Mark of the destiny

Rebooting my dead system

Rebooting my dead system

0"Shishi, what animosity can one have against a baby that they want him dead? Who do you think can it be?" Suyin asked. Throughout their walk to the car, she had already talked about her conversation with Colton. What she doesn't know was Wang Shi had already thought about it before and ordered an investigation on it.      

Upon not getting a reply she looked sideways, but he opened the car door for her, "Get in,"      

She slid across the seat and adjusted her dress. Her gaze glued to Wang Shi until he settled on the driver's seat and the door was shut. "Are you upset?"     

To her reply, he caressed her cheeks gently and then reached to the glove box. She saw him taking out some photographs, "Zhao's were already destroyed by Qi Wren, and you literally had nothing left that someone will target you. But..... you were carrying his child in your womb. His flesh and blood. The biggest threat to Hui Chouming's future kids."     

"Yes, even I was thinking the same. Maybe it's Chouming," She said and shuffled through the pictures one by one, but to her surprise, it has Tang Sui's pictures too. When was the last she saw her? Argh, she can't even recall. Tang Sui had always lived in seclusion.     

But according to the pictures, Tang Sui was out of seclusion and had taken over her husband's company already. In the pictures, she was seen meeting lawyers in Hui Guozhi's luxurious office.      

The first thought that crossed Suyin's mind was how on earth Wang Shi got these pictures? Does he have his men planted inside Hui pvt. ltd.     

Suyin looked up in question, "What about it? It was expected of Tang Sui to step up in place of her husband. With the damage you and I are doing to their companies, I'm sure she is even planning for a merger. That's why the lawyers--"     

"She's meeting lawyers to transfer her share of Ace to Gilbert. Even Hui Chouming is transferring Qi Wren's share to Gilbert in secret without letting him know." Wang Shi didn't let her finish her sentence. "I got suspicious when Hui Chouming called Tang Sui over forty times the day everything happened. She was holidaying with Qi Wren in the Maldives, why did she call her mother this much time? My team and Xiu Mei had been trailing everyone from the beginning."     

"I think after Feiyan's arrest Gilbert had threatened them to reveal their names to save his ass. And to keep his mouth shut it's the price he had quoted. He even had been pulling strings to get Ace's ownership and is in talks with every small shareholder. His daughter, I forgot her name, she had made multiple attempts to convince Gong Li's father to give his shares but the old man had refused to entertain her."     

"As far Qi Wren is concerned, other than trying to save his sinking business he's not doing anything these days. Which is very good for us! However, the way his wife had been doing everything sneakily, I have a hunch Qi Wren doesn't know-- What happen?"     

He gulped. While speaking non-stop he failed to notice Suyin had been staring at him all this while. He touched his face, "Is there something on my face?"     

"Yeah, let me clean it for you," she takes out her pristine white handkerchief, crossed her seat to reach for his. Wang Shi's breath hooked when she squeezed herself on the little space between the steering wheel and him, settling herself on his lap.      

"S-Suyin," he hit the button and the sun shield on the window began to slide up. They were still at Lu Xion's highly surveillance place.      

Ever so gently, she dusted his cheek with her handkerchief that had her faint fragrance. "You--- You deployed all your resources for this? For me?" her voice was hoarse. There was no need for him to do so much, she didn't even ask, yet here he was.....     

His hands slide to rub her back. "No. I'm a selfish man, and have deployed my resources for myself, for my future, and for the woman who is going to be my wife and the mother of my kids."     

Wife! Kids!     

These words stir something inside her heart. He had those clear eyes that can even convince a rock she's just a human at that. She wonderd what her future would look like if she really becomes his wife. Serene. Beautiful. Happiness.     

She had always reminded herself that family, husband, and kids were not something that everyone could get. But life happens when you have least expected.     

"Wife? Kids? I've not even said 'I love you' to you,"     

"It's just a matter of time. Though I've already read it thousands of times in your eyes."     

She bit her lips, "Stop doing that."     


"Rebooting my dead system. Making me feel love, joy, happiness, and being treasured so strongly it makes me tingle right down to my bones. You are doing all the wicked things to my heart, my body, and my brain!" she said like complaining. How to say her heart had already turned into a mushy mess by this amazing man.     

He kissed her nose, trailing down to kiss her lips. She's just so honest with her feelings and had put it in words so beautifully.      

'I will not let you go from my life, Suyin. Call me cunning, but I will love you this much you could never get over me even if you leave me.'      

Inside his heart he was thankful to Colton for talking to Suyin today. (No, he didn't eavesdrop on their conversation but Suyin told him everything.) It gave him hope that maybe she wouldn't misunderstand him when the time comes.     


"Qiang, no one came to pick you up today?" Little Andrea passed her bag to her parents who had come to pick her from school. Their small action had turned the old depressed Andrea into a chirpy one. And she knows it was all because of Wang Qiang's parents. Especially her mother. "Mom, Dad, can we drop him home?" Gently she held Honey's hand, leaving the little human heavily blushing. Goosebumps broke, it was the first time a girl had held his hand.      

Other than Yuyu and Lan.     

"Hon-- QIANG." Honey pulled his hand as if being electrocuted and looked up at the owner of the voice. Suyin! "Oh no!"      

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