Mark of the destiny

Don't answer

Don't answer

0Standing by the couch, Wang Shi braced himself when he saw Suyin walking in through the door. He glanced at the watch. Eleven O'clock. Quite late. His restlessness only increased when neither she greet him nor she asks about his day, and just stared at him from a distance.     

The silence was worse.     

His gaze moved down. She was holding the asylum pass where Zena was kept. Kicking his anxiety at another level.     

"Hey, I-"     

"Have you eaten dinner?"      

The question surprised Wang Shi, "Yes. And you?"     


Both lied.     

She walked to the couch. "Sit down. This is going to be a long talk. And difficul-est." He just can't guess anything by her neutral tone. However, it was the first time she didn't ask him to sit with her but pointed at the one across.      

Wang Shi poured her a glass of water and placed it on the table between them. His eyes looking into her, giving her every bit of his attention. He wanted to hear her first. Take her accusations. Take her anger. Take everything....     

"I will be direct to you, "Suyin took a deep breath, recalling everything she had discovered evidence of which lies in her purse. She takes out the locket picture and placed it in front.     

"For the last three days I'm battling with a thought why Zena had the same locket. No matter how much I tried I couldn't convince myself that it's a coincidence. It's not. And when Xiu Mei told me about the purpose of the locket, my apprehensions worsened. I'm concluding Zena is related to the same organ traffickers group as Evan."     

"Zena is Honey's birth mother, and Honey has a donor heart within him. I'm very happy my fairy got a new life, but--" she picked the glass of water, and nursed it within her palms as if needing to hold on to something. "Thinking about some possibilities, I went through past dates. Coincidentally, we lost our babies just a week apart. Does this mean Honey got the heart in the same month? Can you tell me what date it was when you did Honey's surgery?"     

Wang Shi's lips quivered.....     

"Don't answer." Suyin stopped him, it's cruel of her to ask a father such a question. "Getting a donor heart is very difficult. Almost impossible. Did Zena help you with it?" She looked up, and before Wang Shi could say a word, he heard her say, "Don't answer."     


"The only person from where I can get answers was Zena. But only you knew her whereabouts. Coincidently, this morning I got her address from Daiyu's office. I know it's not a coincidence, you did it. I must have spoken something last night, didn't I?" Once more she didn't let him speak, "Don't answer."      

She takes out a pen-drive, "I got this from Gilbert's body. Daiyu cracked the password for me. It has the medical details of some people. The people from whom he had harvested organs. The people who are no more alive. And the people from he was about to harvest organs. Among the piles of folders, and folders among them, I found--" she forwards a print of a picture, shocking Wang Shi to the core.      

It was him.      

Dressed under scrubs with a mask on, he was getting on the helicopter over Ace Hospital. He was pushing an OCS heart system, also called 'heart in a box', used to transport a heart for transplants.     

"this--" Suyin said, a tear rolled down from her eyes. There was a tiny heart inside the transparent box. She knew from whom it was stolen. "OCS heart system is an extremely expensive system compared to the conventional cold storage. Five years back, it was only your hospital that was using this system. Right?"     

He looked into her eyes, tears streaming down in his own. Wish he could embrace her in his arms and give her favorite tight hugs.      

"Don't answer." She said. "I can recognize you in the crowd of millions even by my eyes closed. This man-- though he's wearing a mask, it's you. Isn't it?"     

Their eyes met, he was silent.     

The glass in Suyin's hand cracked. "Suyin," he bolted up.     

She raised her bloody palm, "Don't answer. In the morning you said you trust me and will ask me directly if you have any questions. Trust is two ways~ my belief, and trust in you dates ten years back when I was one of the selected students to learn under you at the age of eighteen. It was the blind trust in the young doctor who became my never-ending inspiration and crush. That trust is so rooted that despite all this evidence, my heart still wants to hear everything from you. Maybe that's why my feet turned back before I could step into Zena's ward."     

Ten years of inspiration and crush!     

Ten years!!!!     

How naïve he was to think if she trusts him. His trust was just a drop of water in the ocean in front of hers. He realized in a flash what he was going to loose next.     

It's not only the love of his life but the woman who literally loves him blindly for the last ten years.      

"I'm here to get the answers to my questions. I want you to answer them because I believe you. Tell me, does Honey have my baby's heart? Are you the one I'm looking for? Are you the doctor who harvested it? Are you the rich and powerful buyer who paid a hundred million dollars? DID YOU KILLED MY BABY?" Her angry eyes are the pain untold. She was the storm tonight. "ANSWER ME."     

Wang Shi plopped down to his knees at her feet.     



It was the slap hard enough to whip his head to the right. Her palm stung with pain.      



"You are the most disgusting creature I have ever seen in my life. You don't even deserve to be called a human. Just how shameless you are to kill my baby, and pretended to look for the killers. How dumb I was to believe you are selfless, caring, loving, and a good person. Right now, more than hating you I'm hating myself for being with the killer of my baby. You---" her nose wrinkled, "-- You are even worse than my ex. At least he was bad on my face, but you-- you are a living example of a backstabber. Lier. Betrayer. and....sigh, even the words aren't enough."     

Infuriated, Heartbroken. She doesn't want to breathe in the same air as the man responsible for her son's death. She grabbed her handbag.     

"Suyin, Suyin, please listen to me once," He caught her by the arm before she could leave the office.      



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