Be My Strength

Do whatever you have to

Do whatever you have to

0While they were in the chopper, the medic immediately checked on Kai Xin's vitals. Once the medic declared that there was nothing out of the ordinary, DX sighed in relief. At that moment, they had to go to the hospital as soon as possible.     

"Do him…" muttered Kai Xin towards the medic.     

When the medic glanced at DX, the latter took off his shirt to show him the bullet wound. He was still bleeding heavily. The medic immediately took a good look at the wound.     

DX winced slightly when the medic poked at his wound and said, "It went through cleanly and there doesn't appear to have any fragments left behind. I'll give you something to stop the bleeding for now, but when you're at the hospital, get someone to check it out thoroughly."     

The medic then went through her medical bag and took out some medicines for DX.     

"Where's Lyle?" asked Kai Xin at the moment as she stared at the wall of the chopper while she tried to breath. There was a sharp pain going down her spine that was making her uncomfortable.     

"Han Ye sent him to Imperial Hospital earlier," explained DX as he patted her knee. He did not think that it was safe for Lyle to be with him, so he told Lyle to get himself checked out and that he would meet him at the hospital later.     

Once DX took the medicines, the medic started to clean up his wound and bandaged up the area.     

While the medic was working on him, DX noticed the Kai Xin's breathing was getting shallower. Her eyes were not in focus and she was clenching her teeth.     

"How are you feeling? Is it too painful?" asked DX. He reached out with his left hand but she pushed him away.     

Kai Xin gulped and shook her head. She was sweating heavily again. In fact, her face was pale and she looked as if she was in a lot of pain when she bent over and cried out, "Pain… It hurts… So bad…"     

She groaned out loud when another wave of pain hit. It felt as if the pain had intensified by a hundred times suddenly.     

DX glanced down and that was when he saw the blood that was flowing down from her.     

"F*ck! Check her!" said DX as he stopped the medic from finishing her job of bandaging the wound.     

The medic pressed on Kai Xin's belly softly and after a while, she frowned as she murmured, "Something is wrong… The baby is moving too much..."     

She then yelled at the pilot, "We need to get there ASAP!"     


When they arrived at the helicopter pad on top of Imperial Hospital, two gurneys were ready. Dr. Phillip and his colleagues had been waiting for their arrival the moment they received the call.     

When Dr. Phillip saw DX carrying Kai Xin out from the chopper, he noticed the blood that was dripping on the floor. He immediately ordered the nurse to push the gurney forward.     

"What happened?" asked Dr. Phillip as they rushed to the operating theatre that he had prepared beforehand. The other two of his colleagues who were the best neurosurgeons in the country remained behind as they waited for the other chopper to arrive.     

"Stress-induced labor… Heavy bleeding… For some reason, the baby moves a lot earlier but since 5 minutes ago, she stopped moving, possibly…" said the medic as she jogged next to moving gurney. She did not finish her words because when she glanced at DX, he had a darkened expression on his face as if he was daring her to finish her words.     

When they entered into the operating theatre, Dr. Phillip stopped DX and told him to remain outside.     

"She's my wife!"     

"You won't like the scene!"     

DX grabbed Dr. Phillip's collars and lifted him up as he snarled, "SHE IS MY WIFE!"     

Dr. Phillip sighed, "Fine! But you have to go and change your clothes. Clean yourself up first. I don't need you bringing your germs into the room!"     

DX released him and he immediately went off with a nurse to do as what he was told. When he returned 10 minutes later, he burst straight into the operating theatre. He had changed into a set of clean clothes and put on a blue scrubs. Despite the nurse fussing over his wound, he merely asked her to bandage it up for now so that he would not die from bleeding too much.     

Kai Xin was screaming her lungs out as Dr. Phillip asked her to hold from pushing. He was pressing her stomach to check for the baby's position while his nurses finished connecting the machines to the mother and baby.     

"ARGGGH!!!" Kai Xin gritted down. The pain was almost unbearable and the nurse next to her kept wiping her forehead to cool her down.     

DX immediately went towards her and held her hands as he whispered encouraging words to her, "You can do it! Kara, you're the best!"     

Despite her pain, she grinned at him, "She's difficult… like you…"     

He smiled, "Just a little bit more and we can see her…"     

"WAIT! DON'T PUSH!" Dr. Phillip said after a nurse whispered in his ears. He and his colleagues, also doctors, looked at the fetal heart rate monitor before they turned their eyes on the graph that the nurse handed to them.     

He talked to his colleagues for a few seconds before turning to DX and Kai Xin.     

DX looked at him and asked, "What's wrong?"     

Suddenly, Dr. Phillip said, "We need to have an emergency C-section. My colleague here would be giving Kai Xin regional anesthesia to numb her lower body."     

He had expected that this might happen when he heard what the medic said early. Thus, he had arranged for an anesthesiologist in the room with him.     


Dr. Phillip looked at DX and Kai Xin, who was already severely weakened by now. He then looked away and said, "The baby is breech…"     

Little Monkey was almost fully turned during the last scan. It was probably due to the stress that Kai Xin felt earlier which affected the position of Little Monkey. The movement that the medic felt earlier was probably from the baby moving too quickly.     

Dr. Phillip continued with a softer tone, "...and she is showing signs of distress. We don't have time to waste..."     

Little Monkey was fine earlier but she was having some oxygen deprivation issue and it was bad.     

"Do it… Help my baby…" said Kai Xin with a horrified look. She knew what Dr. Phillip was talking about. Something was wrong with Little Monkey. Except for the few minutes on the chopper, she barely felt Little Monkey's movement since earlier at the forest and the look on Dr. Phillip's face was barely reassuring.     

"I have to warn you first. Apart from the scarring, there might be some swelling and infection might occur..." said Dr. Phillip. As per the hospital protocol, he had to warn his patients about the complications that might occur during and after surgery. He wanted to quickly inform them about everything.     

However, Kai Xin shook her head. With her eyes closed as she tried to find the strength to speak, she interrupted him, "Do whatever you have to..."     

She did not care about the scarring from the C-section or those possible complications. At the moment, she just wanted her baby to be safe and sound.     

DX agreed with her. With his hand interlinked with hers, he said, "Do it."     

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