Mark of the destiny

no one calls her ducky other than me and dad

no one calls her ducky other than me and dad

0Back to Present,     

In Wang Shi's office, the atmosphere was tense. Since the time they had got the news Suyin had left the country, the father-son duo was behaving as if sitting over hot pan. Wang Shi was pacing across the room, making several calls, while Honey was sitting beside Xiu Mei, eating her brain to fix Zz's portal so that he could get more information.     

Daiyu on the other hand was working with his team, scanning all the exit points of the country, going through passenger details. It was already known Suyin had not used her passport but a fake identity or some other means to cross country.     

Wang Shi walked out to make an urgent call which he can't do it in front of Honey. Jianyu followed sensing something off. Surprisingly, the call lasted barely a minute.     

"What happened?" Jianyu asked.     

"Got an earful from Suyin's mom. They know about it."     

"She refused to tell you about Suyin's whereabouts?"     

"No. She said I don't have any right to question that and should stop asking for her daughter. Everything is over between us." Wang Shi looked towards his office, "I don't want to back in. Every time Honey looks up at my face hoping for good news make me feel how much of a failure I am."     

"Hey, c'mon. don't cry on me, okay? I'm terrible at consoling." Wang Shi smiled, "Keep that smile, big brother. Honey needs it. And trust my Wifey, no one can beat her in her game."     

"And no one can beat Suyin in her game. She's a master of disguise. If she doesn't want anyone to find her, she'll make sure that happens."     

"In that case, we both got scary women as partners."      

"You got yours, my fate is--"     

"You will get her. I have full faith in Honey. Wanna bet, he's ready with his plans already?" Jianyu extended his hand, Wang Shi slapped it away.     

"Not funny, Jianyu. We still don't know where Suyin is. And why did she ask Honey to stay with me and not step out? She even stressed about it. Do you think she found something?"     

"It seems so. Judging by how she used a secured way to communicate with Honey and warned him repeatedly, I'm sure she found something. Don't worry, I have added my security to yours. No one can breach that. What about that Wu Sean?" Jianyu asked.     

"My sources have confirmed, he's searching for her as well. And coincidently he met her in the office the day everything happened. I'm telling you, that man is up to no good. That day in the club--" Wang Shi looked as Junjie and Chen Wenwei stepped out of the elevator and were walking towards them. They had someone accompanying them. The boy looked hell nervous. "Who is he?"     

"One of Sister Suyin's intern." Prosecutor Chen Wenwei said, steering Joseph ahead, "Now you believe I was not asking about Suyin because of some ulterior motive but we really have something important. Do you want me to introduce them?"     

Joseph scooted away, feeling scrunched between these high-profile people who had the power to eliminate him and his family with a lift of a finger. "I don't know what you are talking about. I'm just an intern." Though shivering, he spoke without stuttering. There's no way he'd betray his teacher.     

Wang Shi looked questionably at Wenwei. "Junjie called me to ask if I have seen anything that day." Wenwei and Suyin had their offices side by side. "The last I saw this young man gesturing something to Suyin, and she gave him money. Initially, I ignored, but he behaved off and ran out of the office, ignoring the protocols." She turned to Joseph, "Look, we are not Suyin's enemies, you can trust us. So please, if you know anything, tell us."     

"Madam had asked me to buy her a--" Joseph thought about it, "--a book. That's it. She promised me a bonus point. Happy? Now can I go?"      

"Stay right here." Junjie steered him back.     

Wang Shi, "I appreciate you are being loyal to your teacher. But she's missing and might be in a danger. So if you know something, please tell me." Wang Shi folded his hands. "It's a request. Please tell me."     

Joseph stepped back. The man folding hands in front of him was no less than a king. His head dropped, "Don't do this, sir. Nothing can make me betray my teacher. Not even the president's son."     

"You are dead meat," Wenwei charged herself to break some teeth.     

Junjie, "Hey hey, what's get into you?"     

"Don't ask me. Ask that Wu Sean and his idiot VP father who are creating a problem for everyone. I got a file from Suyin's room. They are cutting down on the funds of ministry. I'm pissed off. Suyin behaved weird after her meeting with Sean, and now this punk is not telling anything."     

"DAD, YOU GOTTA SEE THIS." Honey poked his head and ran back in, bringing everyone to follow him.     

Junjie threw Joseph on the couch, "Sit,"     

Honey, "Who's he?"     

Junjie, "The one who knows something about your ducky, but not telling us."     

Honey folded his sleeves, "Firstly, no one calls her ducky other than me and dad. Secondly, I can fix this guy." Wang Shi pressed at his shoulder, glaring. "Hehe....maybe some other time."     

"Mei, what did you find?"     

"Before leaving the country, Suyin transferred a huge chunk of money from Zz's account to another."     

"It was my idea," Honey added. He was all smile, "The most important thing to survive is money. So I suggested it. I had the details of Zz's account as well and gave it to Ma-ma."     

Wang Shi, "You had her account details as well? Wait a minute-- you used her card to buy all those useless virtual currencies of video games? No doubt you jumped several levels ahead of me. Cheater."     

Everyone, "...."     

Joseph, "Who is Zz? Can I please leave?"     

Everyone in sync, "SHUT UP."     

"Mei, where is Suyin?" Jianyu looked at the computer screen, "I will make arrangements. We will go there together."     

"Um, for that she has to withdraw money from this new account. Only then I can locate her." Xiu Mei said, "And if you want to know it ASAP, maybe he could help by telling whatever he knows."     

Joseph held the cushion protectively as every head in the room turned towards him.      


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