Be My Strength

I'm taken

I'm taken

0While Kai Xin was on the way to her meeting, her lover was dealing with some internal war back in the office.     

The moment he stepped into the office, he had to face his mother and Director Xiong.     

Before they managed to get a word in, he said, "We will talk in my office."     

Without waiting for their reply, he walked past them and entered into his office. Once everyone was inside, Han Ye closed the door behind him.     

DX opened up one of the files that were stacked on his desk and as he flipped through them, he motioned for them to start.     

When nobody said anything, Han Ye interpreted, "President Du said you can start talking."     

Facing the expressionless man, Director Xiong asked impatiently, "President Du, what is the meaning of this? How could you fire John without any notice?"     

As if he was dealing with a nobody, DX did not even glance up as he replied, "I don't think I need to give any notice to someone like him."     

Director Xiong slammed the table, "What do you mean? He's my people!"     

Old Madam Du reprimanded her son from the couch where she was sitting, "XiAn, no matter what, Director Xiong was your father's friend and he had contributed a lot to the company. How can you fire someone he brought in without any reasons?"     

DX glanced at his mother, then he turned to Director Xiong and asked, "You want reasons?"     


While he was signing the documents in front of him, DX calmly informed them about what had happened with the female staffs who left abruptly.     

Old Madam Du covered her mouth in horror, "Oh no! Those poor girls!"     

Turning to Director Xiong, she scolded him, "Director Xiong, how can you bring someone like him into our company?"     

Director Xiong shook his head as he exclaimed, "I-I didn't know!"     

He turned to DX and frowned, "Do you have any proof?"     

"No," replied DX calmly.     

Han Ye looked at him knowingly. With his temper, there was no way he would use the strongest evidence they had in their hands.     

After all, the future Madam President was naked in the video.     

When Han Ye suggested for them to pixelate the video, DX had glared at him as if he had suggested the most atrocious and evil idea.     

Han Ye swore that he saw lightning behind his boss when he voiced his suggestion.     

Director Xiong turned red in anger when he heard DX's reply.     

"If you don't have any evidence, how could you say that it's John who did it? Anyone could have done it to frame him!"     

On behalf of DX, Han Ye answered, "Because President Du said so."     

"Who are you to speak here? You are just a secretary! Get out!"     

DX glared at Director Xiong and with a low threatening voice, he said, "Han Ye is much more valuable to the company than you. If it's not because of your relationship with my father, I would have oust you from your seat."     

Director Xiong sputtered in anger, "Du XiAn!"     

He had watched the kid grew up. When President Du Jin passed away, he thought he would be able to manipulate and control the company through his inexperienced son.     

However, Du XiAn had spoiled his plans over and over again.     

Turning to Old Madam Du, he demanded for John to be reinstated.     

"Director Xiong..." said Old Madam Du calmly as she flipped through one of the finance magazines in the room, "...I'm just a weak old lady here. My son is the one you should turn to."     

Director Xiong was shocked by her response. Old Madam Du had never said no to him before.     

"Director Xiong, if I were you, I'd be more worried about my own position than fret over someone else," warned DX as he passed another file to Han Ye.     

Director Xiong snarled, "Are you threatening me?"     

Leaning back into his chair, DX crossed his legs and in a bored look, he replied, "This is not a threat, UNCLE Xiong. This is a warning."     

Director Xiong trembled in anger, "Du XiAn, be careful of lightning when you walk around."[1]     

He went out of the office and slammed the door shut behind him.     

"Oh my..." sighed Old Madam Du as she watched the man stomped back to his office.     

She turned back to the magazine and said, "You should have given him some face. After all, he is your elder."     

"Well, you should have help him then."     

She placed the magazine aside and said, "I never like him anyway."     

"Why are you here today?"     

"I've found you a new Head of Accounts."     

Passing another file to Han Ye, he asked, "Who?"     

"Director Song's daughter."     

DX finally stopped moving. He looked up at his mother before sighing, "Mother...Not again..."     

"She's a good girl! You would like her!"     

He declared, "I'm taken."     

"I'd not accept that man as my daughter in law! Who knows where he pops up from?!"     

"Well, I accept K as my one and only. That's all you need to know."     

"Du XiAn!"     

"Old Madam Du!"     

They both started pinching their glabella at the same time. Han Ye smiled when he saw them.     

Obviously, President Du took after his mother.     

"Fine. Play around with him if you want, but at the end of the day, you still need a wife and your kids need a mother."     

"I'd marry K."     

"Absurd!" snapped Old Madam Du. She glared at her son and said, "Your sons are bullied at school because of you! How could you do this to them?"     

"They are my heirs. If they cannot handle a schoolyard bully, how can I expect them to take over the company?"     

"Du XiAn! Do you really want my blood vessel to burst!"     

In her anger, she stood up too quickly and fell back onto the couch.     

DX rushed towards her and asked in concern, "Mum! Are you alright? Han Ye, call the doctor!"     

Pushing her son away, Old Madam Du glared at him, "I'd never accept a man as your partner!"     

"Fine!" snapped DX. With a heavy sigh, he sat down on the couch.     

After a moment of hesitation, he asked with a dejected look, "If I get a woman, are you going to object as well?"     

"As long as your partner is a woman, I'd never object!"     

DX sighed and nodded, "What ever you say, Mum... I'd find a woman to be my wife."     

Old Madam Du smiled brightly and patted her son on the back, "Now that's better. I'm meeting Qiao Qiao for dinner. Join us when you are off work."     

After she left, Han Ye watched DX walked back to his seat and continued working as if nothing had happened.     

Glancing at the door to make sure that no one was listening, he whispered, "President Du, I can't believe you just tricked Old Madam Du."     

With his attention back on his files, DX said nonchalantly, "I didn't tricked her. I merely prepared her for the truth."     

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