Be My Strength

Feel free to lick it all you want

Feel free to lick it all you want

0While he was in a half asleep state, Ghost patted around the bed sleepily as he looked for something. He frowned when he felt something flat and hard like a surface. However, he could not be bothered to open his eyes.     

He was randomly grabbing around for the stuffed Golden Retriever that Kai Xin gave him when he moved his hand lower. When he grabbed a soft and somewhat squishy item, he frowned.     

"Do I have anything squishy on my bed?" thought Ghost.     

It felt nothing like a stuffed toy or a pillow, and when he squeezed it, he heard a hiss followed by a deep man's voice, "I think you are moving a little too fast there, little Guang Ying..."     

Ghost froze and he immediately opened his eyes. Staring back at him was a pair of brown eyes and a mischievous grin that looked like they had a lot of things to say.     

He glanced down and when he noticed what he was squeezing earlier, he immediately released it before turning his body around.     

Unfortunately, he was sleeping too close to the edge earlier and when he turned around in panic, he fell onto the floor while he dragged the comforter along with him.     

Callum crawled to the other side of the bed and peeked over before saying, "Did you panic when you saw such a handsome face right next to you? If you act properly, this could be..."     

He pointed to his face before continuing, "...yours for the rest of your life..."     

"F*ck off! What the hell are you doing in my bed?! Why are you still in my house!" snapped Ghost before he threw a pillow that he dragged down with him towards Callum.     

Callum ducked it easily before laughing at him. He pulled the stuffed Golden Retriever that he was using as a pillow earlier and asked, "This little thing is quite cute. What's his name?"     

"Gimme that!" said Ghost annoyingly before he lunged for the stuffed toy.     

Callum managed to dodge him. With a grin, he sat on Ghost before saying, "If you say please, I would give it back to you willingly..."     

"Get off me, you idiot!" snapped Ghost as he tried to push himself up.     

However, Callum weighed more than he looked and he was barely able to push halfway before he fell flat on his face again.     

Callum laughed and slapped Ghost's butt before saying, "Be a good boy, and say please..."     

"F*CK OFF!"     

He tried to turn around violently to throw Callum off of him but his tactic failed as Callum had expected it from him.     

"GET OFF ME! DOUGLASS!" yelled Ghost as he continued to struggle against Callum.     

When Callum refused to budge, he tried to yell for his butler again, "DOU-"     

However, he soon found a hand clamped tightly over his mouth before Callum breathed an air of hot breath on his ear.     

Ghost shivered and if he could speak, he would have yelled a bunch of obscenities at the man on top of him.     

"Be good, don't shout. Call me Xun Xun and let me know the doggy's name," said Callum with a grin before he slapped Ghost's b*utt with his other hand.     

He totally enjoyed teasing the man pinned underneath him.     

Annoyed, Ghost licked Callum's palm which caused the latter to pull it back slightly.     

However, before Ghost could yell out again, Callum quickly clamped his hand back over his mouth.     

"You took me by surprise! But it's not going to work again...Feel free to lick it all you want..." said Callum. He then leaned closer and whispered to his ear, "If you want, I have a better place for you to lick..."     

Ghost turned red at the lewd suggestion and he used all his strength to pull Callum's hand that was covering his mouth lower before biting into it.     

"Arh!!!" groaned Callum as he watched Ghost bit down on his hand.     

However, he showed no inclination to pull his hand away. Instead, he merely watched as Ghost released his frustration.     

When Ghost tasted blood, he glared at Callum who was looking at him with smoldering eyes.     

He immediately spat Callum's hand out and wiped his tongue with the sheets before snapping, "Don't you know how to stop me?!"     

Callum rolled off Ghost and laid down next to him. As he rubbed his bleeding hand, he asked, "Do you feel better now?"     

He was right. Ghost felt better. Callum's shenanigans took his mind off of his mother's death temporarily.     

Ignoring him, Ghost got off the bed and kept a safe distance between them before asking, "What are you doing here?"     

Sitting up, Callum shrugged, "I thought of asking you out for a dinner tonight. There's an ice hockey match downtown and I thought it would be fun if we can go. Both teams are filled with bloodthirsty players so it's gonna be awesome!"     

"Don't you have other friends?"     

"None of them are as interesting as you. Come on! Let's go. It's my treat!"     

"No, thanks. I'm not interested," said Ghost. He went into his closet and came back out with a small first-aid kit. Throwing it at Callum, he said, "Fix your hand up and go home."     

Callum took the first-aid kit and rolled it around his hands before saying, "Why don't you fix it up? You bit me!"     

"You deserved it!"     

"Still...You bit me first!" murmured Callum and he passed the first-aid kid to Ghost.     

With a sigh, Ghost grabbed the kit. He took a bottle of water from the mini-fridge next to his bed and used it to clean off the blood before he applied the ointment on the bite marks on Callum's hand.     

Once he was done putting on the bandaid, he said gruffly, "Leave now."     

"Come on. Come with me to the show. If you are not interested, we can do something else," pleaded Callum before he winked at Ghost.     

As he pinched his glabella, the latter murmured, "Mr. Shenlong...I'm not interested in man..."     

Callum smirked and pointed out, "You don't seem that disinterested when you felt me up earlier."     

"That was an accident!" snapped Ghost. He was frustrated with how Callum refused to give up.     

"If you don't come with me, I'm going to tell your grandfather how you molest me," said Callum sadly as he slowly walked closer towards Ghost.     

"I didn't do it..." growled Ghost as he narrowed his eyes at Callum.     

Callum shrugged unrepentantly as he said, "What's your grandfather going to think? Anyway, you should've seen him earlier when I said I'm here to be friends with you. Can't you think for the poor man? All he wanted was to see his grandson doing normal things instead of staying in his room and m*sturbate everyday."     

"I did not m*sturbate everyday!"     

Folding his arms, Callum nodded seriously, "Obviously not. Seeing how you were feeling me up earlier, I can tell..."     

When he heard Callum's words, Ghost face-palmed himself. He had known that Callum could be difficult but he was a lot more difficult to handle than he thought.     

"FINE! Get out of my room now! I want to change and I feel safer without you here!" snapped Ghost.     

He was not about to change in front of a guy who looked like he would jump him at the first opportunity!     

After he got the answer he wanted, Callum walked out of the room smugly. Meanwhile, Ghost felt as if 10 years of his life was sapped away by the short conversation with Callum.     

Other than his servants, Phantom, and Kai Xin, he rarely dealt with any other humans face-to-face. If all of them behaved in such a ridiculous manner, he was glad for his lack of interactions with the rest of the human race.     

However, when he thought back to the conversation with Callum, a little grin formed on his face despite him trying his best to will it down.     

"How did I get entangle with that idiot?" thought Ghost wryly before he went into the closet to find something to wear.     

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