Chapter 393: It Isn’t A Common Bear But A Popular One

Chapter 393: It Isn’t A Common Bear But A Popular One

0Real men keep their words, so Ethan does. He wouldn't dare to upset her because he knew she had a bad temper. He still had his secret that Kylie didn't know, he thought about it recently. He experienced a sudden shift of his natural form last night, and he wasn't prepared to tell her the truth. He was afraid she wouldn't accept her even though they have their child coming soon. He was too worried thinking that their baby would inherit his rare blood.      

To remove his anxiety, he quickly deepened his kiss.      

Since Kylie didn't want him to stop, he wouldn't stop.     

Kylie barely could standstill. "Stop it now!"       

Ethan, who was hugging her in his arms, stopped for a second, then said in his husky voice, "I thought you want more." He turned Kylie's body to let her face him and kiss the tip of her nose. He had promised to give her a break of half a month.     

"Shouldn't we leave now?" Kylie laid her hands on Ethan's chest.       

"Yeah, some people are still waiting for you." Ethan smoothed her hair, then held her hand walking downstairs.     

It was already quiet at the venue, and there were only several staff members packing things up.     

Kylie thought it must be the end of today's event. However, to her surprise, the moment she walked out of the venue, cameras flashed without stopping.     

There indeed were many people waiting for her.     

Kylie was being ignored by them when she had walked on the red carpet at the beginning of the day. Now, their enthusiasm made her stay calmer.     

Kylie wore a sweet smile to every camera and posed for photographs.     

She was holding Ethan's arm all the time in front of cameras. Ethan, instead, was still wearing his cold face as always.     

A reporter asked Kylie, "Kylie, what do you want to say about today's surprises?"        

Kylie glanced at Ethan, then said, "I feel so honored and happy today, no matter even if I become a bear today or find a loving husband."     

The reporter was amused. "It isn't a common bear, but a very popular one."        

"Yes, and I hope I can be as popular as it," Kylie said.     

Another reporter asked, "Miss Finch, do you plan to join an international film?"        

"It's every actor's dream to be involved in an international film, but I think I need to practice my acting skills more," Kylie said, being modest.     

"We're looking forward to your future works!"     

The reporters didn't ask sharp questions but seemed to be endorsing Kylie.     

After they walked through the crowd, Kylie asked Ethan in a low voice, "Did you arrange them for me too?"     

"Of course not." Ethan opened the car door and protected Kylie's head when she sat inside. "They really like you."     

Lucas drove the car away when he sent Dora and Harry to the hospital, so Faith drove another car to pick them up.      

When Kylie was seated, Ethan closed the car door and got in from another side. "I think you left a good impression on them today."     

Ethan hugged Kylie in his arms, and he was unwilling to be apart from her for just a second.     

"Do you know the address?" Ethan asked in his deep voice.     

"Director Keys already sent it to me, and I can use the navigation system," Faith said.     

"Where did you get this car," Kylie asked Faith.        

"Director Keys lent it to us," Faith answered with a smile. "Lucas and I met him at the door. He was very kind and guided Lucas to his familiar hospital in person, and left his car key to me."         

"Wow, Mr. Keys is really a good man." Kylie looked at Ethan. "I think he did that for your sake."     

"How did you know him?" Kylie was confused.     

Ethan had served in the army, and Dora had managed Peak Pictures for him. In that case, Mr. Keys should be Dora's friend.     

Why did he seem so close to Ethan?     

"A coincidence," Ethan said. "Keys had annoyed a gang in Britain before he transferred to be an actor, and he was almost killed. I helped him become a successful actor and pay the usury back."        

"You won't help someone for no reason." Kylie was doubtful.     

"The person who chased him was my target." Ethan smiled. "I planned to help Dora build her network back then."        

"Oh, you did have helped her a lot," Kylie said, feeling jealous.     

Ethan pulled her to sit on his legs and pinched her jaw. "I love to see you being jealous."        

"I'm not!" Kylie got rid of his hand, but her jaw was pinched again. "Look at my eyes." He threatened.     

Kylie then turned to meet his eyes. Ethan's eyes were very attractive, and she forgot to be mad all of a sudden, staring at them.     

"Let me go!" Kylie laughed and pushed him.     

When they arrived at the appointed hotel, Mr. Keys was standing there waiting for them.     

"I should have arranged a driver for you," he said.     

"Don't say that. You've already done a lot for us," Ethan said to him.     

All of a sudden, Kylie was very curious and asked Ethan, "How many languages do you speak?"     

Ethan was silent for a while, then said, "French, Russian, Korean and Spanish."     

Knowing that Kylie admired him more, "I think we don't need to hire an interpreter when we go abroad in the future."        

"Ha-ha, we still need to hire a professional interpreter for business," Ethan said.     

Hearing their talk, Mr. Keys looked over with a smile. "Where are you going for a honeymoon?"       

"Well." Kylie felt a little embarrassed. "We don't have any ideas yet."         

"I once found a super beautiful place during a trip, but it's a private island, so I didn't have the chance to get on it. I just left after glancing at it from afar," Mr. Keys said. "I promise it's the most beautiful place that I've ever seen."         

"Do you need to work recently?" Ethan asked Kylie.     

Kylie thought for a while. "Probably not, but I need to ask Lucas for details."        

"Tell him to clear your schedule," Ethan said without hesitation.     

"Do you have any ideas about the place where we're going to spend the honeymoon?" Kylie guessed from his determined face.     

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