Mark of the destiny

You are lucky

You are lucky

0The next day Honey woke up and found himself buried in something soft with a whiff of the floral fragrance emitting from it. He loved the fragrance and nuzzled against the self-assumed pillow.     

However, the constant heaving of the 'pillow' and a faint sound of breathing that isn't his own flung his eyes so wide each orb were a perfect round. After a second, he deflated like a balloon and made a crying face.     




"Good morning, son," Rubbing his wet hair with a towel, Wang Shi looked from the mirror and smiled at Honey who was deeply pondering his next action. To yell or sneak out? Jeez! The drool patches on Suyin's clothes had put him in a hard situation.     

"Dad, I need—" he looked at Suyin warily and lowered his voice, "—I need explanation."     

"I need explanation too," Wang Shi applied the cologne on pulse points and picked the watch from the table before coming towards Honey. "Can you tell me what's special in Suyin that you love to sleep hugging her?"     


"Don't steal my line." Honey shuffled his small body looking for a comfortable position under the claws of Suyin, "How did I end up like this? What is she doing in my bed?"     

He recalled it was Yuyu and Lan who were sleeping on the bed earlier. How did it change to Suyin? Where are his sisters?     

"Asking the one who turned to his side and hugged Suyin as soon as she hit the bed. Just see, you even drooled on her clothes. Don't blame me when you are the culprit."     


Honey's head spun, and he covered his face in shame. "This can't be true. It must be her who had done something. I'm a man….. what have I done?"     


'It sounds wrong!'     

"Cough… The entire night she had helped me with a case and had slept just two hours before. Let her sleep. Okay?"     


"Wait! Like this? At least, let me out of this trap. Look, she's hugging me as if I'm a teddy bear." Honey panicked and tried to squeeze his small body out through the tiniest gaps, but Suyin hummed herself and hugged him tighter.     

Both father and son paused for a minute, breathing in relief as she goes back to sleep. Strangely, both had different reasons to not disturb her sleep.     

"You are looking good like this." Ignoring Honey's appeal, he grabbed the water bottle from the table and some chocolates, "This is for you until you are 'trapped'. Suyin's phone is also there, learn some more 'Go' tricks. I've got a patient to see."     

"Dad, am I really your son? Will you leave me like this?" he puckered his lips out in an adorable puppy face to melt Wang Shi's heart and celebrated seeing him stop in his steps. 'Yes! No one can beat me.'     

"Since you are my SON, a piece of friendly advice- never wake up a baby and a sleeping woman. The consequences are painful."     

And he just left…     

Honey "…."     

"Hey, come back. We can negotiate. Dad? DA—" he recalled the advice and lowered his voice to almost inaudible. "dad…. Someone there? Save me, please? I'm stuck in a woman's arms….God, at least you help me, please."     

God, 'never.'     


While learning 'Go' in Suyin's phone, Honey jumped when the phone ring, snapping his head to Suyin who roused from her slumber and had been patting her hand on the bed looking for the phone.     

Warily, he put the phone within her reach and pretended to act like a log.     

"Hello," Suyin answered hoarsely, holding a certain fairy with the other hand.     

"Brat. It's lunchtime and you are sleeping? Don't tell me you skipped breakfast too. I left you alone in that lazy James' company and you took his habits already? Come home once, you deserve a beating." Si Han's scolded her.     

"Mum… you are cruel. You know I was working all night on a very important case, yet the first thing you did was to scold me. Go away. I'm not talking to you."     

Si Han let out a sigh, "Okay, okay, stop crying. It doesn't suit you. How is going everything? Did you find the clue?"     

"Yeah, we have a clue now; I've sent the tampon samples for testing. However, Sarah's condition was not good when I last checked on her. I'm afraid for her. And her parents too…." She looked down at Honey and pushed his bangs off of his eyes. If it was not for this little fairy, she wouldn't have slept this peacefully.     

Si Han didn't say a word. Years back, she and Suyin both had been through this. She had seen Suyin's condition when her baby died. The purpose she had called Suyin was to check if she's doing fine. Hearing her talk normally had calmed her a lot.     

"Take left from here," Suyin heard her mother say.     

"Mom, where are you going?"     

"Guess what! I got a call from the dealer; they had found a property as per our requirement. Let me check, if it's fine, we'll open our boutique by the end of the month."     

"Oh, no! I'm worried about the people who'll buy your clothes. Your designs are so old, just like you. Are you sure you're not targeting the oldies?"     

"SAY THAT AGAIN! NAUGHTY! You're eating bitter gourd for the entire week."     

Suyin pushed the phone away, "Network problem… network problem…. bitter gourd is for oldies. Bye…."     

Smiling to herself, she put the phone down. "You are so cute, mom. Can't resist teasing you.'     

Honey looked at her with his big peach blossom eyes, "Was that your mom? Do you both always talk like this?"     

All this while he was sleeping on her chest, and sensed every emotion….. Scolding, anger, care, love, teasing, and unmatchable happiness.     

"Hey, my cute fairy. Good mor…. afternoon. Can I take my kiss first?" Without waiting, she pecked him twice, "Yes. She's not only my mother but my first ever friend. We always talk as if two besties talking, leaving the time when she suddenly becomes my mother and bullies me."     

Honey lie down his head on her chest and looked away, "But she still loves you. Even Ma-ma loves Yuyu and Lan a lot despite she sometimes spanks them for being naughty."     

"Mm-hmm! Every mother loves her child. There is a love hidden in her scolding too."     

Suyin sensed something was wrong when Honey didn't jump away from her as always but kept lying on her chest.     

"Not every. You are lucky."     

Suyin's heart thumped, his meek self-deprecating voice stabbed her heart. She forced him to look at her. "Honey,"     

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