Mark of the destiny

Cunning Man

Cunning Man

0People's Hospital,     

"Hong, this is the last time I'm asking. How did you get hurt?" Hovering over Fei Hong's head, Feng Junjie's tone turned harsh.     

She crossed her arms, "and this is the last time I'm answering; my hand rubbed on to the broken glass pane. That's it."     

"Damn you, Hong! Stop lying." Junjie shoved a hand through his hair and exhaled, only to rein himself as Xiu Mei's touched his shoulder. "Sister Mei Mei, does she really take us as her friends?"     

Xiu Mei was suddenly very exhausted with the way Fei Hong was behaving. "Hong, is there something bothering you? You can share it with us. If not with Junjie, with me at least. We are best friends!"     

They stared at her, hoping for her to tell them something.     

"Baby doll, you're overthinking! There's nothing like that."     

"Great!" Junjie lost his patience and got up to leave, "Let's go home sister Mei Mei, we've already hit a dead end. There's no sense of talking to a stubborn person."     

Xiu Mei looked helpless, torn between them. Knowing Junjie, though he was walking away, he would surely get things investigated.     

With the knock on the door, everything paused, and Junjie opened the door, being standing nearest to it.     

Nurse Miya nodded at Xiu Mie and Junjie, before looking at Hong, "I'm sorry to disturb you, but you have got a visitor named……."—she hesitated, "Mr. green cap."     

Fei Hong pursed her lips, looking at Xiu Mei and Junjie, "I don't know anyone by that name."     

"Miss noodles!" a tall slender man with a mask over mouth threw his head in, "It's very bad to not recognize your benefactor. Especially when I'm here to return your wallet."     

It was him who had helped Fei Hong and took her to the hospital when she was injured.     

With a frown on  forehead, Junjie studied the man who'd been holding Fei Hong's wallet in the air. The wallet that Junjie brought for her from Italy. He thought about his reason to come here and how do they know each other.     

Miya excused herself and let the man step in after getting a nod from Fei Hong.     

"I went to the Ace, but they told me you shifted to the people's hospital." Hong accepted the bouquet of tulips and the wallet. "How are you?"     

Though his mouth was covered, anyone could make up he was a handsome man, and probably a rich brat by the brands he supported.     

"Mr. Green cap," Junjie murmured, grudgingly looking as Fei Hong gave him the smile. "Hong, who is he? You never told me about him. A friend?"     

"Um…. We actually--" he stopped when Fei Hong touched his forearm, pressing there, hinting him to not say anything.     

"An old friend." Hong answered, "Um…. Um…."—Shoot! she doesn't know the name of this man. Forget about the name, she had not even seen his face.—"Green cap, they are Junjie and Xiu Mei, my best friends. And guys, he is—"     

"…. Yeah, got it, he's 'Green cap'. Does he not have any proper name?" Junjie interrupted.     


Xiu Mei looked as Hong struggled to introduce him. She's definitely hiding something! He can't be her friend when she doesn't even know his name.     

"Call me Zeng."     

Junjie bolted up, seeing Zeng put a hand at Fei Hong's shoulder. If it was not for Xiu Mei's quick action who held his hand, he might have pounced on this 'Zeng'.     

"So Zeng, is there a particular reason you keep your mouth covered, or is it you're in the hospital and scared of contracting germs?..... or maybe you are hiding something."     

Junjie's hostile gaze stayed focused on Zeng's hand at Fei Hong's shoulder until it was taken back.     

"JUNJIE, "Fei Hong emphasized.     

"It's okay." Zeng sensed the hostility, his gaze shifted to Hong's and held it, "Miss. Noodles, I'll take my leave. Take care."     

And then he was gone.     

"Junjie, you are being unreasonable." Hong clutched the flowers tightly. A sharp pain shoots through her palm, and she opened her grip.     

"Then do you like him? Should I call him back? He seems to be a better friend of yours."     


"Why is Godmother yelling?" As the three kids were about to enter Fei Hong's room, they heard her yell. Yuyu looked at Suyin in asking but something else caught Suyin's attention as she was looking back, at the green cap man who just passed by. "PRETTY SISTER?"     

Yuyu pulled Suyin's hand.     

"Yes, Honey?"     

Honey "…."     

"Not me! It's Yuyu who asked the question. I'll never make her my Godmother. She's just like you." His face pained as he covered his red cheeks with small hands, melting Suyin's heart like ice-cream. "Why is everyone after my cheeks? Dad is there any scientific reason behind it. These women are too much."     

Suyin "…"     

Wang Shi "…."     

Lan gasped, "What women, bro? Men are equal. Even worse. You've no idea how everyone pulls my and Yuyu's cheeks. They even kiss us multiple times. Ask Yuyu."     

Yuyu pecked like a chicken, "It's a truth, bro. All the Uncles, grandpa, dad, and even Uncle Shishi, everyone is after us innocent kids. Getting a hundred kisses a day is normal for us."     

 "Hundred kisses a day?" Honey's eyes bulged out, he silently thanked his stars and Suyin for not being this brutal. But the cunning little man hold himself from lashing out, least he becomes the target of this kissing marathon.     

Lan, "Honey bro, don't you think you should help us? At least restrict Uncle Shishi."     

Yuyu, "I agree."     

Honey cleared his throat, "I think we should let things the way it is. Dad doesn't like my cheeks, they are not as soft as yours."     

Wang Shi "…."     

Though he loves his sisters and wants to protect them, he can't afford to become Wang Shi's next target. Despite his dislike, Wang Shi still kisses him now and then, and he just can't escape. He hates to admit it, but Wang Shi's strength was unmatchable for him.      

One day, dad!     

There will come a day, when I'll get better biceps than yours!     

But for now.....Kisses are safe. They express love. One should kiss daily! Then let his sisters get all that.     

Spare him!     

It shocked Suyin that Honey left his two beloved sisters in the crisis and saved his own ass. Cunning man!     

The two devil horns grew on Suyin's head, "Really, Little Fairy? But I've heard—"     

Suyin looked down as Honey stuffed a piece of chocolate in Suyin's hand. Bribe. His beautiful peach blossom eyes begged her to not make his life any more miserable.     

Suyin winked, giving a thumbs-up as she mouthed, 'Good Job.'     

Honey winked back.     

Wang Shi "….."     


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