Mark of the destiny

These two!!!

These two!!!

0Wang Shi scrolled the information as collected by Xiu Mei, "Toxic shock can happen to anyone, irrespective of their gender and age. It can be caused because of cuts, burns on the skin, recent surgery, viral infection, or anything. Though more than fifty percent of the cases are reported in women of menstruating age, shockingly here we are landed with all women cases. None of them is a man!"     

Fei Hong paused taking the next sip, "Wait! Why menstruating age?"     

Suyin answered, "Because of the use of products women put in their vagina. Be it tampons, pads, menstrual cups, or any other thing that goes down there."     

Xiu Mei frowned, "But…"     

"I know what you are thinking. This is a part of our daily life, and every woman does it? Toxic Shock Syndrome is extremely rare but life-threatening once contracted. Only 0.00003% of cases are reported worldwide every year. Though the number is insignificant, it's still a number. However, the problem is we got so many cases within a month, and the death rate is…." Suyin leaned to check the figure on the screen, "82%."     



Xiu Mei, "So, is this because of the use of those products?"     

Wang Shi placed a hand at his chin, "I've seen TSS cases, this is something more. People who die from toxic shock are killed by the body's response to the toxins released by staph bacteria. Most people suffer hypotensive shock, in which the heart and lungs stop working. However, the abnormal purple tint points at poisoning too. Sarah's condition….." he took a look at Suyin, "….is not very good. She's running a fever of 107 and unstable BP. I'm afraid the infection is already spread into her organs."     

Suyin stood up.     

"Suyin, where are you going?"     

"I still think this is related to the use of Tampons or pads. That's the only thing exclusive to women. Among the sixteen cases I've studied, fifteen women were on periods. I don't know what caused the infection to the remaining one, but the other fifteen were using those products for sure. And don't forget, Sarah's period got over two days back, concluding she had used them recently."     

"But these products are in the market for years."     

"Maybe a new product or brand is introduced? Or an infectious batch is released into the market? Or anything….."     

"Suyin, in both cases the number of patients won't be just in hundreds but in hundred thousand."     

"I can't wait. At least start from somewhere."     

"Wait." Xiu Mei runs her fingers on the laptop again and answered within a minute. "Nope…. No new product or brand is introduced recently. That omits the first possibility. And if it comes to the second doubt, brother Wang is right, the number of cases should be more than this."     

Suyin shut her eyes tight. The fatigue and exhaustion were now visible on her face. It's been the entire day, yet she was standing with no significant lead in hand.     

"I have an idea." Wang Shi's words caught everyone's attention, "Didn't you send your interns to get information? Let's note down the common points between these women. We have to know what's separating these women from others. Mei, I need medical reports of all these women you found. If it comes to hacking, do it. But give me those damn reports."     

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go. I'm in!" Junjie exclaimed, passing the box of tissues to Fei Hong, "…. And YOU sleep. Tonight, I'm the Sherlock Holmes."     

"I want to join as well. Sitting here and doing nothing is boring." Fei Hong requested looking at the trio.     

Xiu Mei picked her laptop, "Nope. Sleep."     

Wang Shi interlinked his hands with Suyin's, "Nope. Sleep."     

Junjie opened the blanket, adjusted the room temperature, "Sleep."     



"Miya, order the kitchen to prepare food and drinks for everyone. Place some energy bars and snacks near the coffee machine. Put three on-calls rooms on hold for these interns." Wang Shi's gaze shifted to the tired interns, "To make the work more efficient, you will work in shifts of 4 hours.���     

"Dr. Wang is right, I'm dividing you into two teams." Suyin wrote down some points on the whiteboard with a marker, "Write the findings on the board. When the shift will change, the other team knows from where to start and what information they already have. Got it?"     

Seeing their tired faces, she thought of something, "I know it was a tiring day and now you are working at night too. If someone wants to leave, you may. I will not judge you; this is not your job; you are just interns."     

*No one moved*     

Yu Mixi, the leader of the group, looked at everyone and they nodded at her. She turned to face Suyin, "Though it is not our job, one day it will be. We are not letting go of this learning opportunity. Let's do it, mam."     

Without Suyin's intervention, they divided themselves into two groups. After eating food with everyone, one group left to take a rest in the rooms prepared by Wang Shi. To their surprise, nurses on the night duty volunteered to help them with everything they needed.     

Tonight, the conference room of People's Hospital was lively even in the middle of the night. Not only Suyin and her interns, but Xiu Mei, Junjie, and Wang Shi were scanning the reports, looking for similarities.     

Though the interns were in awe of the three big personalities sitting with them and wanted to take selfies and autographs, the current work-in-hand and Suyin's sharp eyes were enough to not let them approach any of them and concentrate on work.     

Xiu Mei checked the time, "Brother Wang, I'll come after checking on the kids."     

"Jianyu is with them already. Check your phone, he must have messaged you too."     

"Oh yes! He did." Xiu Mei checked her phone, it was a lovely message from him.     

When Feng Jianyu came to know from Feng Junjie, he dropped everything at the company and came to take care of the kids to let Xiu Mei concentrate on her work. If Wang Shi had ordered the food and snacks, it was Jianyu who had sent chocolate milk for everyone.     

Though it was purely because of Xiu Mei!     

[Daddy monster is taking care of kids and Mumma chipmunk should take care of herself if she doesn't want to get punished. Don't forget to drink milk, it will give you the strength to handle my strength, *wink* *kiss*]     

It turned Xiu Mei cheeks beet red in front of everyone. 'This monster husband is too much!'     

[Monster, let me get free from this. I'll fix you once and for all.]     

The reply came, [Waiting to get fixed. Don't forget to fix a very important part of my body. *wink*]     

Irritated, she put the phone down and concentrated back on the monitor.     

This diverted Suyin's attention. She was just curious about what made Xiu Mei so red.     

"If you keep looking at her like this, I'll kiss you out of jealousy."     

Wang Shi's breath tickled her ear, she let out a tiny gasp and snapped her head at him.     

She warned him with her eyes….     

"Argh… now you are looking at ME like this. Stop seducing me. Otherwise….."     

Annoyed, Suyin concentrated back on the document. Her gaze collided with Xiu Mei's for a brief-est second and they both shared their misery.     

'These two!!!!!'     


To be contiued....     

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