Be My Strength

Not literally of course

Not literally of course

0When they were about to head to the lift, they bumped into Song Qiao who was talking to one of the accountants. She was still wearing a cast and had to rely on a wheelchair to move around.     

Kai Xin knew that Song Qiao was still working there because DX told her that it was important to maintain an appearance until he could find a legit reason to fire her. If he was to fire her after what happened last time, the directors would not just stand by and do nothing.     

DX squeezed Kai Xin's hand to reassure her before talking to Song Qiao about a work-related issue. Once they were done, Song Qiao turned to smile at Kai Xin as she asked, "Ms. Zhen, how are you lately? I'm sorry if the accident causes any inconveniences for you."     

"Two can play at this game," thought Kai Xin as she smiled back. Looking at Song Qiao's legs, she said, "Well, I'm sure the accident is more inconvenient for you than it is for me. Isn't it a shame that there is no silver lining behind your accident?"     

Song Qiao gripped the side of her wheelchair as she tried her best to maintain her smile. She had no idea that DX knew about her misdeeds and so, she wanted to maintain an angelic appearance in front of him.     

"Yeah, unfortunately," gritted Song Qiao.     

"Have you eaten, Qiao Qiao?" asked DX.     

Song Qiao looked at him. She thought he was about to ask her out for lunch and even though she ate something earlier, she immediately shook her head and said, "Unfortunately, no. I've been busy with work."     

DX frowned. No matter what, he would not want her to starve under his watch.     

At the same time, Han Ye arrived in the lift. When he saw his assistant, he called him over and said, "Han Ye, you'd accompany Qiao Qiao to lunch. Go anywhere that she wants. It'll be on me."     

Before Song Qiao could say anything, DX turned to Kai Xin. Holding her hand high, he smiled warmly at her as he said, "Let's go."     

As they walked away, Song Qiao noticed the engagement rings on their hands and to prevent herself from saying anything, she bit down on her lower lip so hard that she bled.     

"Ms. Song, what would you like to eat?" asked Han Ye.     

"Nothing!" snapped Song Qiao before she wheeled herself back to her own office.     

As he watched her wheeling away, Han Ye thought, "It's dumb of you to continue to be stubborn. Why can't you see that you have no chance at all?"     


While they were eating in a high-end Chinese restaurant, Kai Xin laughed softly when she recalled Song Qiao's face earlier. Slapping DX's thigh, she said, "I can't believe you played a trick on her!"     

Without any remorse, DX replied, "Well, I'm still angry at her for putting you in the spotlight."     

Since she was craving for crabs, he had ordered a few dishes that were based on crabs. She watched as he removed the shells and teased, "You are getting better at serving me, President Du."     

Leaning over, he placed a kiss on her cheek before saying, "I think there's something wrong with our power dynamic here."     

"Nope, I think everything is just fine as it is," said Kai Xin with a smile. While he removed the shells for her, she placed some dishes on a plate next to his bowl of rice. After a while, she stopped him by saying, "That's enough crab meat. I don't want to get too fat."     

"You're not fat."     

"With the way you've been feeding me lately, I would be really fat soon," said Kai Xin. Whenever they had to time to eat together, he would pile food on her plates to the point of it becoming a bet among Callum and Kai An.     

Not only did those jerks bet on whether DX would place a mountain of food on her plate or bowl, but they also bet on how much weight she would gain by the end of the pregnancy.     

While they ate, they discussed their day and Kai Xin suddenly remembered the conversation that she had with Mrs. Smith about An Xin.     

"DX, have you been mean to An Xin lately?"     

"I don't know what you are talking about."     

She placed her chopsticks down and leaned back against her chair as she raised an eyebrow at him. He chuckled and placed his chopsticks down as well before saying, "Alright, fine. I might have been a little mean to your sister."     

Upon hearing him admitting to the truth, Kai Xin frowned, "Why? DX, I don't want you to do anything to her. Even if she's a spoiled brat, she's just that. Spoiled. She's not evil."     

DX shrugged, "I want to beat the princess-y behavior out of her. Not literally of course."     


He smiled and picked up his chopsticks so that he could pick up a piece of crab meat. Placing it neatly on her bowl of rice, he reassured her, "Don't worry. It's not to seek revenge for you or anything. I'm not that mean. It's just that An Xin...I noticed that she has some leadership potential and I want to groom her into taking over the position of the Head of Management one day."     

Kai Xin frowned, "What?"     

He waited until she started to eat again before explaining, "I've been observing her work lately and even though she was not as careful or observant as you, the quality of her work is quite good. With some training, she would be able to lead the management team. The only problem with her is her attitude..."     

Picking up his chopsticks, he added, "...I don't want her to rely on the connection between us. If she intends to stay longer with us, she has to grow up and toughen up. I can't have my employees go around crying to their daddies everytime they meet a minor setback. Anyway, don't worry too much about it. For you, I'd try to hold back."     

Kai Xin sighed in relief when she heard his real reason for making her cry. She had never hated her sister. If anything, she just thought of her to be like a harmless annoying insect.     

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