Under the Veil of Night

The Plan Begins

The Plan Begins

0On the other hand, Kanae sighed as she walked far away from Sheila. With this, the wild cards that were placed on the table have just increased. She didn't know whether Sheila's involvement would bring changes to her plan or not. However, she hoped that there wouldn't be more unnecessary deaths anymore.     


No matter what happened to Sheila, it was not her problem. She knew very well how hard it was for them to get away after offending the Nali Family. If Sheila wanted to have a taste, she would not mind letting that girl do that. After all, she didn't have a good impression of Sheila, and that woman had repeatedly made trouble for her.     

Sheila thought of herself too highly to see the entire picture.     

The Nali Family was quite strict in protecting their family name and core members. They wouldn't let their younger generation fall for someone else's ploy.     

'I don't understand why they want to drag themselves into the mess.'     

Kanae looked towards Sheila who was walking towards the latter's husband. She shook her head internally. Sheila basically traded her freedom and body for money, status, and so on. That woman still had a lot of other choices, yet she picked this arduous road filled with thorns and blood.     

Closing her eyes for a moment, she recalled her own situation. There was more than once when she felt that there was no hope. Yet, she had never resorted to giving up her freedom. She knew that it was something she would never be able to do.     

Maybe, she just has too much pride for her own good, but that was just how she was. Shaking her head lightly, Kanae erased those thoughts. No matter what, she would never let herself be pushed to the corner anymore.     

She walked towards where her sister was standing and lightly bumped into Laura from the back before quickly walking away.     

It was their signal, meaning that Laura had to start their plan.     

Laura was startled, but she still wore a smile on her face.     

"Hey! Be more careful when walking!" one of the boys shouted angrily. "Don't bump into someone else!"     

Laura smiled reassuringly. "There's no need to be angry. I'm fine."     

The man frowned. To be honest, he was completely enraptured by Laura's appearance. She was simply too beautiful to behold. "Are you sure you're okay, did that person do anything inappropriate?"     

"If that person did, let me deal with him!"     


Looking at the hot-headed boys in front of her, Laura truly wanted to roll her eyes. It was her intention to catch their attention and make them her shield to make sure Sakura didn't notice her.     

But this was simply too much!     

It seemed she had underestimated how shameless the men in this city was. She lightly tilted the glass on her hand, splashing the drink to her other hand. "I need to wash my hands first. Do you all mind?"     

Laura was putting on an innocent young girl's troubled face, making the boys feel bad. They quickly shook their heads.     

"No, not at all."     

"We'll be waiting for you here."     

"Don't worry, we're willing to wait for someone as pretty as you."     

Laura chuckled. Internally, she was cursing the men in this city because of how easily they were being used. She made sure to etch deeply in her mind to find a better man for herself in the future and not these kinds of men that could only leer at women's bodies and flirt.     

"Thank you."     

She walked elegantly towards the restroom. As part of the Nali Family, she had learned how to walk gracefully. Added with her experience overseas, she was basically top-notch in terms of walking and it made her body language more attractive.     

When she reached the restroom, she moved her feet towards the other side into a hidden corner. There was a door here heading towards the inner part of the mansion and this would officially start their plan to retrieve the mansion's deed.     

Her eyes unconsciously landed on the watch of the nearby servant that walked near her. The reminder her sister gave her repeatedly this evening rang loudly in her head.     

'You have 10 minutes.'     

The memory made her steps quicken her steps. For the entire 10 minutes, the cameras were going to be shut down. However, they would turn on again when the time was up.     

By the time Laura reached the door, Kanae put her hand inside her pocket. Her phone was there and she already hacked into the system of this mansion. With a light tap from her finger, the electricity in the inner part of the mansion was cut off.     

"Shin, are you ready?"     

There was a slight pause before Shiro answered. "Don't worry, Captain. I'm watching the guards outside and the cameras that you hacked. If there's anything wrong, I'll report to you."     

Shiro didn't come to the party, but he was tasked to monitor the people inside and outside the mansion. Using the laptop Jason gave him, he has been watching carefully for quite some time.     

"Wait," Jason's voice came out from the device. The noisy background lessened before they heard his words again. "Didn't I tell you that you only have to put in the code that I gave you before?"     

"Oro, how many times do I have to tell you that I know nothing about computers and hacking?" Shiro said with annoyance.     

He never learned how to code and hack programs as his life revolved only around guns and medicine. If they asked him to create a new type of gun, he would gladly tell them his plans in detail. From the design to the special features of the gun, he could surely do that all.     

But if it was about hacking, he knew nothing. Rather than creating trouble for himself and others by trying to learn something he found extremely unfamiliar, he had better stick to his expertise.     

"Didn't I tell you to learn it?"     

"I hate the computer."     

"That's not a reason!"     

"That's a good enough reason for me to not touch it. I feel dizzy whenever I see these codes. Do you really want me to type it in and possibly destroy your program?"     

"At least, learn the basics!" Jason was about to reprimand Shiro again when he heard Taro call his name. He sighed in annoyance. "I'll talk to you again later."     

"Yeah, yeah."     

Kanae listened to their conversation as her eyes were fixed on the door into the inner mansion, waiting for her sister to appear again. The banters of her teammate passed from one ear out the other one, not staying in her mind at all.     

Internally, she prayed hard. 'Be careful, Laura.'     

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