Be My Strength

Wife, I'm hungry

Wife, I'm hungry

0By the time they arrived home, it was already quite late at night. Kai An and Naomi Nakamura were sleeping in each other's arms on the couch.     

When he heard the footsteps, Kai An woke up. He gently placed Naomi Nakamura down on the couch before walking over to his sister and brother-in-law.     

"What happened? Are you alright?" asked Kai An in concern as he placed a hand on her sister's belly. His voice was soft so as to not wake Naomi Nakamura.     

Even though DX texted them in the afternoon to tell them that Kai Xin was fine, they were still worried about her. Especially when DX told them not to visit her at the hospital.     

That was why they had been waiting in the living room instead of going back to their own rooms.     

When he felt a slight movement underneath his palm, Kai An sighed in relief before looking up at his sister with uncertainty in his eyes.     

Kai Xin understood that he was worried about her. Hence, she did not make fun of him for being overprotective.     

For the first few days after she told him about the ordeal she went through, Kai An had been walking on eggshells.     

Among other things, he was ashamed of his own outburst. He kept avoiding her eyes and spent most of his time either at work or in Naomi Nakamura's room.     

In the end, Kai Xin had to get DX to drag him out. She had told him that it was alright for him to be upset and angry about it. Anyone who cared for their siblings would have acted similarly.     

In a hushed tone, she said, "Sorry if I scared you. It was just indigestion."     

"Are you sure? You looked pretty awful last night."     

"The doctor did a check up on her. Don't worry about it. Why don't you bring Ms. Nakamura back to her room? Let her get a good sleep. You should sleep as well," said DX. His arm had never left Kai Xin's waist the whole time.     

Seeing that DX was not worried about it, Kai An nodded. He knew that if there was anything wrong with his sister, there was no way that DX would be so calm.     

He bid them goodnight before heading over to the couch. With one swoop, Naomi Nakamura was safely in his arms. She murmured something as she clutched onto his shirt.     

Kai An nodded at the other two before he sent Naomi Nakamura back to her own room.     

After they left, Kai Xin and DX went to the kitchen. She sat by the countertop while he cooked something light for them to eat.     

As she watched him moved expertly around the kitchen, Kai Xin sighed contently, "You have a gorgeous body, you cook, you clean, and you earn a ton of money for me to spend. Man, I bet every woman in the world would be jealous of me right now…"     

He placed the plate of fried rice in front of her and kissed the top of her head before saying, "I think they would be more jealous about what I can do to you in bed than anything else."     

Kai Xin laughed, "I knew I shouldn't have praised you."     

He smiled as he sat down next to her with his own plate of fried rice. Even though it was a simple plate of fried rice, both of them enjoyed it as they continued to chat with each other.     

After all, all the luxury in the world could not be compared to a single plate of fried rice made by someone who loved you wholeheartedly.     

Once they were done eating, DX placed the plates in the sink. He then took Kai Xin back into the bedroom and made her take a quick shower to wash off the smell of the hospital.     

When he was taking his shower, Kai Xin went to check on the twins. DX told her that he had told Kai An to keep it a secret and so, the twins knew nothing about the 'incident'.     

Saved for the nightlights that were on top of the boy's bed, the room was completely dark.     

Lyle was sleeping with a manga next to him. She chuckled as she took the manga away and tucked him in properly.     

"He's still a boy after all…" thought Kai Xin as she placed the manga back on the shelves. Lyle might be reading at the high school level but he was still a boy who also liked to watch animes and read mangas.     

She then went to Jack's side of the bed to check on him. As she sat down on his bed, she looked at him carefully. He was sleeping with a hand tucked underneath his head.     

"Who said you don't look like your dad...The way you sleep is exactly like him," murmured Kai Xin before she bent down to kiss him on the forehead. She had hoped to get more time with him but with the baby coming, it would be hard for her to get alone time with him.     

"He'd accept you sooner or later…" came a voice.     

Kai Xin smiled. Without turning, she knew that it was DX. True enough, as she tucked Jack in, DX came and hugged her from the back. He smelled fresh and clean, and she definitely felt a little hard bump coming from him.     

Turning over, she whispered, "Why are you here? I'd be back shortly."     

"My pregnant wife who is prone to mischief is gone when I turned my back. Of course, I have to come and look for her."     

"You overprotective oaf. I'm at home. What kind of trouble can I cause here?"     

He smiled, "Yeah, you're home."     

She had to cover her mouth with her hands to prevent herself from yelling out loud when he suddenly carried her up in his arms.     

"Wife, I'm hungry…" whispered DX as he kissed her throat. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck for support. With great strides, he quickly brought her back to their bedroom.     

After they left, Jack sat up and murmured, "Those two really need to learn to keep their dirty minds out of the kid's bedroom."     

Lyle sat up as well and asked, "What are you thinking?"     

They were actually reading earlier and when they heard the footsteps, they immediately pretended to sleep in case it was their father.     

"I don't know. It's hard for me to call her Mummy." Jack admitted before he laid down on his bed with his hands tucked beneath his head.     

Lyle did the same thing before saying, "You don't have to do the same thing that I did. I don't think that she'd mind."     

After they closed their eyes, Jack asked softly, "Lyle...If we are in danger, who would you choose? Her or me?"     

"Don't be silly," murmured Lyle before he turned away from his brother.     


Lyle sighed. Just when Jack thought that Lyle would not answer, the latter said, "You. You, my idiotic twin. You. It has always been you. Now go to sleep."     

When he heard his brother's answer, Jack went to sleep with a smile. As long as Lyle was with him, he could care less about anything else. After a while, Lyle glanced back at him before shaking his head at Jack's childishness.     

"What is he going to do when I get a girlfriend…" thought Lyle before he fell asleep.     

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