Be My Strength

Keep calling her name!

Keep calling her name!

0DX had been working remotely ever since Kai Xin fell unconscious. After that second cardiac arrest where Kai Xin's heart stopped beating for 3 minutes, Kai Xin was placed in ICU for a few weeks to observe her conditions.     

For some unknown reason, she continued to remain in a comatose state. However, there were no more attacks after that.     

Once the doctor was absolutely sure that her body was completely fine, they transferred her to a normal ward.     

DX was afraid that it might happen again and since then, he had never gone home. Even after Jack was discharged, DX still remained at the hospital with his wife. He was worried that Kai Xin would be scared if she did not see him when she finally woke up. She had always had an aversion to hospital, so he wanted to make her feel better by being there with her.     

Even if she was asleep... Even if she did not know anything about it... He just wanted to be there for her.     

Every day, when the twins came for a visit, they would bring him fresh clothes to change into. Once they spent some time in Kai Xin's ward, they would go to visit Little Monkey. Every day, without fail, that was their schedule.     

Today was the same as well. The twins went to play with their sister after visiting their mother and DX had promised them that he would be right there after he finished up with his work.     

DX had delegated most of his task at the company to Callum who took over the role of the company's president temporarily. With Han Ye helping him out, and Phantom helping out at Callum's own company, so far, there had been no major issue.     

As for DX, even though he delegated most of the work, he was still responsible for most of the major projects and for this kind of matter, he would try to work from inside the ward.     

DX felt slightly dizzy and he quickly replied to an email before he closed the laptop. Leaning back against the couch, he massaged his temples.     

The past three months had been like a living hell for him. He could barely sleep, and he barely had any proper rest. If not for his family members who forced him to eat and drink, he would be thin as a stick by now.     

Back then, he used to wonder how Han Ye could spend years pining for a woman who would never wake up. Now, he knew why.     

However, he knew that their situation here was a little different. Wu Yue Xue was officially declared brain dead while Kai Xin had just fallen into a comatose state. The former could not survive without machines while Kai Xin could breathe by herself.     

Thus, DX was sure that Kai Xin would wake up some day. Then again, even if Kai Xin had no chance of even waking up, DX would never let her go.     

Dr. Phillip was worried about DX. He had told DX to brace himself for the possibility that she might not wake up for years, but DX refused to accept that. He knew that Kai Xin would not want to miss out on the growth of Little Monkey. That was why he kept delaying giving his daughter a name... He wanted to do it with Kai Xin.     

He never stopped believing that she would wake up soon.     

When his mother finally arrived in Paris 3 months back and saw the news about the incident at the twins' school, she gave him a call. She was shocked when DX told her that after some complications, Kai Xin had given birth.     

Even though DX told her to enjoy her trip, she refused. She immediately canceled her trip and flew back. She liked this daughter-in-law of hers and she wanted to make sure that Kai Xin got everything she needed.     

After it was confirmed that Kai Xin had slipped into a comatose state, Old Madam Du did not say anything when DX refused to go home. Instead, she moved back into the Du Mansion to look after the things there.     

As for Little Monkey's formal name, Old Madam Du did not pester DX at first because she knew that he was in a stressful time. However, after two months, she felt that it was inappropriate to keep delaying the decision on Little Monkey's name.     

Even An Qi Yan agreed with her. She tried to comfort DX by saying that Kai Xin would not blame him if he were to name their daughter without her. However, DX was adamant to wait.     

A week ago, out of frustration, Old Madam Du had asked as she pointed at Kai Xin, "What if she never wakes up?"     

"Then Little Monkey will just be Little Monkey!" snapped DX. His mind was set and there was nothing else anyone could do about it. He was absolutely confident that Kai Xin would wake up.     

Now, as DX glanced at Kai Xin who was still sleeping on the bed, he noticed that she was frowning about something. He stepped up and went towards her. Placing a kiss on her forehead, he whispered, "I'm here..."     

Kai Xin continued to frown and DX thought that she was about to wake up. However, he stopped himself from pressing the alarm.     

The past few weeks, there were signs of movement from Kai Xin but she never actually woke up. When DX asked about it, Dr. Phillip told him that it was common for a comatose person to have generalized responses where their limbs would move for no reason.     

DX thought that this time it was the same as well, so he stopped himself.     

Just as he was about to leave to visit his baby daughter, he heard a voice, "Nnng… N-No..."     

He froze for a second before he slowly turned to look at her. Kai Xin's eyes were closed but her eyes were moving under her eyelids. There were tears flowing down from the corner of her eyes and her lips were trembling as if she was trying to say something.     

He also saw that her fingers were moving as well. It was not just a twitch. It was like she was scratching the bedsheets and it looked as if she was trying -     


DX immediately grabbed her hand. He quickly pressed the button to call the nurse before he looked back at her.     

As he cupped her cheek with his hand, he said loudly, "Kara, wake up… It's me, Du XiAn! Your husband! Your DX!"     

After three months, there was finally something that showed that she was about to wake up for real!     

He could hear people running in but he did not turn around to talk to them. He could see that Kai Xin was doing her best. She wanted to wake up!     

"Kara! Wake up!" said DX as he squeezed her hand tightly.     

The nurses checked on the monitors. They could see her blood pressure moving up slightly and they helped DX to wake her up by calling out her name. Dr. Phillip who was doing his rounds came over the moment he got the message from his one of his nurses.     

Kai Xin, who was still trapped in her own consciousness, could hear DX's voice clearly now. She was scared as she could not see anything. At first, his voice was soft as if it was coming from far away. However, it was getting louder and louder.     

She tried to open her eyes but her eyelids felt so heavy. It seemed as if it weighed a ton!     

"Keep calling her name!" snapped Dr. Phillip. He took a wet towel from the basin next to Kai Xin's bed and gently wiped her hand     

DX nodded. He leaned close to her ear as he whispered, "Kara, it's me. Open up your eyes! Don't you want to see Little Monkey? I haven't given her a name yet. Everyone is waiting for you… Stop sleeping anymore… Please…"     

He squeezed her hand again as he said the word "please".     

"Nggnnn…" Kai Xin made a noise as if she was trying to communicate with him.     

"Good, Kai Xin. Can you hear me? This is Dr. Phillip. It's time to wake up now!"     

"Kara! Listen to me! No more sleeping!" snapped DX.     

Kai Xin heard the stern tone clearly now. In her mind, she was thinking, "DX!"     

She tried her best to open her eyes. When she finally found the strength to open up her eyes, the first thing she saw was a blurry feature of a man in front of her. She wanted to blink and when she closed her eyes again, she heard DX calling out, "N-No! Don't! Don't close your eyes!"     

Kai Xin slowly opened her eyes again and this time, she could see clearly. The first person she saw was DX. His face was only a few inches away from her and in his eyes, there were happy tears. With a wide smile on his face, he looked at her as if he could not believe that she was awake.     

Kai Xin blinked a couple of times slowly as she stared at him. She noticed that he seemed a little different… as if he was really, really tired…     

"Y-You're awake!" said DX. He laughed as he wiped his tears away, "You're finally awake!"     

Kai Xin wanted to say something but her throat felt dry for some reason.     


Dr. Phillip immediately handed DX a small cup of water as he said, "Slowly…"     

DX helped Kai Xin to sit up slowly. Once she was in an upright position, he placed the cup of water against her lips. With a gentle voice, he said, "Slowly…"     

She did not say anything but merely drank the water sip by sip. Once she felt better, she glanced around the room. Surprised by the strange faces around her, she asked, "Where am I?"     

She was not asking anyone in particular, but Dr. Phillip took charge and answered her, "You're at the hospital, Kai Xin… Do you remember what happened to you?"     

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