Chapter 347: Pregnant For Two Months

Chapter 347: Pregnant For Two Months

0"To the film and television base," Ethan ignored Kylie's question, saying to Elliot.     

Kylie stared at him, but he gazed into space.     

A while later, he lowered his head to kiss on her eyes. "Have some sleep. You must be exhausted after last night."     

In fact, even though he didn't want to answer her question, Kylie easily figured it out, given his attitude towards her before.     

He was eager to catch Michael.     

If it hadn't been for Kylie, Michael could have hidden away. Even if he kept committing crimes, it would be very hard for Ethan to catch him in person.     

Therefore, Ethan must protect Kylie and expose her relationship with Michael at the same time.     

"Fine, I forgive you this time." Kylie took off her shoes, lying on the man's legs to relax.     

Ethan rubbed her soft stomach, then moved upwards to her chest. His long slim fingers pinched her boob lightly.     

"It's bigger now."      

Kylie patted his hand away, giving Elliot a side glance.     

There was another person in the car, but the man wouldn't limit his casual behavior.     

Without Ethan's order, Elliot lifted the car partition at once.     

All of a sudden, there were only two of them in the small space. Ethan's fingers then slid into her clothes, touching her smooth skin.     

"Let's go on a vacation after you finish the shooting of this film," Ethan said in a gentle voice.     

"Honeymoon?" Kylie smiled.     

She also ached for a vacation to relax after what she had been through during the past days.     

However, before she made a decision on which island she would go to do some sunbathing, she heard the man's voice with laughter. "Let's make a baby."     

Kylie's heart tightened a little and remembered what Stephen had said.     

The medicine the housekeeper had put into the glass of milk could cause infertility, but she couldn't say it aloud when Ethan's face was full of anticipation for a baby.     

"Um, probably I'm already pregnant," Kylie lied.      

Ethan's hand stopped.     

When they had had sex in the Empire Hotel last time, he did have retreated at the end, although he had lost control of himself to some extent.     

Nevertheless, they had made love for quite a few times last night without any protection, because he thought it was Kylie's safe period these days.     

If so, why Kylie said she could be pregnant already?     

Ethan pulled her back to his arms. "Did you check your body?"      

"Not yet." Seeing the man being so nervous, Kylie told him the truth. "I've been very busy recently, so my period is a little irregular now."      

"You haven't had your period for a long time?" Ethan's voice trembled in anxiety.     

"Nope," Kylie answered after thinking for a long while.     

It did have been a long time since she had had her period last time, but she didn't pay much attention to it.     

Ethan suddenly kicked the back of the drivers' seat. "To the hospital, now!"      

"Yes, sir." Elliot turned the car at once.     

Kylie didn't expect Ethan would take her to the hospital right away. If she went to check her body, the secret that she could be infertile would be exposed!     

They just got married, and she was reluctant to ruin Ethan's good mood.     

However, Ethan remained adamant. "It won't be long, and I can give Director Miller a call."      

"No, no." Kylie stopped him at once. "If you call Director Miller, he'll find out our relationship."      

Ethan looked at her like she was an idiot, then snorted, "Do you think he would be willing to use you, who is a newcomer without my recommendation?"      

Kylie was struck dumb.     

She always thought it was Stephen who had recommended her to Director Miller.     

"The album!" Kylie rounded her eyes in shock.     

From the beginning to the end, she believed the album had been given to Director Miller by Stephen, and Stephen had ever denied it or admitted it.     

To her astonishment, it turned out that Ethan, instead of Stephen, had done everything for her without her knowing it.     

Precisely because of that, Ethan soon found out Stephen was Star.     

"Aren't you dumb?" Ethan patted Kylie's head.     

Kylie laughed.     

She hugged Ethan's neck and sat on his legs. "Oh, my sweet baby, thank you so much for everything you've done for me!"      

Ethan flushed. "What's wrong with you?"      

"Baby, my sweet baby!" Seeing the man being shy, Kylie kept saying that on purpose, but the man closed her mouth with his lips the next second.     

Even though her mouth was closed, Kylie bit the top of the man's tongue at a great speed.     

Ethan felt a little painful and drew his tongue back. Kylie beamed with pleasure, holding his face in her palms.     

"Oh my sweet baby, are you flushing now?" Kylie gloated, and totally forgot they were on the way to the hospital now.     


"I didn't drink much, and I don't want to pee now." Kylie pouted, sitting on the bench outside of the outpatient department of gynecology.      

"We can draw your blood."      

"Fine, I'll go to pee." Kylie seemed very unwilling to do that.     

If she just did the urine test, it was possible for her to hide the secret that she could be infertile. However, when she just turned around, the doctor said, "We'll have a B-scan first before we do the urine test."     

It seemed Kylie wasn't able to hide away from it.     

Kylie felt quite nervous lying on the bed. There was cold liquid on her stomach, and she held her breath all the time.     

"Relax, it'll be fine," the doctor said with a smile to comfort her.     

Ethan stood in front of the screen, but he seemed growlingly upset, which scared Kylie. She felt her heart was in her throat now.     

"Alright, you can get up now." The doctor gave her a tissue.     

Kylie cleaned the liquid on her stomach up, then asked, "How is it?"      

"Very good," the doctor said with a smile, giving the B-scan report print to Ethan.     

Ethan held the print in his hand tightly, and ignored Kylie, striding out of the room.     

Seeing that, Kylie felt it wasn't a good result, but why was the doctor smiling at her?     

She caught up with Ethan, "Ethan, wait!"      

The man didn't stop his steps but walked ahead faster.     

Kylie was anxious. She even called him her sweet baby in public, but the man still wore a cold face walking away.     

"Hey! The doctor said I'm fine. Why are you so nervous?" Kylie ran to him with her high-heels in hands.     

When she just wanted to grab the report print from his hand, the man raised his arm, and she failed.     

Ethan noticed she was barefoot, then said coldly, "Put on your shoes."      

"No!" Kylie threw her high-heels to the ground. "Tell me the result!"      

Ethan walked back to her, and Kylie stepped backward at once in fear. However, the man caught her and carried her in his arms within seconds.     

"I'm fine! The doctor said I'm fine! Why are you so upset? If you regret, we can divorce now!" Kylie struggled.     

Ethan went back to the room and gently put her down on the bed.     

"You still want to work?" he said, squeezing the report print into her hand. "You've been pregnant for two months!"     

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