Mark of the destiny

His daughter!

His daughter!

0The news that a man requires a heart for his son and was willing to pay any price was passed to all the hospitals. He knew this step would arouse the greed of hospitals, but maybe a needy parent be willing to donate.     

But it seems it sacrificed an innocent baby to save the son of a rich man.     

Wang Shi had lost all hopes when one day he was informed that a heart was able that fits his requirements. The baby was already brain dead, and the heart was supposed to be harvested ASAP. He checked the details send to him and further got it confirmed by collecting the samples personally and had it tested in his own hospital.     

He did everything in record time, on priority.     

"Wang Shi,"     

"Wang Shi,"     


Jianyu left his seat and pressed on Wang Shi's shoulder, who was lost in thoughts and didn't respond despite being called thrice.     

He jolted up and looked up.     

"Jianyu…." shoved a hand through his hair he exhaled harshly, "Damn, it's messed up! I don't even want to think of her outburst when she would know it was me who harvested the heart from her baby. It was me that leads to everything."     

"NO! I don't think you are responsible for this." Jianyu said firmly, "You were the desperate, helpless father who had already lost a child; any father would do the same to not let his other child meet the same fate."     


 "….just know one thing—you didn't do it deliberately. None of it! Suyin might take time to understand the things that happened at your side, but my understanding says, SHE WILL understand you. You both are no different in this….. Your pain is no different."     

Wang Shi froze, feeling as if something broke inside him.     

Yes! If Suyin had lost a child, he had lost a child too.     

His daughter!     

Honey's little sister, who died a week before Honey's surgery.     

His twins were born with a congenital heart defect. They were deprived of the much needed medical care after birth, which worsened their condition as they grew up. His daughter succumbed to her illness while waiting for the heart.     

That was the time he took the most drastic step….     

 Bought a heart…..     

It was the matter concerning his only child, Wang Shi took no chance and did everything all by himself. Buying a heart was illegal, he had to keep it under wraps. Moreover, his special identity prohibits him from letting anyone know.     

To date, no one knows who was that rich man who wanted the heart. Who the doctor was that came to harvest the heart? Where did he take the heart after that? And countless questions, which no one knows…..     

He made sure everything remains a mystery…..     

The only person from the Ace Hospital who had met the mysterious doctor aka Wag Shi was Ling Gilbert. Even he could only meet him and not see Wang Shi's face, who came to the hospital wearing a mask.     

"That doesn't change the fact there are high chances that Suyin's baby lost his life for Honey," Xiu Mei words caught their attention, their head snapped at the door and saw her standing at the threshold of Jianyu's study with a glass of milk. She looked hostile.     

"Mei," Jianyu walked to her, but she pushed him on the chest and instead walked to Wang Shi. With a thud, the glass landed on the table.     

"Do you love her?"     

It confused Wang Shi. His gaze moved to Jianyu, who was standing with pursed lips.     

"I-I….. I don't know." Wang Shi was still unsure, "I just know one thing that I like her and wants to be with her. She-she makes me feel complete. She completes my family. Family of three! I look forward to meeting her every day. Even if it's for five minutes, I want to hear her voice. And I know one thing- No one in this world can love my Honey as much as she can. I-I don't want to imagine my life without her now."     

Silence ensued.     

 She let out a grim chuckle, "Congratulations brother, you are screwed. Let me give you a warning as a MOTHER- The day she comes to know about her baby—" she made a deliberate pause, "—she would wreak havoc in your life because a mother never gets over losing her child."     

"Mei, Liste—"     

"Feng Jianyu, don't think I'm with you or your brother in this." She snapped violently, "Even if Brother Wang Shi lost his daughter, the fact is she was born with a congenital heart defect. However, Suyin's child was healthy, he could have lived a long life but his fate brought him somewhere else."     

"Hurt my babies, and I'll rip him apart with bare hands even if it means going against someone I love most. And here, Suyin's baby died--- no! was KILLED." She turned back to Wang Shi, "You better get the missing pieces of this puzzle together and find out where things went wrong. And expect nothing good from Suyin. Prepare yourself for the worse."     

Having said, she stormed in anger but paused at the door, "I'll look for all the information I could�."     


And she didn't give Wang Shi the opportunity to say thank you.     

"Wang Shi—"     

It was in Xiu Mei's words that something snapped in him, shaking his confidence. "If Mei's reaction was this, then Suyin….."     

Jianyu patted Wang Shi's shoulder, "Don't think much. Mei is right, let's look for the truth first."     

Though Wang Shi left his place without a word, Jianyu knew how scared Wang Shi was. He saw the same fear in his eyes, which was in his years back….     

It was the fear of losing someone.     

It was the fear of separation from the love of your life….     

With a heavy heart, Jianyu went to his bedroom only to find it empty.     

She must be in the kids' room!     

Yup! She was!     

There Xiu Mei was on Yuyu and Lan's small bed, with her arms around them. She had tears in her eyes.     

Jianyu lied down on the other side, keeping his daughter's in the middle. His arms went to caress his wife's cheek….     

"Don't think it's easy on Wang Shi. He not only has to live in guilt but in fear of Suyin's reaction. To get through this and find the culprits, they have to hold each other. And don't forget the strongest link between them- Honey. He is the flesh and blood of both."     

Xiu Mei didn't say a word, but pulled her daughters closer and closed her eyes.     

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