Mark of the destiny

Am I that useless in your eyes?

Am I that useless in your eyes?

0Wang Shi had never felt this tired. He dragged himself to his office, and as expected, the two sunshines of his heart were sleeping in the lounge. In each other's arms.     

Honey's palm was at Suyin's cheek.     

It's still a mystery for him why he does that.     

The scene was so beautiful that he would love to be greeted by it every time he comes from work. Unable to control, he bends down to place a kiss on their temples. Not at all surprised that Suyin stirred and pulled Honey closer. Protectively.     

Her motherly instincts were at alert even in sleep.     

"Mmmmm…." She hummed herself and slit open her eyes. "You are back."     

His hand went to touch her back, "Is it hurting? Do you need me to give you painkiller?"     

"I'm sleeping with my painkiller." Swaying in deep sleep, she made space for him. "You should sleep to."     

Wish Suyin could see his reaction. All he did was to kiss her forehead; his lips lingered there for long. "Sleep. I'll freshen up."     

After freshening up, his gaze moved to the bed. He had never shared a bed with her to not make her feel uncomfortable, but tonight he went to sleep on the bed, keeping Honey between them. His hands banded around, scooting them closer.     



Meanwhile, in one of the rooms on the VIP floor,     

"Hong, it's been two days. Sleep for a while."     

"Let me reply to them first."     

"There are over six thousand comments, and many more are adding every minute. Take some rest first, I'm feeling sleepy too. Look, I even got dark circles," Junjie pulled Fei Hong's hand, but she yanked it away.     

"STOP IT, JUNJIE. Did I ask you to stay here? No! Go home, take a bath, apply a good eye cream and sleep. Don't bother me again with your childish tantrums."     

She returned to the laptop screen, fighting with obnoxious haters.     

Knowing her career as RJ had ended as no other company would hire her again. She took the matter in her own hand and created a video channel with the name 'BREAKING THE SILENCE'.     

The very first video was 'she' breaking her silence, letting the world know what had happened with her that night, who her offenders were, and the events followed. Thanks to Junjie, she now knew the names of all three men.     

All three rich businessmen!     


She had been receiving many negative and abusive comments after that. Apparently, the abusers had struck back by releasing a minute long clip where she was seen entering the hotel at her own will, wearing a knee-length dress.     

As usual, their defence was that she came thereafter Tong Po (the owner of the second-biggest radio channel, Big Music) and provoked him by getting intimate to get the job. On being rejected, she smashed a bottle of alcohol on his head and ran away.     

What she's doing right now was just drama to extract money.     

"FK!" She cursed when her laptop crashed. Her head snapped at the lightning speed to the man who was doing something on the phone. "You ordered 'Tangy' to crash my laptop?"     

Tangy was one of Xiu Mei's invention; her second-best droid, which she had gifted to Junjie when he had helped her to set her first date with Jianyu.     

"I did. Have you seen yourself, Hong? You've become a zombie from Medusa." Her face lost its lustre, eyes were swollen, and unlike her neat curls, she was now carrying a bird's nest for the last two days. Forget about changing clothes, she had even ignored her food intake. "This is madness! Don't expect things to change overnight. If it's really that's what you want, I can do it."     

"Thank you very much! But I don't need the help from my rich friend to handle my personal matter." She joined her hands, a pose that hurt Junjie further. She exhaled, "You won't understand anything. Just let me be. Go joke with someone else."     

Angry, she stalked out of the room, leaving him helpless.     

His knuckles popped as his hands fisted.     

'Just because I don't show doesn't mean I don't understand. I know it's a fight of your honour, fight of every woman's honour who had faced this in life but chose to hold her silence. You are trying to initiate a talk, sending a message across to fight. Since taking my help will demean its purpose, you are doing it alone. I understood. Everyone has to fight alone. But… at least consider me worthy to share your pain. Am I that useless in your eyes?'     

'Guess I'm'     


Fei Hong went towards the balcony to take some fresh air, but just as she took a left turn, her gaze fell on one of the patients, half lying on the bed, reading a book.     

Actually, it was not the patient that caught her attention, it was the book in his hand- 'The supercars of the century.'     

A limited-edition book that every car enthusiast wants to add to their collection.     

Racing! The second best thing she loves most. The first being the RJ and talking over the radio.     

After a long while, a faint smile came on her lips. Shaking her head, she turned to move on but…..     

"I don't bite. You can come in, miss Noodles."     

….but she paused in her steps, hearing the man's voice.     

Miss Noodles!     

This name!     

This voice!     

It's the same voice!     

"Zeng? Is that you?" she stepped in, calling his name.     

"Yeah, it's me." Though he replied, he didn't bring the book down from his face.     

"What are you doing here?"     

"What do you think?"     

She scratches her head, "Um…. Wrong question. What—"     

"My car caught fire while I was practising for the race. Doctors have kept me until my lungs are clear of soot." He replied before she could ask more.     

"Practising for the race! So, you are a racer." She mumbled, "I enjoy racing too. In fact, the book in your hand is a bible of racing history, but sadly it's a limited edition. The car on its front cover is Audi Sport Quattro S1 E2 that dominated the racing in the 1980s. With a 2.1-litre turbocharged five-cylinder engine making an underrated 470 hp, it was the monster that obliterated rally courses."     

Fei Hong herself doesn't know that she had forgotten everything for the brief moment she talked about car and racing.     

"Impressive," Without much thought, Zeng brought the book down and placed it on his lap, "Other than my sister, you are the second woman who can talk about cars. If you want, you can take it for a read."     

Fei Hong's mouth was left wide agape, she couldn't accept the book extended towards her. He was not just an ordinary racer, but Zhao Zeng? The Zhao Zeng!     

"You… you…"     

"Yeah, it's me. Did I scare you with my face?" He pushed to his feet and picked his hoodie, cap and mask. "I'm feeling suffocated inside. Going to the garden, wanna join?"     



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