So, when Ghost nodded and said, "Mhmm..", Callum was overjoyed.     

"My room?"     

Ghost did not reply him, but Callum did not press on either. As long as Ghost was near him, he was a happy man.     

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