Be My Strength

Do you recognize my voice?

Do you recognize my voice?

0As DX stood at the side of the room with his lifeless baby daughter held tenderly in his arms, he tried to ignore the fact that his wife's life was in danger.     

He was not a doctor and he could not do anything for her. He could only trust Dr. Phillip and his colleagues with it.     

Right now, he had to do his best to wake Little Monkey up.     

He held Little Monkey close to his heart and asked in a soft voice, "Little Monkey, did you hear that? That's daddy's heartbeat… Isn't it nice? Your mummy likes to listen to it… She likes to lay on my chest and sleep to it. I think you'd like it as well… If you're good, I'll let you sleep on my chest as well..."     

"...Little Monkey, do you recognize my voice? Mummy and I used to talk to you almost everyday… I've built a nursery for you as well… Your brothers, Lyle and Jack, helped a lot… Jack painted the most beautiful mural just for you and Lyle helped as well… And you have this amazing crib that your mummy and I designed for you… Your grandmothers… They love you so much, they kept buying new clothes for you… You'd have new clothes to wear every day for the next few years…"     

He kept telling her everything while he placed his palms on her tiny body. While he talked, he slowly massaged her little chest so that it would warm her up. He had no idea if it would work but he hoped that her lungs would start to kick in.     

After a while, DX held onto Little Monkey's hand. It was so small and fragile that DX was afraid to even exert any strength at all.     

He tried not to cry but he could not help it. The tears slowly rolled from the corner of his eyes and down his face as he said, "Little Monkey, please wake up soon… Daddy has been waiting for you for so long… Mummy as well… She's fighting for her life now… You've to be like her… Fight for your life…"     

At a corner of the operating theatre, Zi Han stood there quietly as he watched. He felt helpless but this was his fate.     

By right, he should have left this world a long time ago but he could not. He wanted to see his mother.     

When he saw that his little sister was born lifeless, he sighed sadly. If a ghost could cry, he would have cried.     

There was nothing he could do, but at the very least, he knew that her soul was still in her body. It was weak but it was there.     

Zi Han walked over to DX and Little Monkey. No one could see him anyway.     

With his right hand, he touched Little Monkey's cheek. Obviously, he could not really touch her. He just let his hand hovered slightly at her cheek.     

As he brushed his sister's cheek with the back of his knuckles, even though no one could hear him, he still whispered, "Little Monkey, be good… Stay with your daddy… Don't come to me yet... "     

He looked up at DX who was crying quietly and sighed softly. Zi Han kissed his little sister's cheek and whispered, "Time to wake up… Don't be stubborn anymore…"     

DX could not stop his tears. He had never cried this way before, not even when he was a young boy. The tears just flow down his cheeks as he kept talking to Little Monkey.     

He held her tiny hand and placed it on her little chest as he kept saying softly, "Please, honey… Stay with Daddy and Mummy… We need you here…"     

He brought Little Monkey up and kissed her forehead. He then kissed her nose before whispering, "I love you…"     

Suddenly, he felt a light scratch in the inside of his hand that was holding Little Monkey's hand.     

It was so faint that he thought he had imagined that. However, when he opened his hand, he saw that Little Monkey's fingers were moving slightly.     

He quickly wiped off his tears and with a gentle smile, he asked softly, "Little Monkey, are you awake now? Do you want to see me and your Mummy?"     

Little Monkey's eyes twitched and her fingers moved slightly. He could see her legs moving as well.     

Even though it hurt him to do so, he lightly pinched Little Monkey's butt to give her a push.     

When she felt the slight stingy feeling, Little Monkey opened her mouth slightly. She gasped softly before she started crying. It was a soft cry at first. So soft that DX could barely hear her.     

However, a few seconds later, she was crying out loud. It was still weaker than the cries of a full term baby but it was better than nothing.     

DX smiled widely and hugged Little Monkey closer to his chest as he said, "Thank you! Thank you! I love you!"     

The doctors and nurses stopped moving for a second when they heard Little Monkey crying her lungs out. Some of the nurses who were from the OBGYN department started crying.     

After Dr. Phillip handed a lifeless Little Monkey to DX, they had almost given up on her.     

All of them could only pray for a miracle.     

So, when they heard her weak cry, they were overcome with joy.     

However, they had no time to waste. Dr. Phillip asked some of the nurses to take care of Little Monkey while he and the other doctors continued to work on Kai Xin.     

Kai Xin's heart rate had returned and she was breathing, albeit weaker than what they would like.     

After he placed another kiss on Little Monkey's forehead, DX reluctantly handed his daughter over to a nurse.     

He watched as the nurse took Little Monkey aside to clean her up before they placed her into the incubator that they had prepared beforehand.     

After a while, he turned to look at Kai Xin, who was still unconscious.     

As he looked at the doctors who were trying to stabilize her condition, he thought, "Kara… Our daughter is here now… She's safe… You must be strong as well… Don't give up now…"     

Meanwhile, Zi Han glanced at his mother with a serious expression as he thought, "Who are you going to choose?"     


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