Be My Strength

You can call me Mr Zhen

You can call me Mr Zhen

0After a while, he nodded reluctantly.     

He had never thought of her as weak but after last night, all he wanted to do was to bring her home and protect her from anyone or anything that might harm her.     

Burying his face at the nape of her neck, he whispered,     

"I love you..."     

"I love you too..."     

"I'm still sending you to your door."     

Kai Xin chuckled and pushed him away gently, "Fine...I have something to give you later."     

He looked at her curiously but she pretended not to notice by removing her wig.     

To avoid any questions from her mum, she changed back into her own clothes before they entered into the building complex.     

When the two of them entered the house, they heard Kai An talking to someone.     

She immediately stopped DX and told him to wait for a while.     

She heard Kai An saying, "Man, you surprised me! I almost couldn't recognize you now that you are buff!"     

A familiar voice replied, "I'm not that buff! Please don't make this weird!"     

Kai Xin turned to DX and made him put on the mask before whispering to him,     

"It's Ki Hong."     

"What is he doing here?" asked DX gruffly.     

"He's probably here for a visit."     

Having heard the door closing, Kai An expected to see Kai Xin walking in. When she did not, he walked over and said,     

"Oh! What are you guys doing over there? Come on in! By the way, Xin. Mum said she went out to meet her friend and told me to remind you to take out the trash....oh, and we have a special guest.'     

Once he was done talking, he turned and went back to the living room.     

Kai Xin looked at DX and in a hushed tone, she warned him, "Don't mention anything. They are in the dark about this."     

DX frowned. If her family did not know anything, it meant that she had never gotten any help!     

He reached out and grabbed her arm. However, he misjudged his strength and as a result, she winced from the pain.     

"Du XiAn! That hurts!"     

DX immediately released his grip on her, "Tell me the truth. Have you gotten any help at all since then?"     

She thought of Layla's methods and nodded, "It's unconventional, but I received some help."     

From the living room, Kai An yelled, "Kai Xin! Why are you so slow?"     

She yelled back, "Coming!"     

She motioned for him to be quiet and led him to the living room.     

When DX saw Ki Hong sitting crosslegged at the couch in T-shirt and shorts, he frowned.     

He knew that they were classmates but he did not realize that they were this close!     

Ki Hong waved at Kai Xin and said excitedly, "Kai Xin! I heard you are sick so I brought you some snacks!"     

She went over to check on the package and when she saw the contents, she shrieked, "Mochi!!!"     

"Yeah, you used to beg me to bring you mochis whenever you were sick. But..." Ki Hong glanced at the unknown man wearing a mask behind her, "Who is this?"     

"Ah," Kai Xin replied with a mouth full of mochi, "Mwa boyphreind."     


Kai An answered for her, "Her boyfriend. Meet-"     

DX interrupted Kai An by introducing himself as, "Xiao An."     

Ki Hong frowned as he watched the man sat down next to Kai Xin. "Why are you wearing a mask?"     

"He's sick," answered Kai An as he attempted to steal a mochi from his sister. His attempt was futile as she grabbed the entire pack and placed it on DX for him to guard.     

With a sigh, he looked at DX and asked, "It has been so many days. Have you been to a doctor?"     

DX nodded, "The mask is for precaution."     

"By the way, since Xin is busy getting fat over there, I will introduce you to our guest. This is Ki Hong. He is one of our childhood friends."     

DX nodded at Ki Hong. He slipped his hand behind Kai Xin and pulled her towards him. Kai Xin was too busy nibbling at the mochi to pay any attention to him.     

Ki Hong frowned when he saw the movement. As a man, he knew that DX was trying to warn him to stay away. However, he had no intention to do so.     

"Xiao An...I think it's better for me to refer to you by your surname since you appear to be so much OLDER than me."     

The two of them stared at each other with murderous intent and Kai An could have sworn that he saw fire sparks between them.     

"Shit..." cursed Kai An silently as he glanced at his sister nervously. However, she was too busy snacking to pay any attention to anyone.     

"You can call me Mr. Zhen," said DX with a glare.     

Ki Hong scoffed, "So you are going to marry into the Zhen Family. Not very manly is it?"     

"I don't care about customs. If she wants me to marry into her family, then so be it."     

Oblivious to those two, Kai Xin suddenly stood up. She looked at DX and said excitedly, "Wait here. I'll get something for you. Don't let Kai An touch my food!"     

She then ran off before Kai An can stop her.     

When she returned 15 minutes later, Ki Hong and DX were both half naked while Kai An was facepalming himself every 5 seconds.     

"What the hell happened here?"     

"Xin! Don't ever leave me alone with the two of them!" begged Kai An.     

Those two suddenly declared a 'manly' competition which consisted of them taking off their shirt and flexing their muscles.     

"Zhen Kai Xin! Tell the truth! Who has better muscle!" asked Ki Hong as he proudly flexed his biceps.     

"Do you even need to ask?" Kai Xin rolled her eyes at him and went to DX. She patted his rock hard abs and proudly declared, "Of course my man here has better stuff."     

Ki Hong glared at her and mumbled, "Traitor..."     

Ignoring him, Kai Xin gave DX a sealed envelope. "Give this to Lyle later."     

He nodded before putting back his sweater. When he was done, he kissed her on the lips while he taunted Ki Hong with his eyes.     

No words were needed. His eyes said it all, "She's mine."     

Before Ki Hong can say anything to him, DX said, "I'm going back now, Kara. Don't eat too many mochis or you might get indigestion."     

She nodded, "I'll send you out."     

Once DX left, Kai Xin went back to the living room.     

While she was randomly changing the channels on the TV, she asked, "What are you doing at my house? And where did you get the address?"     

"You didn't come to the office so I called your firm and they told me that you took sick leave. As for your address, I got it from An Xin."     

She glanced at him curiously, "She told you?"     

He shrugged, "I told her that I want to surprise Kai An."     

"That makes more sense. I'm not sick by the way. I just played hooky."     

Ki Hong decided not to play around and he asked directly, "Is that really your boyfriend?"     


Kai An who was snacking watched the words spoken between those two and he wondered how dense his sister could be to not know about Ki Hong's feelings towards her.     

He actually felt bad for the poor guy. Unlike Kai Xin, he knew that Ki Hong had been in love with her since they were young.     

Ki Hong sighed and mumbled, "It's not fair. I met you first."     

Without turning her eyes away from the TV, Kai Xin asked,"What's not fair?"     

He pouted at her indifference towards him and grunted, "Nothing."     


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