Mark of the destiny



0 While Suyin and Wang Shi were busy sharing a light moment amidst their problems, they had turned the lives of a particular group of individuals upside down.      

Teamwork makes the dream work, and the vision becomes a cakewalk if there is perfect coordination between the members. In Wang Shi and Suyin's case, with their unparallel understanding, and thorough support towards each other, they can achieve any milestone.     

For centuries, the best strategy to eliminate the enemy had been to surround him from all directions, closing all escape routes and kill his resources.     

The truth of Song Kun's and Elder Song's death was ruling the headlines for the past few days. Song Xianxi and Zhao Feiyan had become the laughingstock, and once more Suyin came out clean. People called it their karma that they caused their own son's death.     

What's more, working ahead on her plan Suyin had released the video recording of Song Xianxi and Hui Guozhi talking about Zhao Hede's death, causing the cops to issue an arrest warrant on Hui Guozhi.     

But before they could arrest him, Hui Guozhi had already left the country by the sea route. Unaware, Wang Shi's men were already trailing him.      

"Mom," This was the fifth time Hui Chouming had knocked at the door of her mother's room but got no response from Tang Sui. "I know you are shocked, but please get out of the room if you want to save the company. Dad has already left us in this situation, and if you continue doing this, investors will throw us out," she yelled, but even when the door was not opened she called for servants to get the master key.     

With a click the door opened, Hui Chouming pushed the door open against the screeching sound of objects that littered the floor. She couldn't see even a single piece at its place but on the floor, broken. She tiptoed across the room, avoiding stepping on broken glass.      

What greeted her was Tang Sui's ashen face, lips bleeding and crazily chapped as she occupied a corner of the room, holding a picture. The picture of Zhao Hede and her.     

 "Don't call him dad. He's not." Tang Sui moved as if pushing her body up and plopped on the bed. "That basta*d, he's not your dad. HE'S NOT YOUR DAD."      

Her life felt like a joke to her. She married Hui Guozhi to avenge her lover's death and... and to give father's name to her unborn child.      

Give a father's name to her and Zhao Hede's daughter, Hui Chouming.      

She tricked Hui Guozhi to believe Chouming was his daughter birthed prematurely. Within a few years of birthing Chouming, Tang Sui left Guozhi in the name of serving old ancestors when the latter started asking for another child.      

Forget about producing a child with him, she couldn't even stand his touch. If it was not for his revenge, she'd never have married him at first.     

"Ming, he killed your father.... he's the killer! I will kill that bastard!" Tang Sui sobbed in the arms of her daughter. Behind her, Chouming's fingers curled, she was as furious as her mother. Though Guozhi had loved her, their current lifestyle and her getting married to Qi Wren was all because of her mother.      

Why not? Being the eldest daughter of the family, everything should have been hers only. Including Zhao's property and an outstanding man like Qi Wren but NO! She couldn't even get Zhao's name as in the eyes of society she was an illegitimate child born out of marriage, so how could she expect to get something else?     

If it was not for Tang Sui, she couldn't have managed to snatch everything from Suyin.     

"Mom, listen to me," Chouming forced her mother to look at her, "This is not the time to cry, someone is trying to bring our companies down. We have to stop this before everything ends."     

"Isn't Wren handling things?" Tang Sui asked, "He's also a major shareholder--"     

"No no no.... our ongoing projects have halted because of a shortage of funds." Just now she had checked from the finance department, Guozhi had transferred 95% of funds to his private account before leaving the country. "And no one in the industry is willing to help us. Investors are withdrawing their investments, and even the banks have declined us to lend us money."     

She saw Tang Sui looking around, "Where's my phone? I threw it somewhere.... h-here.... t-there... argh, give me your phone,"     

"No use." Tang Sui paused dialing, "I don't know what's happening, but Tang corps situation is no different. Just now I spoke to uncle and grandfather, and they are struggling to keep the plummeting stock prices stable." Chouming informed.     

"How is this possible?" Tang Sui instantly checked the indices, the numbers seeming scarier. Qi enterprises had been struggling for God knows how long, while Hui Pvt ltd was already dependent on Qi Wren's company, but now.... even the Tang corps was pulled into the mess.      

The unshakable feeling that someone was behind everything otherwise there's isn't a way three powerful companies would start to crumble out of blue within a short time. And for some reason Chouming had a gut feeling it's Suyin.      

"Suyin had taken over Song Xianxi and Zhao Feiyan's companies," Chouming dropped another bomb, "And.... there's a rumor that she had partnered with one of the Top ten companies in Asia. The name is undisclosed. Mom, do you think Suyin is targeting us because of..."     

Before Chouming could finish her sentence, Tang Sui shook her head, "She knows nothing about it."     

"What if she?"     

"It's been five years Chouming! Why would she come after us now? I think she's doing this to avenge her parents and get Zhao's property back. All these years she was accumulating resources to target us together!"     

Hui Chouming was having a hard time to convince herself. Tang Sui noticed Chouming playing with the ring on her finger. "Ok, fine. I'll talk to 'him'. But you go back to Qi Wren and help him handle the business. And don't worry about funds, I have a way to get money."     


While on the other hand, Ling Gilbert was pacing inside his office, racing his brain in the most unhelpful way. The past few days had been a nightmare for him.      

With Zhao Feiyan's arrest, what he dreads most was the evidence against which the latter had been blackmailing him to land into the hands of Suyin. If that happened, they wouldn't think twice before killing him.     


He fast-walked around the oak table to see the message on the laptop. Not message! It was a video call. He gulped down the water kept on the table and dabbed his face and head with a tissue before settling on the chair in his scrubs.      

H imagined himself to appear calm and collected. The person he was about to talk would take a crowbar to open the crack of anxiety and wedge it wide if he sensed anything wrong.     


"We have an order," It was pitch dark on the screen, other than hearing a computerized voice he couldn't see a thing. The person on the other side can. "You have one month."     

"N-now? I mean.... just two weeks back we fulfilled an order--"     

"Any opinions?"      

Gilbert gulped, "N-No.... I was just suggesting--"     

"Looks like you forgot the rules? Or are you hiding something from me?"      

"Nothing," Though a computerized voice, there was definitely a person behind it, making Gilbert feel as if his bones were vibrating in fear. "S-Sorry... A-Alpha. I'll do as you say."     

"What about Ace's ownership? Did you manage to get Gong Li's shares?"     

He could feel the perspiration under his arms, announcing his fear, "That old man is not willing to give up on shares."     

"Useless." The screen went blank without another word. Gilbert shuffled uneasily and noticed his curled fingers were dug so deep into his palm they drew blood. Don't know what this mysterious man was up to?      

He was just collecting himself from the dreadful call, when his phone buzzed. Unprepared, he almost jumped in fear. The name flashing on the screen irritating him.     

"Did Suyin somehow know anything about her child? ANYTHING!" Tang Sui comes straight to the point.     


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