Mark of the destiny



0"Who is she? Why did you bring her here?" Everyone in the room present heard the tone Junjie used and the implied meaning behind it as he acted nonchalant while looking at Fei Hong.     

Hong snorted, "I'm Fei Hong, but it's good that you don't know me. Damn, I just wasted my time to come here and check on you." She turned to leave.     

"Oh! Now you are worried about me? Why? Who am I to you? Just a passing person, ah!"     

She turned.     

"Shut up, okay? Why are you acting as if I've done a crime? We are just friends after all. Must you—"     

"BEST FRIENDS!" Junjie exploded, correcting her words. It was loud enough to jolt her. "GODDAMN IT. We are BEST FRIENDS, Hong. Don't devalue our friendship."     

"All right! Best friend it is. So what?"     

He stilled, waiting to see what she wanted to say.     

"Does that mean I should tell you about everything going on in my life?" she said finally.     

His fist clenched, "I wish you had told me. Even a tiny hint would have had worked, but you decided to fight alone? Stupid me, I thought I'm your 3 a.m. friend."     

"You are my 3 a.m. friend, but…." she let out a helpless sigh, "Mei, Brother Wang, can you both—"     

The two were sitting on the couch, hearing their conversation/ fight/ banter/ or whatever it was; as if enjoying their favorite daily soap.     

Xiu Mei shrugged, "I'm with Junjie."     

Hong looked at Wang Shi.     

Wang Shi, "Both of you are right. But somehow, I feel you should have told us. If not anything else, at least we could have ensured the safety of your family."     

Fei Hong looked away from everyone, "Must I drag more people into my problem? If this matter gets publicized whose reputation will suffer? It was my fault I was desperate for a job, and went there alone to dine with unknown people, took a drink, and kept my guards down. Have I not went there, nothing would have had happened. My family wouldn't have suffered this much. Rina, she's just fifteen…. What if those people..."     

"Stupid, silly, idiot," before anyone could say a word Junjie held Fei Hong's and pulled her to the couch. "You went there alone to dine and sign a contract, but those bastards came prepared with something else on their mind. How on earth did it become your fault? You don't have to look out for your own actions. THE SHAME IS ON THE AGGRESSORS NOT YOU."     

Deep lines appeared on his forehead as he pretended to recall, "What word you used?..... ah! Reputation! It's the regressed views of our society that prevents women from taking action because of this 'R E P U T A T I O N'. What examples are you setting for Rina?"     

Xiu Mei was left with open mouth, and as she turned to look at Wang Shi, he dusted his shoulder proudly and pointed at himself, mouthing 'My Brother.'     

'My brother too.' she mouthed in reply.     

"C'mon Hong, I wish to see my ever fierce bestie in action. This doesn't suit you." Xiu Mei hooked her arm around Fei Hong's.     

"Sister Mei Mei is right. Let's do it now." Saying, he fished out his phone and scrolled a number. "I'm calling that Tong Po, just show him what RJ Fei Hong is."     

"I support the idea," Wang Shi added. In such cases, women have two options and that changes her life forever. Either she can pursue a complaint and fight for justice or hold her silence. But if she chose the latter, she'll never recover. She'll think about it literally every day and burn in silent anger.     

"No… Don't," she tried to stop but Junjie dodged. "What will I say?"     

Junjie rolled his eyes, "I'm not asking you to chant scriptures. Just shove some good quality abusive words, suppressed anger and frustration down his throat. Trust me, it will make you feel better."     


Tong Po's voice came. Getting his private number was no big deal for Junjie.     

Hong's chest undulates as she blinked at the phone and then at everyone who had turned into cheerleaders. Minus Pompoms.     


"I-It's me, Fei Hong."     

"Ahh! So Miss. Fei has called to apologize. Scared after seeing the police, huh? Do you think I'll let you--"     

She breathed deep…..     

"Shut the f*ck up, you bellend. Your ass is getting jealous of the amount of shit coming from your mouth. Apologize? Your mother should apologise the entire nation for giving birth to you. How dare you target my family? I should have hit harder that day. Harder enough to kill you and lessen a burden from the surface of the earth. You just wait, I'll make YOU and your filthy friends rot in jail."     


"But before that, I'll cut off your **** and paste it on your head," Junjie added, receiving a look from all three.     

"Do you have any idea to whom you are talking, f*****? Who are you?"     

Everyone "…."     

'Does he have any idea to whom he had cursed?'     

Junjie scoffed, "Asura."     

He winked at Fei Hong, hanging up.     

"You were too good!" Xiu Mei hugged Fei Hong.     

"I know you guys are supporting me but still I want to fight on my own."     

"Of course, you will," Instead of Mei, Junjie answered, "We will only ensure nobody uses their power and money to suppress you. Rest you have to manage all by yourself. We are busy personalities after all."     

She threw a cushion at him.     

He caught it deftly, chuckling.     

"What about you say to him over the phone?"     

"Wh—Oh! That!!!!!" his smile turned evil, "Don't pay attention. It for the later part after you are done with them. Until then, I promise not to touch him."     

Her nose wrinkled, "Ewwww..."     

Junjie "…"     

His smile fade, "I won't do it personally…. It's the job of a—"     

This time Wang Shi threw a cushion that hit Junjie's face, "I won't."     

"I didn't say a word."     

"Btw Hong, why have you resigned? After Suyin's interview, your popularity was sky high." Xiu Mei asked.     

Fei Hong bit her lips and tried to sidestep the question, "Speaking of Suyin, how are things on her side?"     


"Why did you resign? Did Neo Huo did something in the office too?"     



Yikes. Escape from Xiu Mei was impossible. If she's onto something, she wouldn't let you off. Even Wang Shi and Junjie looked at her with raised brows.     

"He had accepted money to sabotage Suyin's interview. I got it inquired in secret, it was some Ling Xeumo who did that." She looked at Wang Shi, "Do you know who she is?"     

Wang Shi frowned. Isn't she a doctor at the Ace? She was hostile to Suyin at the art exhibition as well. According to Suyin's resume, she had once worked in the same hospital. Did she have any connection with Suyin's cheating case?     

"Mei, Daiyu is with Suyin for a few days. Can you give me information about this Ling Xeumo and look out for her connection with Suyin?"     



Meanwhile, Suyin received a call in between her work. It was an unknown number, but it turned out to be a very important call.     


"A-Aunty Suyin,"     

Suyin "...."     

This childish yet cute voice gave her goosebumps. The word 'Aunty Suyin' sounds weird from his mouth.      

"Wow! My Little Fairy called!"     

"Umm.... can I ask for a favor?"     


He was abnormally so polite that Suyin had a doubt she was hearing wrong. How on earth this was possible!?!     

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