Mark of the destiny

Is that your signal? Is that a yes?

Is that your signal? Is that a yes?

0In the middle of the ocean, moonlight brought a comforting beauty to the night. It was beautiful, yet gloomy. Suyin slide down at the deck and hugged her knees as if comforting herself. She was alone.      

She takes out a photograph from the inner pocket of her coat; gently caressed it with her fingers. "My fairy. I love you. Miss you." The photograph was half folded backwards, she unfolded it, revealing the other half with Wang Shi in it. Her lips trembled....     

"I hate you.... I will forever hate you. Don't think your sins any less just because you were helpless and desperate to save Honey. Nothing can justify your actions. Nothing." she folded the picture back to cover Wang Shi's, only looking at Honey's. She lied down on the cold deck, facing the sky, and did her favourite thing-- talking to the one above.     

"You saw everything. Didn't you?" She asked, hugging Honey's photo. "Do you think Wang Shi had told the truth, and Honey found my message? Does my fairy still loves me? Is he missing me?" a shooting star passed, she coaxed her head, "Is that your signal? Is that a yes?" Only the black sky stared back. She chuckled, "You enjoying doing this a lot, right? Toying with people's life, playing with their emotions. Having fun doing that?"     

Her mind started playing the sequence of the events as she self talked looking at the moon....     

Things turned wrong the day Wu Sean came to visit Suyin in the office.      

On her walk to the office she bumped into Joseph Shu. The intern. He was walking with his eyes glued to the phone. It flipped the contents of her handbag, scattering it all over.      

"Sorry sorry. M really sorry. Very sorry, mam," Poor intern. He started collecting her things from every nook and corner. Even the flap of her car's key had split. While fixing it, he noticed a tiny device hidden inside it.     

"It's alright." Suyin was about to leave when he pointed at the keys. Before she could question him, he gestured with a finger on his lips. She frowned. He typed something on his phone and passed it to her.     

[Beware. There's a bug in the car's key.]     

It shocked Suyin. The key remains with her always. Since the day she had purchased the car she had never lent it to anyone. Not even James. So how could someone get its hands on it and manage to fix a bug inside it? She drives Audi; opening the fob to fix a bug requires an expert.     

It was then she recalled that a night before she went to the club and was drunk. A perfect opportunity to fix a bug.      

Wu Sean!      

Of course, it had to be him. His sudden appearance didn't go down well with her.     

If Sean can fix the bug, so can Suyin. She did exactly that and asked the intern if he could do it for her. Since he had recognised the bug instantly, Suyin was sure he was not new to this stuff. He said yes.      

Suyin gave her whatever cash was in her wallet and went to meet the man sitting in her office. The meeting was horrible, and Sean again brought up the topic of Wang Shi. She hated him at that moment, wanting to hold him by the collar and shook his organs out. Bastard. Why did he put bug in her bag?      

She can't.     

It's best not to startle the snake if you have plans to roast and eat it.     

After the meeting she put everything on hold temporarily to see what was in the pen-drive. The details of victims slaughtered by Gilbert and a photograph hid between hundreds of folders.      

The photograph.     

Wang Shi's photograph.     

Anger. It's only the anger that could define her mental state. She wanted to do everything bad to the man in the picture. But....      

Joseph came to Suyin's office knocking and showed her a message on his phone, [Done. The bug is working now. This device will help you hear his conversation, and I have attached it to a recorder to help you.]     

She didn't ask how he managed to do it at such a short notice, these youngsters have many tricks up their sleeves. And surely over time her interns had understood their teacher was technologically challenged. A gratitude and an assurance that he won't end up in trouble was enough for him. But she'd remember him forever.      

Suyin accepted the device of a size of an old cassette of 90s and pinned her handsfree to it while walking for the conference room. Her office was not safe. Their's a bug in her handbag. Joseph explained Suyin the device's working and soon after left to join other interns.     

Suyin concentrated on hearing what Sean was talking....     

Soon after Sean had left the social service headquarters when he received a call from his father, [It's Alpha. I'm putting you on speaker.]      

Alpha? Never heard of this name before, neither the voice was familiar. Least Suyin knew her action of getting to know the reason behind Wu Sean's action would lead her to something more deep and scary.     

Alpha, [She didn't believe when you accused Wang Shi.] It was a statement rather a question.     

[But she did flinch. It's working.]     

[I knew it. Unless she confirms something by herself she won't believe anyone.] Alpha laughed, the sound of church bells and train whistle echoed in the background. Soon it was followed by a song in an unfamiliar language, the sound of drum rolling, and trumpet as if a parade was passing. The sound was muffled within a few seconds. [Follow her tonight. She has something on her that will lead her to the truth.]     

There was a momentary silence, [The entire truth?]     

[Just about the mysterious man who stole the heart. For the rest, I'm sure she won't disappoint us.]     

[But Wang Shi--]     

[Aren't you asking too many questions? Just do the work?]     

Beep beep beep*     

Sean, [Hello, hello? F*ck you Bastard. Who doe you think you are?]     

*to be continued     



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