Mark of the destiny



0"Miss. Zhao," Andre's mother called. "At what time can we meet you on Monday?"     

Suyin peeled her eyes away from Honey. His innocent face has stirred her heart once more, but she was really hurt this time. Not because he spoke rudely, but he dares to ignore his health to vent his anger.      

"Mrs. Bing, now that you're aware of the situation, I'll rather ask Dr. He Jeff to guide you from here. I've seen his work myself, he's very good." standing on the side, Dr. He Jeff nodded and gave his card. Suyin walked to the little Andrea, and Honey towed along, cautiously holding on to Suyin's dress in his small fist. She was ignoring him! "If you feel like talking to me, take my number from Dr. Jeff and give me a call. I'm always there for you, okay?" she extends her fist, asking for a fist bump to which Andrea happily complies. Honey noticed Suyin's action, feeling abandoned. They never did that! Why?     

Dr. He Jeff leads the Bing family to the medical camp to give Andrea a checkup and discuss something. On the terrace, it was only Wang Shi, Honey, and the Feng family left.     

"Sorry," once more Honey apologized. Lonely, starved of the warmth and sad, the little one stared at Suyin's emotionless face. His cute rosy cheeks still glistened in tears with only one thought occupying his mind, haunting him. What if she never forgives him? "Please..." he extended his little fist.     

Suyin ruffled his hair and gave a smile. "It's okay."     

He dropped his hand, Suyin didn't give him a fist bump. "No, it's not okay. I shouldn't have said all those hurtful words to you. And I'm sorry about that. I know it was not you who signed for the parent's race. I'm sorry..... Tell me what can I do to get your sorry, but don't...." he extended his hand but unlike each time, she didn't pick him in her arms. "Aunty Suyin,"     

"I said it's okay, Litt-- Wang Qiang. I'm not angry."     

"It crinkles here when you smile, right now your smile is fake." he touched the corner of his own eyes, "And you are not calling me Little fairy anymore. You don't mean your words....." tears fall without a sign of stopping. Wang Shi could only stand on the side and watch it. Honey's tears bothered him, but what he did today was wrong, and he needs to learn from it.     

 Yuyu and Lan ran to console their brother, hugging him clumsily as they wiped his tears.      

Lan, "Pretty sister, it was not Honey bro's fault, we asked the teacher to include your and uncle Shishi's name in the race. Please don't punish Honey bro."     

Yuyu, "We wanted to see Honey bro win a trophy, that's why we did all that. Please forgive us."     

Suyin bit down on the strong feeling to squeeze Honey in her arms and kiss him thousands of times as compensation. Don't know why? WHY? Why he has that powerful effect on her as if something connects them through an invisible thread.     

But then what? She can't stand living like she's going to do or say something, and he might snap again. This uncertainty can't continue.     

Unless he let her in and talk to her, their relationship had nowhere to go. Including Wang Shi and hers.     

She crouched down and gently wiped Honey's cheeks, "Just as I said to Andrea, we all have some difficult feelings inside us that make us insecure. And whenever something awakes those feelings, it scares us. We try to run away from them to protect ourselves. Protect us from getting hurt. But by doing so... sometimes, unknowingly, we hurt someone. The correct way to get over these feelings is to talk."     

"Talk?" he asked.     

"Yes, talk. Talk about your insecurities and the thing that scares you. If you don't open up, you are going to lose just like today." she whispered, "Talk sweetheart. Just talk. Talk to anyone, if not Dr. Jeff, then maybe your father who you love so much. But talk." To ease his uneasiness, she gave a light peck on his cheek and left. "Goodbye,"     

Her goodbye felt like a forever one, sending a jolt of panic in Honey. "Aunty Suyin! Aunty Suyin.... listen to me...."     

Suyin increased the pace of her walk before the suppressed motherly love take over her senses. She was right, kids were her weakness, and they had the power to bring her down to knees. But Honey.... the feelings can't be expressed in words.      


She questioned herself.     

She questioned God.     

She questioned....     

She picked her bag from the medical camp where she'd dropped it earlier and rushed to get a cab. Thankfully, she found one at the gates.      

After settling in, one last time she glanced at the school. Honey was running towards her and was caught by the guards before he could cross the gates. In no time, Wang Shi came down and cage Honey in his arms who wriggled, kicked, hit his shoulders while trying to rush to Suyin.      

Their eyes met, they both knew their relationship would only go down the road if this continues. Honey was inseparable- he could break and make.     

"City spire," she ordered the cab driver.     


"Yuyu, Lan, look what you have done!" Xiu Mei exploded at her daughters, who instantly rushed to hide behind Feng Jianyu and peeked from there. "Who told you to sign Suyin and Wang Shi for the race? Stop being naughty every time. There's a limit!"     


"Jianyu, don't you dare interfere. We have spoiled these two. Aren't problems in Suyin and Wang Shi's life enough that our daughters are adding to it? You know their relati--" she paused, can't disclose their relationship in front of her blabbermouth daughters. "I'm sending both of you to grandpa's house. Stay there until you learn your lesson."     

"Mom! No! Honey bro--"     

"No! You are not allowed to meet Honey. This is your punishment. Stay away from Honey."     

"But mom--"     

"Say another word, and I'll increase the duration of your stay."     

Yuyu and Lan showed their watery eyes to Feng Jianyu, carefully swiping the bangs and jutting their lips out to attack emotionally. Feng Jianyu's lips twitched. This was difficult!     

He touched their heads, "Wait for us in the car. We are coming in two minutes." the two girls left, begging him last time with their eyes.      

"You are being harsh to kids, the race was not the key issue," he said. "I'm not justifying their actions, but sending them away is too much."     

"It is! Brother Shishi is already treading on thin ice, and now Suyin and Honey's relationship--"     

"Shhh...." Feng Jianyu hauled her to him, "Nothing will happen. Didn't you see Honey's reaction? When was the last time you saw him crying for a woman? Didn't you see the fear in his eyes? Why do you think Honey reacted this rudely at first? And why Shishi didn't say a word?"     

Xiu Mei pulled back, her face frowned, "You mean to say Honey had developed feelings for Suyin? He felt betrayed because of the past experience and that's why the fierce reaction."     

"Yes, and I really think it's good this incident happened. Knowing Honey's stubborn personality and the way he reacted just now, he will not give up until he gets Suyin back."     

"Yes, and knowing Suyin's soft heart for kids, she won't be able to hold back much longer. What more, Honey is her darling!" Xiu Mei added. "Once this is over, it will close all the distances between them."      

"Yes, and that would be the end of Shishi's first plan before he tells everything to Suyin."     

"Plan? What do you mean?" Xiu Mei's gaze was confused, "What are you hiding from me?"     


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