Mark of the destiny

It's good he's dead

It's good he's dead


Echoing applause snapped everyone's attention to the neglected corner where a man was sitting. The wide hat covered his face, only revealing the sharp jawline.     

He shoved his hands into the pockets of the trench coat and covered the distance so that everyone could take a look at this intruder that look both young and old at the same time. His shoes making a rhythmical noise against the marble floor. As he comes closer, his facial hair was thick, although barely more than stubble.      

As the man lifted his head and takes off the hat, a gasp escaped Patriarch Zhao's mouth while Zhao Feiyan and Song Xianxi's sobs stuck in their throat.     

Zhao Shu!     

If Suyin's changed appearance was a shock then Zhao Shu's no different. The man if anything was fitter looking and in better shape than expected. Tall and handsome, with peppery hair falling over the shoulders like a lion's mane.     

He briefly peered at Zhao Feiyan and Song Xianxi from golden rimmed spectacles, devoid of warmth and only containing hatred and pity.      

"X-Xiao Shu," Patriarch Zhao called, receiving a gaze with a blunt mocking for the endearment he used. "I-I--" patriarch Zhao shifted his gaze to his daughter, "Look what you have done! You should be ashamed of yourself for driving a wedge between a father and son. Your poisonous words forced me to make irrational decisions to the point I failed to distinguish between right and wrong."     

He folded his hands, "Xiao Shu, forgive me.... I was wrong to treat you like this. Forgive me once. Call the cops, let them punish the real culprits. Hang them to death."     

Zhao Feiyan, "DAD!"     

"SHUT UP, YOU WENCH. Look what have you and your greedy husband have done. You both deserve to die. Even Kun's death is on you." he snarled. His voice turned softer as he looked back at Zhao Shu, "Take me to Xiao Han, I'll apologize.... I will apologize to Little Suyin. I will do everything to get you all back in my life. Please.... just forgive me once."     

"I will forgive you only if you--"     

"Yes, tell me,"     

"Undo everything," Zhao Shu's eyes don't show the respect a son should show to his father. He knew his father too well. The shrewd old man might be feeling a little guilty, but he knew his father too well. At this moment he was just concerned to change the sides so that he doesn't have to suffer in old age. Especially when his lower half was paralyzed.     

"Xiao Shu, I-I--"     

"Don't bother, I'm least interested in your words," Zhao Shu threw an envelope towards him, "Unfortunately you were my father once, so I can't leave you to beg for ends meet."      

Patriarch Zhao's breath hitched. He didn't know if he was seeing things correctly. This can't be possible. His ever so diligent son, who never dared to look into his eyes just now threw papers for old age home. Old age home!     


"Oh, trust me, I can do worse." Zhao Shu dangerously leaned forward, his hands fisted around Patriarch Zhao's wheelchair. "Coward. Selfish. Greedy. You didn't had the capability to fulfill your ambitions, so you pushed it to brother Hede. When his untimely death shattered your ambitions, you burned everyone's dreams around you. My daughter, son, wife, and me- you just couldn't stand anyone's happiness. Your thinking had always been inferior, don't justify it by putting blame on others and apologizing. It's time for payback."     

"I-I'm your father. You have a filial duty to fulfill."     

"I've saved the filial duty for your funeral." He looked over the shoulder, and the action was enough to beckon his secretary, "If he still declines, send him somewhere where he doesn't get to see a speck of light. Somewhere where he doesn't make trouble for my daughter and wife. And.... if Mr. Lee is interested to accompany him, take him as well. But the free meal is only for the old man."     

Lee Sheng let go of the wheelchair immediately and took a step back, shocking the old man who was already shuddering. Even the old caretaker had left him in crisis!     

Before he could say a word in protest, someone duct taped his mouth and took him away. Least he knew, Zhao Shu had made a special arrangement for his father in the old age home.      

He would forever live in isolation!     

He threw one last glance at Zhao Feiyan and Song Xianxi.      

'In the end, karma is a bigger bitch.'     

"Yue'er, call Legislator Ning." Song Xianxi turned to his daughter in law, "Suyin killed your husband. You saw everything with your eyes, right? She planned it."     

"It's good he's dead." Ning Yue's eyes shone with happiness as if life pumped into a dead body. Ignoring the shocking gaze of the two, she placed her hands on her protruding belly, "This is for you baby, you will get a better life now."     

Little did they know, It was Ning Yue who was hidden in the shadows and passed every information to Suyin. She was not helping Suyin, but herself and her unborn child.      


"Shishi, you took a wrong turn," Suyin turned her gaze away from the window only to see a subtle smile on his face. It's been two days already, but she just wanted some more alone time.     

However, it looks like the man beside her had his own plans. It was Friday today, he asked her to take off from the office and come to the hospital to discuss an important case. She had to, as according to him, the patient was in serious condition and the matter couldn't be delayed.     

"Did I?" He challenged, his eyes betraying the seriousness he tried to pull.     

"Where are you taking me?" she went on.     

"Where your happiness lies."     

The hint of teasing didn't go unnoticed and she was irritated, "One percent comes from you, and ninety percent comes from Honey. But.... Honey and I are like two parallel lines these days. You can't take me to him."     

Wang Shi's smile faded, don't know if he should feel privileged for that one percent or sulk over it. "Must you be so blunt? I know Honey is your first love, but-- ONE PERCENT! Seriously! I deserve better. C'mon, raise it a bit."     

"Fine, take 1.1 then but don't expect anything more or you have another competitor-- coffee!"      


"Jianyu was right, preferences change once kids are involved. We poor men! Honey is my biggest competitor, he's stealing my woman's love.... I should consider sending him to boardi--" he paused sensing a glare boring hole to his skull. He gulped, "Don't look at me like this my love. I was just joking. Peace, please. Honey is not going anywhere, everything is under your control. Me too."     

Seeing him make a cross with fingers her lips twitched. What was he, six? As if she'll beat him any moment. Maybe she would if he dare to speak of boarding school again.      

"OMG, hold it hold it.... don't bring it on surface..... purse it, tighter, clench your teeth, stiffen your jaw....." Wang Shi saw her looking confused, "Didn't understand?"     

She shook her head.     

"Your smile, Miss. Zhao Suyin! It's struggling to crawl up. You never know who else might fall in love with your gorgeous smile. Please, no more competitors. I'm over thirty-six, have some mercy on this poor man. C'mon, kill it fast."     


'What's with the drama?'     

"Ahh!" He rubbed his arm, "What did you hit me?"     

"Where did you learn this from? Which rubbish romance novel are you reading these days? You are looking like a clown. Are you a love-struck teenager, wooing his teenage girlfriend with these..... these.... these cheesy lines...."     

"I've more, do you want to listen? Your smile--"     

She covered his blabbermouth, "NO!" no matter how much she tried, but the stupid blush still came up. This man was impossible. Shameless. Once more he was throwing cheesy lines at her.     

His deep husky laugh slid all around as he embraced her tight, stopping her from hitting him, "Ah, that's like my sweetheart. Anything for this gorgeous smile. Even the cringing cheesy lines are worth it." his laughter was infectious, and he easily managed to lighten her mood. Though she was still upset, the remaining work would be done by his son. He had covered the basics.     


"Thank you. It's the best compliment I've ever received."      

"Duh, stop it, Wang Shi!" she hid her red face in his chest, feeling him give a kiss on her hair.     




Suyin breaks the hug, "WAND SHI, we are in the middle of the road. DRIVE!"     

Wang Shi sighed, "Bummer. These people are the haters of love. I'll continue this in private, okay?"     

Suyin "..."     


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