Mark of the destiny

Right, Gilbert?

Right, Gilbert?

0Fei Hong put her phone down upon seeing Suyin coming. "I was waiting for you."     

"How are you? How did this happen?" Suyin's gaze landed on Fei Hong's bandaged hand and then at the patient's chart kept at the table. She had an itch to read it but neither she was a doctor nor she had the right to meddle into Fei Hong's personal matter.     

"I-I didn't realize the window was broken; my palm brushed through the glass."     

Though Fei Hong tried to give a sound explanation, Suyin felt it absurd. But since Hong doesn't want to tell the exact reason, it's better not to trouble her.     

"Tell me exactly what you have heard. And why did you feel it's important to call me?"     

Because of the excessive blood loss, Fei Hong had to walk into the emergency to get her hand treated. Though it was late at night, it's normal for the emergency department to be active. Patients keep rolling at any time, even in the middle of the night.     

There a young girl was brought in an unconscious state, burning high with fever and sunburn like rashes all over. Her body was in a septic shock and right in front of Hong, doctors resurrected her once before shifting her to the ICU.     

But… Later that night the girl died of multiple organ failure.     

Fei Hong might have not taken this seriously, but she heard the two nurses talking that this was the fifth death in their hospital in the last month. And…. All the patients were women, dying with similar symptoms.     

"When the infection spreads it starts affecting the organs, eventually shutting them," Suyin explained. "There can be n number of causes for the infections. But the number of cases to be five over a month cannot be normal. There is definitely something wrong. Anything else?"     

"That… another woman is still in the ICU, fighting for her life. And the chances of her survival are not much." Fei Hong recalled. "I called you because I feel something is fishy. Do you think it's the hospital's fault?"     

"Can't say. Let me investigate it first." She patted Hong's shoulder and stood up. "Don't discuss it with anyone else. If it's the hospital involved, you might be in danger. Some people here can go to any length to save their asses. Besides, everyone has seen me come to see you. When are you getting discharge?"     

"After two days. Because of the excessive blood loss and nerve damage, they are keeping me here." She saw Suyin frown at her, "Um… call me clumsy. That's it."     

"Nice try. But no need to lie again and again. I got it; you don't want to tell the truth. I'll make arrangements to shift you to the People's Hospital first."     

"NOO!!" Before she could leave, Hong caught her hand. "Everyone will come to know. I can't handle Xiu Mei and Junjie's countless questions. If you want, I can go to another hospital."     

This was the reason she didn't go to the people's hospital for treatment.     

"Nope." Suyin stared where her hand gripped her. "Life and health come first. I can't risk letting you stay here or anywhere else. People's Hospital is the only place where I can be fully assured of your safety."     


Suyin walked out of the room to make a few calls. She glanced at the watch, her assistant and interns should have been here by now but none of them had reached.     

She first called her assistant, but his phone was busy. Next, she called Dr. Wang Shi, hoping for him not to be busy and answer the call. Thankfully, he did….     


"Hi, I need help." Without a delay, she came to the point. "Fei Hong is in Ace Hospital. Can you arrange for her to shift in yours? I'm about to conduct an investigation on the Ace Hospital about the suspicious deaths of five women. Since she was the one who informed me about these women, I'm—"     

"I'll ask Li Han to make arrangements. Don't worry about her security." He cut to the chase, understanding her point without her completing the sentence, shocking her. "Do you need help? Should I send a bodyguard?"     

She smiled; his voice flooded her with relief, she realized nothing could happen to her with him around. He would never let that happen. "No. I can handle this. But if I need help, you will be the first and only person I'll come to."     

Now it was Wang Shi's turn to smile. She could literally imagine him smiling.     

"Good," his reply came. "That hospital has Gong Li and Ling Xeumo. Be careful."     

"I will." She thought of something, "Ah, I need another help. Can you check the last two months' records of your hospital and tell me if there are any cases of toxic shock syndrome? Especially in women. If yes, how many recovered and how many died."     

"Is this why you are investigating Ace hospital?" Hearing her reply in yes, he understood the severity of the situation. "I will get it done and call you as soon as I get the information."     


"Hm? What did you say? Say it again?" there was a hidden warning in his tone that made her bite her lips. Thankyou is said to the strangers, and he didn't like it.     

Damn! Stop being this cute! He's making it difficult for her.     

"Sorr…. Argh…..Bye, Wang Shi." Hanging up, she hit her head. Smiling. Blushing. 'You've turned mad, Suyin.'     

Next, she called Chen Wenwei, asking her to get permission to see the patient's records. Knowing she's not on good terms with the management of this hospital, she has to be prepared with the backup plan to get patient records.     


Ace Hospital, Chief of the surgery, Ling Gilbert's office….     

"Reports of my patients?" Ling Gilbert scoffed, "Though you are not a doctor anymore, you should know that it's kept confidential."     

"I know. No need to remind me that I'm not a doctor anymore. We both know the truth very well, or should I recall it for you?" Pacing around the luxurious office, she traced the tip of her finger at the trident of the Poseidon statue kept at the table. "Ouchh….."     

Drawing the blood, she brought the bleeding finger close to her eyes. "Sharp! A scalpel is a hundred times sharper than this. It may even rupture the aortic wall and cause the internal bleeding…. Ending up in death. Right, Gilbert?"     

"I don't know what you are talking about," his chair creaked as he pushed back. "Do you think you can scare me with your childish story?"     

Suyin let out a smile that can be anything but warm and friendly. Gilbert's eyes flickered, the woman before him had really turned into something dangerous. To handle this problem named Zhao Suyin, he has to be careful and not let anything come out of lips that could be used against him. Who knows if she has a hidden camera or recorder!     

"Childish story? Well…. this story concerns the death of the wife and son of the most capable doctor of the Ace Hospital. Dr. Gong Li! Apparently, he's also the stakeholder, holding exactly 12.8% more shares than you. Do you think after showing your daughter's capabilities in the emergency room, I should try planting the seed of doubt in his mind? Murderer father-daughter duo!"     

"ZHAO SUYIN," Gilbert gritted his teeth.     

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