Chapter 467: He’s Going To Be A Real Man

Chapter 467: He’s Going To Be A Real Man

0"You!" The woman clenched her teeth in anger.     

She stood up afterward, looking at the handsome man getting off the car feeling aggrieved. "Tory, please don't blame him. He's just a kid."        

The man slammed the car door, coldly staring at the little boy who wasn't so tall as his legs yet.     

"Don't call me Tory," he spoke in Italian.         

The woman was struck dumb for a second, then licked her lips with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Mr. Romeo."        

Tory shook his hand to tell her to leave, then asked the little boy in English, "Who told you to do that?"         

The little boy raised his head to look at him. "My mom!"          

"Nonsense!" Tory snapped at him. "Ben, your mother already passed away."         

"You're a liar!" Ben's lips were trembling, and he did his best not to cry. "You've told me mother left for a vacation before, then you told me mother became an astronaut, and now you said mother was dead! You are a liar!" Ben shouted, then ran away, wiping his eyes.     

Tory stood still, and his hands clenched into fists in his pockets.     

He thought Ben was too young to know the truth, but he had to use more lies to make up for the first one.     

"Mr. Romeo." The housekeeper stood behind him and said, "Lord Ben seldom has a vacation. Please allow him to enjoy it."           

Tory snorted, then strode into the villa.     

Ben was crying, sitting on a stool. Seeing Tory walking inside, he jumped down from it and stood in front of him with great respect.     

"I'm sorry, father. It's my fault," Ben said like a little gentleman. "I shouldn't have said that in that tone to you."     

"I know you also miss my mother very much, and you always stare at her photo every night."         

Tory fixed his eyes on Ben, then pointed at the stool.     

Ben climbed to sit on the stool again and straightened up his back with his hands placed on his knees, waiting for his father's criticism.     

"Why don't you apologize to Ms. Nina?" Tory asked in a deep voice.     

Ben said, "I did nothing wrong to her. Why should I apologize? She seduced you."          

Tory compressed his lips and explained with patience. "I'm an adult man, while Nina is an adult woman. We have the freedom to be together."          

"But father, you don't like her," Ben said with a serious face. "You even don't allow her to call you, Tory."          

"It's just an address," Tory said.        

At this moment, Nina walked over with a plate of chopped fruits. "Mr. Romeo, do you like medium steak for dinner?"          

Tory ate a piece of apple. He didn't reply until he chewed it for a while. "I'm busy tonight, and I won't eat at home."         

Ben looked over. "Father, can I have a video call with my friend?"          

"Sure, but don't expose your location." Tory smiled at him.          

"I won't!" Ben looked excited.     

After eating fruits, Tory told Ben to recite poems in both Italian and English.     

When it was done, Ben was asked to show his skills of the sword.     

Nina stood by Tory's side all the time, and she had a little sympathy for Ben. "Ben is just a kid. Mr. Romeo, don't you think you're too strict with him?"         

Tory ignored her. "He's going to be a real man."     

After the performance, Ben ran to Tory with her little face covered in sweat. "Father, how is it?"          

"Not bad, but you can do better," Tory said. Ben felt a little disappointed. "Sure, I'll keep practicing."          

"Go back to your room now," Tory said, and he was about to go to the appointment.     

Ben ran to his room with a happy face and gave Kylie a video call at once.     

"Mom, what are you doing?" Ben called Kylie his mom ever since the shooting began.     

Kylie let him have a glance at the dough with the camera of her phone. "I'm making cakes. Do you want some?"         

Ben swallowed and nodded. "Yeah."        

Kylie beamed, and put her phone back on the shelf, then started to make the cream. "Where are you now, my son?"          

"T..." When Ben almost blurted it out, he thought of what his father had warned him. "The area around the Pacific Ocean."           

"Ha-ha, ha-ha." Kylie laughed out loud, so did Ben.     

"Mom, are you shooting for a show?" Ben noticed the cameras behind Kylie.     

"Yep, a show of delicious food and people will taste the dishes cooked by me later. Let's see whether I can win!" Kylie smiled, then turned to face the two cameramen. "This lovely little boy is my son."         

After that, Ben saw a camera moved to point at Kylie's phone.     

Ben then waved at the camera and helped Kylie win votes. "Please support my mom. She makes delicious cakes!"        

William walked by at this moment and heard a little boy's voice. "Oh, who is this adorable little boy? He's so cute."          

"He's Ben. He plays my son in the new show, Oh, Mother," Kylie said and introduced Ben to the audience.     

"I wondered when you become a mother." William beamed.     

An idea dawned on Kylie, and she said to Ben, "Ben, this is my nephew, William, and he's your older brother."           

"Nice to see you, Brother William," Ben said in his sweet voice.     

William said hi to Ben, then realized he shouldn't have done that. "Well, your mother just took advantage of me." He shook his head, then went to cook.     

When it was around 7 pm, most of the dishes were ready, and Kylie placed them on a table outside.     

Carl and Meryl moved even faster, and their guests were present one after another. Kylie and William, however, could only invite passers-by on the road to taste their food.     

Some visitors who were shy refused to do that once they found the cameras. William then gave it up and went to invite staff members working nearby to join them.     

They met countless visitors and cameras every day, so they didn't care about it at all.     

It was almost 7:30 pm a while later, but Tory was still absent. Right when Kylie thought he probably wouldn't come, the Dodge Ram 1500 stopped by her side.     

"Am I late?" Tory smiled and got off it, then handed Kylie a bunch of moth orchids. "A gift for you."         

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" Kylie smelt it, then invited Tory to come inside. "Come on in. We're waiting for you."           

Knowing Tory disliked being shot, Kylie arranged a concealed seat for him.     

"Do you mind?" she asked in a low voice.     

"Of course not, thanks." Tory sat down. He glanced around the plates placed in front of him. "Which one is cooked by you?"           

Kylie explained with a smile. "Well, these are all cooked by my partner, and I just made some cakes."         

"Great, I can wait for the cakes." Tory sat upright. It was apparent that he was a well-educated gentleman.     

A person sat side by side noticed Tory, then turned to talk to nearby people at once. Within a short time, several people looked at Tory with one accord.     

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