Mark of the destiny

Perfect man

Perfect man

0That night Qi Wren wrote his end with his own hands by awakening the devil himself.      

Suyin might appear to be cold from outside, but she's still soft-hearted. On the contrary, Wang Shi appears to be calm and gentle from the outside, but he's no less of a devil if compared to Jianyu and Xion.      

Earlier it was only Honey who could bring this devil out of him. He did. While rescuing him from Zena's hand Wang Shi annihilated her entire family overnight. And tonight it was Qi Wren's turn for he dares to disgrace devil's woman.     

Seeing this side of Wang Shi Suyin doesn't know if she should be scared or feel touched. She always knew Wang Shi was powerful and wealthy, but now she got to know his real capability and ruthlessness. It was nowhere near her imagination.     

To date the man was just holding himself for her sake, letting her play with everyone at her own pace. But not anymore.....     

Overnight he combined all his forces to destroy Qi Wren and anyone associated with him. Though Wang Shi alone was enough to bring the Qi enterprises down, it would have taken three-four days which definitely was not within the limits of Wang Shi's patience.     

To make it faster, Feng Jianyu and Lu Xion joined hands at Wang Shi's command. It was a one sided battle, where the three powerful forces joined hands to bring Qi Wren, and his two new merged companies- Tang and Hui enterprises down.     

Wang Shi's special team was working alongside Xiu Mei to destroy hard-disks, computers, laptops, memory drives, and everything that could be used to store data. They raided at his offices, properties, house, and everything owned and rented by Qi Wren.     

His warehouses were set on fire, consignments were sealed, ordered were canceled and investors in talks pulled off. If this wouldn't be enough to bring down his company to Zero at the opening of tomorrow's stock market, law enforcements and tax authorities will do the remaining. Daiyu was preparing for days, collecting information on Qi Wren's company's secrets. And the person who had given them most insights was Suyin.     

It was chaos in the business circle that night.     


Two days...     

It took only two days for Wang Shi to eliminate Qi Enterprises and the two merger companies to reduce them to ashes. Suyin was already holding a big chunk of shares that she had been buying in secret; grabbing the opportunity she bought all of the promoters stake just at the cost of pennies.     

Once this would get over, Suyin along with her family will restructure it and slowly bring it to its former glory. Former glory~ and 'original' owners. Her family!      

She was the reason why the company fell into Qi Wren's hands, and today she's the reason why the company was back into Zhao's family.     

But right now, all she cared about was the man who had changed himself for her. She knew what upsets him this much.      

"Shishi...." She walked to him while he was looking at the figures of the stock market on his desktop. He refused to look at her. It's been three days, they had talked. She settled gracefully on his lap, urging him to look at her. "Talk to me. Your silence is killing me."     

Without a word, he reached to brush her soft cheeks with the pad of his thumb. A silent communication crossed.     

"How was your day?"     

"Hectic. My interns are at the leg of their internship so I'm reviewing their final assignments and writing reports." she answered, "How was yours?"     

He nodded.      

"Liar," she accused him, "Daiyu told me you have rescheduled all your surgeries again. Tell me what I can do to make you believe I'm fine?"     

He wrapped his arms around her, and rested his face in her bosoms. She ran her hand in Wang Shi's hair, hearing him humming in comfort. "It was not your fault. Though you asked me to meet him; eventually it was my decision. Stop holding yourself responsible."     

"No. You relived that horrible moment because of me. I'm such a failure." he'd never forget her face when Qi Wren showed her that photo. Wang Shi had seen that picture too, and the young Suyin in it. "No man has the right to treat a woman like this."     

"Hey, look at me..." She forced his face up, "You didn't make me relieve that moment, but helped me come out of it. You have no idea how much you have helped me in healing. And how much you have made me believe in giving myself a second chance. I can literally talk to you about anything. You made every man appear as if they are just a paper puppet that will melt with the first rain."     

"You were always there for me every time I chased my past obsessively. On every step, you walked beside me, and supported me without expecting anything in return. You let me see your true heart. You let me in your life. You made me laugh. You made me a mother by sharing Honey with me. If you really want to blame yourself for something, then blame for all this. Just look at yourself from my eyes, and you will see..... you are the most perfect man."     

(What is Suyin's father's name as a painter?)     

She kissed his parted lips, and then slipped her tongue inside, pouring her feelings and emotions in that slow and gentle kiss. She pulled back, "So much perfect, that I-- Zhao Suyin-- couldn't help-- but feel my heart melt - for this-- perfect man."     

She kissed him on the forehead, "so much perfect, that you managed to break through my stony heart and fix himself in it." she kissed his left cheek, "So much perfect, that even the God won't be able to shake his position." slowly she kissed his nose, "So much perfect, that he brought another adorable human with him in my life, and I can't help but feel blessed."     

Suddenly Wang shi's defenses were just chocolate melted by Suyin's warmth. Before she could draw in much needed breath, the man hugged her with all his might. She can feel his body shaking, tears soaking her dress. Unknown to her, there were many things that bothered him at the moment and he was using the tears to release the tension.     

He had heard about Dr. Colton's deadline from Lu Xion. The time was slowly approaching and his investigation was just not giving any results.     

He knew the more she comes closer to him, the more it will hurt later. But he was helpless.... He was the moth attracted to the flame and was willing to give up his life just to kiss the flame.      

She chuckled, "Awww...."      

He looked up, frowning, "Don't tease."     

She wiped his cheeks with her soft fingers, bringing relief to their hearts. "Please blow your nose, you are snouting all over me,"     

"Hey, shut up. That's not that."      

"And Earth is square."     

"SUYIN!" He felt a vibration against his waist, "Is this your phone or mine? Wait, mine is at the table, it's yours."     

"Duh, what perfect timing to spoil this moment," she muttered and fished her phone out. It was Assistant Long calling. "Hello,"     

"Mrs. Qi is looking for a meeting with you. She's making a fuss in the office." Suyin could clearly hear a loud voice of a woman yelling in the background. No need to guess who it was.      

"Give her the phone,"     

"SUYIN YOU BITCH. Where is my husband?"      

Suyin eyes Wang Shi and he looked anywhere but Suyin. He's yet to tell what he had done with the man. But guess, the man was in no mood to tell.      

"Did you check in hell? He's booked for there."     

"YOU-- I know everything is happening because of you and your boyfriend. Just tell me where is Wren and I promise not to contact the police."     

"Good idea. Call police now. But don't forget to tell them about the six women who vanished after sleeping with your husband. Oh wait! I should do the honors. Let me ask them to check lake Fuxian in case they find any clue there."     


"Time is over. Six days have gone. You better ask your mother to confess everything, and I might consider letting you and your husband go."     

"H-How..." the Chouming who was yelling a moment ago, the words couldn't come out of her mouth now. "How can I believe you?"     

"Do you have a choice?"     

Doot Doot Doot     

"He--?? Hello?? hello?? Suyin??"     

Suyin hung up and concentrated back on Wang Shi. She noticed his questionable gaze, "Please don't ask me how I know about it? I'm keeping an eye on them much before you."      

Wang Shi, "Then do you have any idea about Gilbert?"     

"Gilbert? Why?"     

"He's acting mysterious for a few days. My men are following him, and they saw a man entering his villa after which he had increased his security. And suddenly he has become a lot cautious of his surroundings and been commuting in a convoy." He played the video on his laptop. "That's the man. And btw, there are no signs of his daughter. No one has seen her for a few days now."     

Suyin watched the video intently. Suddenly something clicked her mind, and she rewinds it; pausing on a scene where the man jumped off the wall and his locket popped out. She zoomed at the locket upon finding it familiar.     

These intricate designs....     

Wang Shi, "What's wrong?"     

"I don't know... I think I've seen the design on this locket somewhere...." frowning she bit her nails, "Where? Where? I've seen it somewhere."     

"Maybe it's just a common locket. These types of things are available everywhere."     

She shrugged, "Maybe. Maybe not. Duh, I won't be able to sit peacefully unless I recall it."     


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