Chapter 373: Don’t You Feel Bored

Chapter 373: Don’t You Feel Bored

0Sally was pushed out later, and the man went straight over and followed her going to the intensive care unit.     

Stephen turned back and saw Kylie staring at him in a strange look. He smiled. "Do you like my uniform?"     

"I like you in your uniform!" Kylie also smiled. This was the first time that she had seen Stephen carry out the surgery.     

When a usually elegant man became serious in his work, he was super attractive.     

"I haven't seen Dinah for a few days. Call her out to join us for a meal. My treat!" Kylie said.     

Stephen hesitated for a while, then said, "Sure."      

The two returned to the office, where Stephen was temporarily resting. The moment they walked inside, they saw a man standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his back facing them.     

"Father?" Stephen was surprised, and subconsciously pulled Kylie to his back.     

Adolph turned around, staring at Kylie in an unkind look.     

"She again? Do you prefer to listen to her?" Adolph smashed the ashtray on the table to the ground in anger. "How many times have I said that you are not allowed to be a doctor again?"     

Stephen's face turned pale. He seemed to want to say something but didn't say a word after his lips moved a little.     

"Mr. Cecil..." Kylie opened her mouth but was interrupted by Adolph. "You're not qualified to talk to me!"      

Adolph frowned and squinted at her.     

Kylie didn't say another word, not because she was scared of Adolph, but because she found he resembled Ethan so much when he squinted just then.     

She just thought Adolph looked familiar before but had never connected him with Ethan.     

A shocking fact dawned on Kylie once more.     

Seeing Kylie being quiet, Stephen thought Adolph scared her.     

Stephen, who planned to tolerate it, became angry all of a sudden. "Kylie is my friend. Please respect her!"     

Adolph gave Kylie a cold glance. "I'm teaching my son a lesson, and she should leave right now!"     

Stephen still wanted to say something, but Kylie pulled his arm. She looked at Adolph and said, "In your eyes, is Stephen, your son, or a dog that only knows how to wag his tail?"     

Adolph was struck dumb for a second. It was obvious that he was stunned by Kylie's bold remark.     

"You...I support his life, and his surname is also Cecil. It's none of your business whether he's my son or a dog!"     

Kylie smiled and said, "If you treat your son not as well as a dog, how will you treat your customers?"     

She folded her hands in front of her chest, then stared at Adolph in an elegant way. "I heard that Mr. Cecil is the chairman of the Empire Hotel. Aren't you afraid your employees will behave like you?"     

Hearing that, Adolph was in a rage, and almost had a brain hemorrhage.     

Except for his wife Agnes, only one person dared to confront him. Not only did she not listen to him, but she also had hidden away from him for more than 20 years and never had shown up. He wondered how she was doing now...     

Stephen didn't want to see his father arguing with Kylie, so he took the initiative to smooth over the tense atmosphere. "Why don't you go to check Sally's condition now? I'll stay here and have a talk with my father."     

Kylie nodded. "Great, but remember not to be bullied again." After that, she gave Adolph a glance before she left.     

Adolph snorted at Kylie's back, "Why do you like her so much? She's so bad-tempered and rude. Dinah is much better than her."     

Stephen took the cockroach and cleaned the glass fragments on the ground. "I heard that my aunt's temper is also very bad..."     

Adolph's face changed at once and glared at Stephen.     

"Bullshit! Your aunt moved out only because she wasn't used to life at home!" Adolph was angry. It took a long while for him to look at Stephen again. "Don't mention it before your mother."     

"Sure." After cleaning up the garbage, Stephen prepared a cup of coffee for Adolph. "How's mother's body now? It is time for the review."     

"Yeah, not bad." Adolph took a sip of his coffee. "The doctor said that your mother could live 15 years more after kidney transplant surgery. Now it's been more than 20 years. Your mother is very lucky, but you can't give up looking for a new healthy kidney. If anything bad happens, it'll come to need."     

Stephen looked at him, indifferently. "Sure, I understand."     

Adolph didn't allow him to be a doctor but still forced him to find a new healthy kidney for his mother, which was very unreasonable.     

Adolph tested the coffee for a while, then pinched the middle of his eyebrows. "I'm a little tired now, and I don't want to argue with you anymore. Go back to the company later. I need to go home to have a rest..." Saying that Adolph stood up from the chair. However, his body shook when he just stood up.     

Stephen moved agilely to catch the cup that slipped down from Adolph's hand and firmly supported his body with another hand.     

"Why don't you have a sleep here?" A touch of cunning flashed by Stephen's eyes.     

Adolph's eyes were sluggish, and he was wearing an absent look. After putting him down in the chair, Stephen took out a bunch of keys in his trouser pocket.     

"Which is the key to the safe?" Stephen asked in a low voice.     

Adolph's face was expressionless. He was silent for a moment, and then his voice sounded like a repeater. "In the bedside table in the bedroom."     

Stephen nodded with satisfaction, then put the keys in front of Adolph's eyes to let him see them. "Which is the key to the safe."     

Adolph thought for a moment. His head swayed gently. "None of them is...The smallest key is in my briefcase...There is a separate key in the bag..."     

Adolph carried his safe everywhere. Even if he was on a business trip, he would take it with him. He came to live with Stephen this time, and still put the safe in his bedside table.     

There must be something Stephen wanted.     

Stephen snapped his fingers in front of Adolph's eyes, then said faintly, "You're tired. Take a rest, and I'll wake you up later."     

Afterward, Adolph closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.     

According to what Adolph had told him, Stephen soon found the key. However, Agnes stayed in the bedroom most of the time, so he didn't have any chance.     

"Why are you back now?" Dinah appeared behind Stephen all of a sudden.     

Stephen gave her a glance and thought of an idea. "Don't you feel bored? You can go have a walk and enjoy the sunshine with my mother."     

Dinah snorted with disdain. She was unwilling to stay alone with Agnes for a second longer, let alone went to enjoy the sunshine with her.     

Hearing their talk, Agnes walked out herself. "Dinah, today is a good day. Why don't you accompany me to have a walk outside?"      

She thought sunshine was good for her grandson.     

It wasn't difficult for Stephen to open the safe.     

There was no direct evidence that he could use to unseat Adolph, but only an old photo.     

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