Mark of the destiny

The man sealed his lips with hers

The man sealed his lips with hers

0"How many?"     

"Twenty. Ten in each box."     

 The right side of Suyin's handsome face tugged up to a sinister smirk. Yeah, calling her beautiful wouldn't be the right word when she was dressed like that. With that look, she could give competition to any male actor in the industry. Long nose, sharp jaw, unapproachable cold blue eyes, and the classy trilby hat in black added an unparalleled charm to her personality.      

No one could guess there was a woman under that burgundy suit. Even the man standing with her took a double look, yet he couldn't convince himself he's really talking to Zhao Suyin.     

Suyin reached to grab the two coin size glass containers, but the man closed his fist before she could take it. Suyin slapped at his fist, "Stop it Dex, I already showed you my ID. Stop looking at me with those suspicious eyes. I AM ZHAO SUYIN. If it's the color of my eyes that's bothering you, they are lenses."     

"Now I understood why women love makeup so much. It's magic! Damn, why my wife doesn't use it?"      

"Ask her," She said and snatched the glass containers away. All this while her eyes kept returning to the showroom on the first floor where Tang Sui had walked in. "I don't have this much cash at the moment, so I'll--"     

"Please. This is the first time you have asked me for something. Let me help you. Besides, I have many of this. But be careful. It's dangerous." He said. Suyin once saved helped him save his wife from the clutches of flesh traders. His wife was kidnapped, and the only person who went out of the way to help him was Zhao Suyin.     

"Ok. Thank you for arranging this at such a brief notice. I'll get going."      

He wanted to ask if she needs any help, but she was gone already.     


Suyin walked into the luxurious store where Tang Sui was checking the latest collection while two salespersons followed her, holding a pile of selected clothes. They had an awful expression on their tired faces. Clearly, Tang Sui wouldn't buy all that, she was just enjoying this.     

 In the corner lies a stash of jute bags specially designed to facilitate clients to keep their selected clothes in them, yet only a handful of people use it.     

The scene made Suyin wrinkle her nose. Every human, whether small or big, deserves equal respect. Why must rich people use such petty ways to make themselves look above everyone?      

"Welcome to the store sir, May I help you with something?" A salesperson came up to Suyin and greeted her politely. The poor girl couldn't control her blush from revealing her present state of mind. She lowered her gaze to save herself from awkwardness.      

"Thank you so much. Let's keep the helping part reserved for the fake socialites who dance around the showroom assuming themselves as a proud peacock when in reality they are just suffering from Narcissistic personality disorder." Suyin said loud and clear while picking a jute basket, giving a tough time to the staff who had to suppress their laughter. Tang Sui's paused checking clothes and looked around as everyone tried to hold their laughter.     

Tang Sui knew the comment was directed to her, leaving her fuming in anger. Tang Sui's gaze met with Suyin's. The first thought that crossed her mind was handsome, but when she saw Suyin's smile and her beautiful eyes, she felt a vague sense of familiarity accompanied with foreboding.      

Suyin knew what Tang Sui would do next, and smiled at the pretty salesperson, "You know what? These types of persons are hollow from the inside. They'll show as if they can buy the entire showroom, but eventually walk away giving a lame excuse, 'Nothing caught my attention. It's all boring. Beware.'"     

(What place Suyin met Honey for the first time?)     

And with that, Tang Sui couldn't even walk out of the showroom. Not like she doesn't have money, but right now her financial position doesn't permit her to buy recklessly.      

The salesperson assisting Tang Sui added fire, "Mam, can I get them billed?"     

It took significant efforts for Tang Sui to say yes. Damn! She was just toying around. Out of this pile of clothes, she was about to buy only one piece.      

While Tang Sui was waiting on the couch as the staff processed her bill, Suyin picked a jumpsuit from the kids' section and gave her special card to the sales assistant, "Help me bill this. Add 10% to your tip."     

Ignoring the sales assistant's radiant face, Suyin took a seat on the couch. She knew her presence bothered Tang Sui. Suyin smiled, "Hypnotism is a powerful weapon, I wonder if you could hypnotize these people and convince them to give you everything for free?"     

Tang Sui's head snapped at Suyin. She looked like a pop-eyed toy from those claw machines. Funny.      


"Zhao Zeng, then the man you send to kill Zhao Suyin's baby..... If I'm not wrong, even the money you used just now belongs to the famous racer Zhao Zeng?" Suyin threw another bomb.      

"Mam, your card and bill,"     

"Thank you." without a delay Suyin left the showroom, leaving the dumbfounded Tang Sui who failed to register another salesperson was calling her. On her way, she picked the small bottle of mineral water kept for clients.     

Suyin knew Tang Sui will follow her for sure. She speed dialed Daiyu, "Hack all the CCTV's, and tell me a place which has zero to minimum footfall."     

"Hey YOU-- Listen to me--" Tang Sui called, and Suyin increase the pace bumping into someone while she was fast walking.     

"Sorry," without looking Suyin kept on taking fast steps.     


People's Hospital     

"Suction," Wang Shi asked a fellow doctor assisting him in the surgery. "More, there's too much blood, I can't see the damaged artery." It was an emergency surgery where a glass chandelier fell over a man while he was fixing it. Some glass shards pierced his chest.      

"Dr. Wang, you have a call." Hospital director Li Han barged into the operation room and said while panting heavily. He had a blue mask over his face to prevent contamination.     

"Han, are you out of mind? I'm in the middle of the surgery. You are contaminating my OT."     

"I know. But it's an important call. You should take it."     

"Oh yeah, had I let go of my hand, this man will bleed to death on my table. Just go!" Wang Shi said impatiently, "Clamps. More suction. Hang an O neg."     

"It's from some Mr. X. He said it's related to--"     

"STOP. Hold on!" Wang Shi said and hurried to stop the source of bleeding first. "Dr. Shin, take over for a minute." He then beckoned Li Han, who stretched his hand to the maximum to maintain a distance from Wang Shi yet hold the phone at his ear. "It better be worth it X,"     

X, "Stop Suyin before she does something on impulse. She went after Tang Sui. I'll give you the details later, first stop her. She was furious."     

Wang Shi took a step back, taking in the news. He looked at the patient lying on his table and then pondered over X's words. Neither can he let the man die, nor can he let Suyin be on her own. He knew Suyin's anger reaches at another lever when it comes to her baby.     

"Sir, patient. He's still bleeding. Probably there's another cut." The doctor called.     

Wang Shi put his blood-stained hand inside the patient's chest, feeling around the source of the bleeding. He yanked the other doctor's hand to the source of bleeding, "Hold it tight. Don't let go. Han, call her."     

"I tried. She's not answering." Li Han didn't take Suyin's name. Though the hospital already knows about them, they won't talk until it's official.     

"F*ck", Wang Shi snorted, "Call Honey."     

Li Han didn't delay a second and called Honey. The call was answered within three tones. He put it on speaker. "Dad, I--"     

"Not now. I want you to call Daiyu and see where ducky is."     

Honey sensed Wang Shi's anxious voice, "What happen?"     

"I think ducky is in danger, or either she's up to something. Get her location from Daiyu and ask Lee to take you to her. No matter what, bring her back."     

"On it." Honey hung up and sprinted out at his fastest.      



"You--" Huffing, puffing, Tang Sui placed a hand at her heart after catching up with Suyin in the unoccupied corner of the mall. "Who are you?"     

"Why? Got scared now?" Feeling goosebumps all over, Tang Sui took a step back when the man showed his beautiful yet eerie smile. She followed the man's gaze and noticed he was telling her it's a trap and they were standing at a vacant place. Yet, she believed the man wouldn't dare to hurt her at a place surrounded by CCTV's.     

She crossed her hand. "Who send you?" thought the man's face looked familiar, she couldn't point out exactly where had she seen him.      

"Your end," Suyin said. The way her eyes squinted, it was as if she could burn everything that comes into her sight. Red. Everything was red.      

Tang Sui broke into a fit of laughter, "Gosh, for a second you terrified me. Look, I don't care who you are, or what nonsense you are uttering. All I know is--" she raised her finger, "One, you have nothing to prove. I don't know what was all that. Second, you cannot harm me here. Just wait, I'm sure the mall securities will be here any moment to check on me."     

Tang Sui was just testing the waters. She'd definitely take care of this man and enquire everything, but not here. She had already informed her driver to come up.     

"Oh, are you sure I have done nothing with the CCTV's?" Suyin unsealed the mineral water bottle and took a sip. Swirling the water inside her mouth, she took two slow steps. Just when Tang Sui was lost in thought, Suyin pounced on Tang Sui and squeezed her cheeks to pry open her mouth.     

Before Tang Sui could register anything, 'the man' aka Suyin sealed her lips with Tang Sui's, the water in her mouth pouring into Tang Sui's.     


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