Mark of the destiny

Good Mom!

Good Mom!

0"My mom…. She….. she….sh-she…. Nothing." Something he wanted to say, something reached the tip of his tongue but SOMETHING stopped him…..     

Before he could burry his small head on her chest, Suyin cupped his cheeks between her warm palms.     

"You are lucky too, my love." Her words made him look into her eyes. Confused. Asking countless questions. But he likes her voice when she called him 'my love'. It was soothing for his little heart. So soothing, he wanted to hear it again.     

"I know, it's hard growing up without a mother, but it's easy when you have a father who plays both roles….. And only a special man can do that. Don't tell me you don't take him as your role model."     

Honey's little face which had withered a moment ago suddenly lit up, his eyes sparkled as he showed his cutest smile which looks like Wang Shi's.     

Ah! Suyin can die for this smile!     

"Yeah, my dad is the best-est. No other man in this world can match him. Not even Uncle Jianyu."     

"I know." Suyin wrinkled his nose, "Raising a brat like you is no simple task."     

Honey "…"     

"YOU…. You are a brat. Even your mother calls you that. Go away, I'm not talking to you."     

Before he could get off of her, Suyin holds him tight and poked his puffed cheeks that looked like a squirrel's. "Awww…. My Little Fairy looks so beautiful. Can't I tease him a little?"     

'Hmpf," he slapped his hands, "I'm not beautiful. I'm a handsome man."     

"…. And what a handsome gentleman he is. Just like his dad's. Dad's xerox copy!"     

Again a small smile threatened to come but the stingy man squeezed his lips, "Learn from me then. Being a brat is not good."     

Suyin "…"     

"You….. Wait I'll teach you a lesson right away….."     

Suyin's slender fingers danced on Honey's waist, and he laughed, squirmed, giggled…..     

"hahahaha….. no no no…. ahh…. Don't tickle…. Hahahaha���.no no… sorry …. Sorry, I won't do…. Hahahaha….."     

They both fell down on the bed, staring at the ceiling...     

"Little fairy, you look cutest when smiling. Don't let it slip from your lips. Otherwise, you'll become a grumpy old man—" Suyin turned to her side and gave a sounding kiss on his cheeks, and he instantly rolled inside the blanket like sushi.     

"I was about to compliment that you'll be a good mom one day. But now I've changed my mind. You always take advantage of me."     

Suyin's body stiffened hearing his muffled voice from the blanket.     

You'll be a good mom one day!     

Good mom!     

GOOD MOM!     


When such words come from the mouth of the boy who despises women, who rarely talks open his heart, who had been deprived of mother's love…..     

It only means he meant it for real!     

It came straight from his heart.     

But she never got the chance to prove she's a good mom. She never heard the magical word from her baby. She just didn't.     

Suyin reached out to pull the blanket, only for her fingers to close in the air and she lied down on the bed, staring at the chandelier.     

Feeling an awkward silence, Honey peeked through the blanket and saw a tear rolled down from the corner of her eyes as she laid still.     

"Hey, why are you crying? Is it because I declined the kisses?" he straddled her on stomach and wiped the tears clumsily with her little hands. "There, there…. good kids don't cry. I'll give you a kiss. Okay?"     

Suyin received a kiss on each cheek. That makes an extra kiss! His baby fragrance was something to die for.     

He cuteness made her chuckle.     

"Not crying, something got into my eyes. Now it's fine."     

"Really? You were not crying for my kiss?"     

She saw him turning red in embarrassment as he got down from her stomach. "But I really needed those. And today you gave me a complimentary."     


"It was not complimentary. 96 left."     

"Complimentary it is. I didn't ask for it. 97 left."     

Honey "…."     


Honey went to bathe first, and while waiting outside, Suyin was stuck with a gigantic problem. Clothes! She had nothing to wear.     

Out of option, she picked her phone to call James but found a message from Wang Shi in it.     

[Things you need are in the packet kept on my chair. Don't come down before eating. Enjoy your first date with your little fairy.]     

Her lips jutted out.     

It was a sweet message, but something was missing. A kiss emoji!     

"Stingy man! I won't reply now."     

Running, she grabbed the packet and checked the contents. Her heart fluttered seeing formal wear but in different colors. Fitted aqua pants with a boat neck half sleeve knit tee, completing the look with a long coat in cream and nude pumps.     

A smile tugged to her lips as she typed the message.... [I like it.]     

Wang Shi's phone buzzed, he was in the conference discussing Sarah's case with a doctor friend of his. As if waiting for the message, he picked the phone.     

His brows twisted. 'Just a message? No kissing emoji? Stingy!'     

He replied, [:smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:]     

The reply came, [:smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:]     

God above, facepalmed.     

Both wanted a kiss emoji, and both were holding back to not make the other feel clingy. Desperate. Uncomfortable. Kiddish.     


After eating lunch, Suyin came down to check on Sarah first. Co-incidentally Wang Shi was present as well, examining her.     

"Mam, did the reports came?" Sarah's elder sister came to Suyin.     

"Not yet, but it's on priority already."     

"There you are, Suyin." Chen Wenwei came holding a file and cast a glance at the frail-looking girl from the glass window. "She's Assistant Long's daughter? Why didn't you tell me anything? How is she?"     

"Let's wait for Dr. Wang Shi."     

As soon as she came to know about the situation from the interns, she cleared her appointment to make herself available. Knowing Suyin's nature and the severity of the situation, there's no way she will let it pass.     

However, even without Suyin, she would never the culprits go.     

Wang Shi came outside with a group of doctors, each containing an expression that sunk Suyin's heart. She knows when doctors make such a face.     

She stepped back. Seeing her, even Chen Wenwei stepped back.     

The hopeful parents looked at Wang Shi….     

"Mr. Long..." Wang Shi breathed deeply; this was the most tiresome task of this profession. "….. in order to avoid further damages to Sarah's organs, It's best if we put her under a medically induced coma. Th-that's our last option."     

"MRS. LONG!"     



Suyin and Chen Wenwei looked as Mrs. Long lost her consciousness…..     


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