Mark of the destiny

It’s in everyone’s best interest if we get killed too

It’s in everyone’s best interest if we get killed too

0Ang Lee saw the scene unfold and wanted to come out from his hiding to help Suyin. However, he stopped when she signaled him to stay put. Her brows further frowned when all she saw was Ang Lee alone. Where was Long Ju?     

Hope he's fine!     

"Do you really think I saw nothing?" Xu Tong's cold voice pierced through the air. His foot-steps slowly approached Suyin. "Now tell me who send you and from which news channel you are."     

He mistook Suyin as a reporter who had come to his factory to collect evidence after reading the ongoing rumors. In his eyes, the person standing before him was a man.     

Suyin showed no fear against them, all she hoped was Ang Lee to leave without her. She even tried to signal him, but he couldn't read her. Not his fault, though!     

"Won't tell?" Xu Tong grabbed Suyin's chin roughly and pushed her on the floor. "Then I'll ask your partner. Guards, get that sneaky scum out…."     

"Ah!" Not even a few seconds later they dragged Ang Lee and pushed him on the floor near Suyin.     

Suyin moved close to Ang Lee, "Are you okay?"     

"Yes, mam, but these people….. I really want to chop—" A squeeze on his arm forced him to gulp down the remaining words.     

"Anger is one letter short of Danger. Sometimes it's good to hold back when the situation is not favorable. It may avoid us from more trouble. Where is—AHH!"     

Xu Tong grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her up, "What are you whispering? Planning to run away? As if I'll let you walk out alive." Ang Lee tried to free Suyin from his grip, but Xu Tong's bodyguard kicked him. "Where is your third partner?"     

Suyin, "I don't know."     

"Sir, we've found a bag hidden here." Suyin's head snapped at a lightning speed as Xu Tong's man hold the backpack up in the air.     

Xu Tong, "Open it."     

The man turned the bag upside down; Hard-disk, spy camera, mic, Zip-lock bags, and wires- everything scattered. Xu Tong sneered.     

"Set everything on fire. Guards, search them," He threw her towards a bodyguard. "And YOU, go look for their third partner. He must be hiding somewhere."     

The evidence turned into a dark melting plastic….     

"LEAVE ME," She squirmed to free herself under the bodyguard's grip. "Xu Tong, do you think you can get away with this? My team and news channel know about my whereabouts. If I don't respond to them every three hours, they'll come here with cops. You cannot escape." She tried to trick him to buy time.     

She's not stupid to come here with no backup plan and had already informed Daiyu if he doesn't receive any message every thirty minutes, he better informs the ministry and her one and only 'help'. Thirty minutes were long over…..     

All she had to do was buy time.     

"Escape?" his mocking laughter echoed, "This premises is spread over 200 hectares. What are the chances someone will find your bodies six feet under the ground?"     

Suyin's eyes shone, "Thank god, you come here—"     

Xu Tong turned to look back; getting the opportunity, Suyin elbowed into the bodyguard's stomach, hitting exactly where it hurts maximum and pounced at Xu Tong. She held the pin against his neck- the same pin which she had shown earlier.     

"Don't think it's just a pin. I've applied poison over it. Can you feel this artery—" her fingers traced a nerve on Xu Tong's neck, "--this is called the carotid artery, a major blood vessel supplying blood to the brain. Should I try stabbing it?"     

 "NO NO NO…." he didn't dare to play smart, flicked his hand and the bodyguards stepped back. "You can't escape, my men are everywhere."     

"I will." Suyin gritted her teeth. "Lee—"     

The noise of a car engine cut through the air; Suyin raised her guards against this new entry. However…..     

"Was I late?" Long Ju pulled over near Suyin and peeked his head out.     

Suyin, "…"     

"I'll deal with you later."     

Long Ju "…."     


"Run run run…." Sitting at the back seat, Ang Lee shouted. He was multitasking- on one side he held Xu Tong as a hostage, holding the said poison pin at his neck while on the other, he couldn't stop looking back. "They are not following us anymore."     

"Slow down," said Suyin, confusing everyone. "Lee, that pin doesn't have any poison. Just throw this scum out of the car."     

She wanted to take him to the cops right away, but it was not the correct time yet. The kids were still at the factory. Knowing how powerful Xu Tong was, even if she gets him arrested, the first thing his men would do would be to shift the kids' somewhere else. Once she lost track of them, it might take her days to find them again.     

And…. Maddie can't afford any more delays in treatment.     


"Do it."     

Ang Lee didn't question anymore, but before kicking Xu Tong out he threw a punch across his face. The punch almost broke his teeth, he spat out blood.     

Long Ju raced the car soon after….     

"Thank God we are safe," Ang Lee deflated on the back seat.     

"We are not." Suyin said, "They will soon follow to kill us."     



"Yes. According to them, we know too much about their work. It's in their best interest if we get killed. And it's in everyone's best interest if we get killed too. Take left."     

Long Ju took a left turn, "What do you mean by the latter part of your sentence."     

Suyin glanced at the rear-view mirror, "Take a right. Do you both know how to swim?"     



"Move. I'll drive." Her actions, her words, and her changed attitude, everything confused them but they were left with no option other than to listen.     

Keeping the steering wheel steady, they swapped their positions. "Hold on to something, it's going to be bumpy."     

A second later she pressed the accelerator and Long Ju and Ang Lee felt all the flesh on their face be tugged backward with the great force.     

She was driving wild.     

Unbelievably wild!     

Who taught her this?     

She should be a racer.     


She pulled the hand-brake, the car skid and crashed into something. Its windows shattered with the impact, the temperature in the car rose, everyone felt the heat….. smoke choking them….     


With a loud splashing sound, the car nose-dived into the water…..     

….. and sunk….     

Xu Tong's convoy of cars stopped nearby and saw the car sinking deep into the river…..     

Holding a handkerchief at his bleeding mouth, he lowered down the glass. "Idiots."     

"Get this bridge repaired. No one should know something had happened here."     

"Yes, boss."     


The three swam their way out and sprawled at the river bank. Exhausted. Breathing heavily.     

Suyin heard a whirring sound as if cutting through the air and opened her heavy eyes. A smile came upon her lips. "Hottie bum…."     

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