Mark of the destiny

Doubting my capabilities?

Doubting my capabilities?

0There is some tension between you and him," Chen Wenwei pointed her thumb at the closed door behind as she came out of Ling Gilbert's room. Suyin's bitterness didn't go unnoticed from her eyes.     

"Yes. But that's something personal. I don't want to talk to about it." They walked out so quickly she didn't pause in her stride and answered while checking her phone. Long Tao was waiting for her in the emergency. "Assistant Long is waiting in the emergency room for me, do you want to join me in the investigation or….."     

"I'll leave, have to release the post on Qi Wren you asked me to prepare. By the way, do you know he's admitted here? Any reason?" Wenwei had a hunch this had something to do with Suyin. She just vanished from the art gallery and later Wang Shi's men dropped her home. Since they were together, he must have done it for her.     

Suyin's frown turned into a slight smile, "Because I kicked his little pee-pee. He must be here to get it repaired. As if it will return to normal!"     

"And.... what did Wang Shi kicked?"     

Suyin paused and looked at Wenwei's raised brows. An uncontrollable chuckle slipped. "Jaw."     

"So…. Is it official, you and Dr. Wang Shi...!?!?!?"     

"Prosecutor Chen Wenwei, squeeze that smile." She said, "Along with the post, add one more statement. 'Qi industries chairman Qi Wren was taken to the hospital from the National Gallery after he was found in the east corridor with a broken penis and jaw'. Get it?"     

Suyin changed the topic. Other than James and her mother, she's not telling anyone about her and Wang Shi.     

Chen Wenwei didn't probe anymore, it was Suyin's personal matter. But Suyin's plan to attack Qi Wren impressed her. First, she had asked her to release a post letting people know how lavishly Qi Wren and his wife had spent the money at the national gallery to win every bid against Suyin.     

The shameless couple not only failed to compensate and apologize for their wrongdoings, but they showed off their monetary power and humiliated Suyin at an event.     

This will bring them under the radar of the public.     

What more, if this 'ad-on' statement was released, it's not a rocket science to understand how someone receives an injury down 'there' and on the jaw, and why did Chen Wenwei issue the statement.     

Evil smirk…..     

People would add two plus two and make it five!     

"You are trying to pressurize them. Not bad!!"     

"If they don't want any more problem, better pay me up." As Suyin turned, she saw her team and assistant waiting for her. "Assistant Long, what takes you so long?"     

Suyin knew before he could speak, the daily enthusiasm was missing. His body posture lethargic, eyes looked down-cast, skimming the floor.     

"Family emergency. I'm sorry for the delay mam."     

"Don't be. Want a few days off? Or anything else that I can do for you?"     

"Thank you. But I'd prefer to work and keep myself busy." Long Tao pointed at the interns, "The four interns you asked."     

Suyin looked at the four enthusiastic youngsters, "Let's go."     



"Filthy slut! How dare she humiliate me in front of everyone?"     

Hui Chouming looked up from the phone, startled. Ling Xeumo barged into Qi Wren's VIP room and threw the stethoscope on the floor, flaring her nose.     

"Is it Suyin again?"     

"Who else? As usual, she exhibited her prowess in front of Dr. Gong Li and everyone to receive praise. Did she forget she's on a lifetime ban by the medical council?" she let out a shaky breath and slumped on the couch before explaining the entire incident.     

Chouming frowned, "What was Gong Li's reaction?     

"Nothing much," Xeumo recalled, other than yelling at her in the emergency room, Gong Li was as indifferent as always. He even let her assist in the patient's surgery without objection.     

"That's good. He better not has any suspicions. But why is she here?"     

"Investigating the death of the five women who died of the same reason. Rest assured, it's nothing related to me or the hospital. They just died, who cares. If Suyin wants to waste her time, let her be." Xeumo picked her stethoscope and walked to Qi Wren's bed and picked his chart.     

Chouming stood up, "W-What are you doing?"     

Qi Wren was in deep sleep because of the heavy sedatives. Though his penis and jaw were fixed, it would require two to three months of therapy. Chouming still doesn't know how this happened, by the time she came he had been carried out on a stretcher. After waking up from the surgery, his reply to every question was 'I don't know.'     

"Checking Brother Qi's reports. I've to give him an injection,"     

"No! No No No…." she snatched the injection Xeumo had picked, "Let Gong Li do it. You stay away from my husband."     

"Mingming, are you doubting my capabilities?" Chains of Xeumo's mood snapped further. Earlier, when Qi Wren was brought here, Chouming had not allowed her to even check his pulse, saying she needed mental support. That time she didn't mind, but now….     

Chouming's reaction was saying something else!     

"What rubbish are you saying?" Chouming admonished, placing the injection back on the medicine rack, "I-I don't want anyone else to see my husband 'there'. Let Gong Li come."     

"I'll ask Dr. Gong to come here once he's free." Xeumo reined her temped and unease as she walked out. She's a doctor, an experienced and capable one, but when it comes to something even as small as a fever, none of the family members of Hui or Qi family let her treat them. Do they think she doesn't understand anything?     

Chouming's face twisted, 'Quack! I'll only let you touch my husband if I want to see him dead.'     


Wang Shi's office,     

"Are you sure about this?" Wang Shi looked at the information as asked by Suyin. It was shocking!     

Just like Ace hospital, People's Hospital too had received over eleven similar cases in a month, out of which one patient died. Though the mortality rate of their hospital was low as compared to the Ace Hospital, this problem has become something else.     

Li Han was himself shocked, "I checked it thrice. It's true."     

"Why only women? I better inform Suyin about it."     


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