Mark of the destiny

Mumma bear!

Mumma bear!

0Fei Hong feel jittery, she had to take deep breaths after every few seconds to remain calm sitting with one of the best racers. It was difficult to believe the man who helped her that night was none other than Zhao Zeng!     

She opened the book, taking a look at her favourite cars to divert her mind.     

"This one's my favourite," he pointed at McLaren MP4/4 car.     

"Mmm-hmm" Her hands flexed restlessly as she nodded.     

He looked at her for a few seconds, and then finally asked, "Am I making you nervous? Maybe I should have not let you see my face."     

Oh hell! She pursed her lips. If it was some other time, she wouldn't be this nervous but now she's not the same famous RJ Fei Hong. Well.. she's still famous but for some other reason.     

"It's not you, but me. Aren't you scared your reputation will be stained if someone photographs you with me?"     

"It will stain my reputation? Why? Have you done something wrong?"     

She heard the amusement in his voice and shot an incredulous look, "As if you haven't seen the video."     

"Oh, that! I have."     

She pulled the lips in and bite it with her teeth. His words hitting her hard, and she waited to hear some harsh words as everyone.     

"Good job. Now do a better job by not backing off."     

Her gaze darted to his face. His calm face argued with her shocked one. She began to melt; someone had just put a brick at the damaged wall of her self-confidence. "You believe all that? You believed when you've witnessed me running from their room with blood-stained hands?"     

"It's not easy for a woman to talk about it on camera, yet you did. Why would you lie about such a sensitive topic?" his gaze was clear and steady, "Besides, I've seen some very influential people around you- Feng brothers, President XM, Dr. Wang Shi and Zhao Suyin…. Other than Zhao Suyin, rest are loaded with fortune. Why would you go to someone else for money? Impossible!" as he took Suyin's name, his eyes flicked over at the top floor of the building.     

Her mouth curved into a genuine smile.     

"Sir," a man with a French beard and broad glasses, came there with a jacket hanging on his arm. He gave a curt nod at Fei Hong before shifting his gaze back to Zhao Zeng. "I knew you would be here. Keep yourself covered; you can't afford to catch a cold. We have events and a race lined up."     

Zeng scoffed, "He's my annoying secretary, John Woo. Just ignore him, noodles" he wrapped the jacket around Fei Hong, "You should take rest. Ignoring health is nothing but madness. It shows the lack of confidence and guilt; which you are not. Right?"     

"Hm… Thank you."     

"Even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise." He winked and left.     

Spending almost an hour with Zeng, Fei Hong returned feeling a lot better, smiling to herself, and found Junjie waiting for her at the window of her room.     

A family size pizza, a chilled beer and a movie on the laptop were waiting for her.     

"A cheese burst farmhouse pizza with extra pepperoni, chilled beer, and Gal Gadot…. Whether you want or want, I'm digging in." he pulled a slice of the pizza.     

 "Meanie. This pizza is mine. Order another one for yourself. And put on Keanu Reeves," She inhaled deeply, rushing to snatch the slice which he gave up easily. Looked as she savoured it. "Mmmmm…" After taking a bite, she gave it to Junjie, "Sorry,"     

"You should be. I'm FENG JUNJIE," he spread his arms wide, and puffed his chest out, "Do you think I'll eat this pizza which has your saliva on it? When was the last time you brushed your teeth?"     


He ran as she ran after him. The 'sorry' was for her previous actions, he knows it. But doesn't need it.     

His eyes flicked over the jacket that had slipped from her shoulder, lying like an unwanted product.     



The next morning Wang Shi woke up by an emergency call from director Li Han and rushed without a second thought. Apparently, a momma bear had barged into his hospital and was creating havoc.     

"This is the last time I'm asking, where is my daughter? Why is she not on her bed?" She yelled, controlling herself to not hold Li Han's collar and jolt his organs out.     

Seeing Si Han bubbling like a volcano, James tried to control her at the request of Li Han, "Aunty, Susu is fine. I've talked to her last night. Just listen—"     

"SHUT UP, Jammie. It was a mistake to ask you to be with her. How long both of you had planned to keep the news from me?" Si Han dropped everything when she saw the news and rushed to see her. Knowing Suyin's madness for kids, she knew Suyin wouldn't make a sound no matter how much she gets hurt.     

Sometimes she feels proud of her, and sometimes angry and want to beat her. Must she ignore herself?     

His lips pursed into a thin line. "As if it could have stopped your mad daughter."     

"What did you say?"     

"Nothing…. Nothing."     

When Wang Shi reached Suyin's room, her mother was pacing the length while the two men were standing helplessly.     

Li Han heaved in relief and pointed his finger at the momma.     

"Good Morning, Mrs. Zhao,"     

Si Han turned, unable to help but admire his grace and the humbleness as he stood with clasped hands. He was the owner of the hospital and the President's son, courtesy was the last thing she expected. Forget about bowing.     

"It's Mrs Si Han," she corrected, softening her fierceness. "Where is Suyin? Isn't this her room?"     

Oh hell! Her room was his office, where she was still sleeping with his son. "Let me give her a call."     

"No." She took fast strides towards the door, "Take me to her. Let me catch her by surprise, she has the habit of hiding her pain from me."     

Everyone "…."     

"Pfft," James was unable to control his laughter seeing Li Han's constipated expression. "Eat a banana, it will help you."     

Li Han "…."     

Si Han, "Did I crack a joke? Stop laughing and follow me. Dr Wang Shi, please lead the way."     

Wang Shi shared a glance with Li Han and James.     

What lead the way! Suyin was in the lounge…..     

In his bed!     


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