Mark of the destiny

Laws of motion

Laws of motion

0"Mom, Uncle Juju, Godmother..."     

Everyone silenced seeing the kids enter. Junjie picked Yuyu as she stretched her arms at him. "Godmother, why were you yelling? Did Uncle Juju did something again?"     

"No one was fighting," Xiu Mei said, placing Lan on Fei Hong's bed and she instantly crawled when Hong spread her arms. "Tell me, why you all are here? This place is not for kids. You too, Honey."     

Honey, who had just got his hands on Wang Shi's phone, looked up startled. "I'm a man, Ma-ma. You said KIDS."     

"Really? Tell me Albert Einstein's law of motion."     


Yuyu, "Who was he?"     

Lan, "Isn't he the man with a bird's nest on the head? I've seen his pic in school. Scary, he looks."     


Honey shoved the phone back into Wang Shi's pocket, "That….. that is a trick question. Though I don't know what are the laws of motion, Newton developed it not Einstein. I heard you saying that to Uncle Junjie when he lost his balance in this swimming pool."     

Xiu Mei "…." 'This kid!'     

Suyin had a fan-girl moment. If it was not for everyone's presence, she would have surely eaten him up. 'So cute!!!!!'     

Wang Shi, "Jianyu was in a meeting. I was passing by, so I volunteered to pick girls. As usual, they demanded to meet Honey, but upon knowing Hong was here, all three tagged along. Don't scold them."     

He called Miya and send the kids to his office. Least they catch any infection.     

"Suyin, did you find out anything behind those women's death?" Fei Hong asked. Her words caught Xiu Mei and Junjie's attention. Both looked at Suyin in question.     

"Not yet. And…."     

"…. And there are eleven such cases in my hospital too with one death." Wang Shi finished her sentence. "Actually, now there are twelve."     

Suyin, "Twelve?"     

"Another one is about to come. I've sent an ambulance to Southex Hospital. The patient is on her way."     

Southex Hospital was just a normal hospital, not a multi-specialty like People's and Ace.     

"How did you find this patient?"     

"Actually, she is---"     

"Hold on!" Xiu Mei interrupted, "Can anyone tell us what's going on? We are the most confused ones here." She pointed at Junjie and herself.     

Wang Shi pointed at the couch, "The thing is...."     




"Holy crap! What's causing their death?" Junjie's brain short-circuited. "Why only women?"     

"We don't know yet. Infections cause septic shock when harmful bacteria seep into blood. But what's causing that is still a mystery." Wang Shi answered. "I've asked Daiyu to collect data from all the hospitals of this country. I'm sure this problem is not exclusive to Ace or People's."     

"Not only hospitals, but we need information about private clinics as well. Small or big. Tell your assistant to scan everything."     

Before Wang Shi could move, Suyin's words clicked something in Xiu Mei and she stood up to fetch her handbag. "Daiyu will take weeks to get information as wide as this. I'll do it. With the help of my droids and supercomputers, it's just a matter of time as far as the information is available on the internet. Junjie catch!!"     

Junjie caught the car keys.     

"Get my laptop from the car."     

"Sure. Anything I can help you with?" he looked at Wang Shi and Suyin.     

"Her interns! They are on the field job to collect data from the families of the deceased and are scattered everywhere. Before it gets dark, send someone to bring them back." Wang Shi instructed. They were just college kids after all, there safety is Suyin's responsibility and anything related to her is his responsibility.     

Suyin twisted in her seat to face him. If he had not done this, she was about to call the ministry to arrange something for her interns. Normally this was taken care of by her assistant, but now that he had taken a day off, her work-load had increased.     

"Thank you! I really needed this help."     

Wang Shi reached to pinch her cheek, "It's the last time I'm hearing it."     

Junjie "...."     

Xiu Mei "…."     

Fei Hong "…."     

Junjie, "What just happened?"     

Xiu Mei, "Brother Wang, you pinched her cheek?"     

Fei Hong, "I think they forgot to share something? Brother Wang, mind telling us."     

Wang Shi interlinked his fingers with Suyin's, "We are dating. Now stop being nosy and get back to work. This is important. JUNJIE…."     

"Argh…. Going. Going. But don't think this is over. I won't let you go unless you fill me with details. Welcome to the team, Sister." Before sprinting off, he didn't forget to look at Fei Hong. As their gaze met, she pursed her lips and looked away.     

"I thought it will take you forever to realize, but here you prove me wrong. Undoubtedly you are Jianyu's elder brother. A step ahead! But we will talk about it later." Xiu Mei fished out her phone, "Does Jianyu knows about it?"     


"Good. He dared keep it a secret, now I'll make him sleep in the guest room for one month."     


"Mei, please."     

Xiu Mei gave her phone to Suyin, "I'm fed up of being alienated by these brothers. Today onwards, we will do the same, okay? Let them know how it feels."     

Suyin saved her number on it, not at all surprised how easily she was accepted by them. While confessing, Wang Shi had mentioned about his brother. In fact, he had mentioned him a lot. And what Xiu Mei just did was expected from Feng Jianyu's wife. The way she's loved and respected by everyone, including Honey, tells a lot about her personality.     

Wang Shi's phone brought everyone's attention to him. He cut the call within three seconds.     

"Let's go. The patient is here."     

"You shall go. Let me again go through the patient reports I got from you. If you find something new, call me."     

He caught her elbow, "Trust me. You need to see this patient."     

"Wang Shi—"     

"She's your assistant's daughter."     

"No, listen. That's what— Come again!" she recalled Long Tao's words when he came in the morning. Family emergency! Her heart pounded.     

"When I came to the cafeteria to get you, I saw him crying."     


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