Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

It's Easier Said Than Done!

It's Easier Said Than Done!

0Jiang Yang went to the cabinet in his room and pulled out two black color speakers like small devices. He switched them on, kept one device on the bedside table of his room, and walked out of his room carrying another device.     

He went to Jiang Yuyan's room, knocked on the door lightly, and opened it upon not getting any response. The room was dimly lighted, but he could see his sister, who was asleep.      

Stepping towards the bed with light footsteps, Jiang Yang kept the device on the bedside table and stepped out of the room as he closed the door.     

As soon as the door of the room was closed, Jiang Yuyan opened her eyes, looked at the device that her brother left, and turned it off.     

The next morning when Jiang Yang woke up, he saw his sister standing in the gallery near the railing. He came out of the room, and this time he made a sound of a door to let her know his presence.     

She was staring at the road and the vehicles running on it. Hearing the sound of the door, she looked back and saw her brother.     

"Good morning, sis!" He greeted, stepping towards her as he carried a pleasant smile.     

"Good morning, brother!" She replied with a smile.     

He stood beside her and observed the view in front. "Enjoying the morning view?"     

Jiang Yuyan nodded, "This place is perfect," and moved her sight to look at the view of the hill and trees far away in front of them.     


Both stood there for a long, looking at the greenery, enjoying the morning Breeze and mild sunlight.      

"What are you thinking about?" Jiang Yang asked.     

"Nothing, just enjoying this calmness," replying, she closed her eyes.     

"Do you want to talk about something? I mean about yesterday?" He looked at her     

She opened her eyes, "I don't know. It feels like my head is going to burst with so many things in it. I don't want to think about anything; that's why I am here to clear my mind."     

"I want you to share it with me so that it won't hurt your head. Avoiding it is not a solution," the brother suggested.     

"Hmm, I know."     

"Come with me."     

Holding her hand, Jiang Yang took his sister towards the chairs behind them. He made her sit on one chair while he sat on the other as they sat facing each other.     

Jiang Yang pressed a few pressure points on her palm and asked, "Does it feel good now?"     

"Humm!" Jiang Yuyan nodded     

"Now tell me, what's the matter?" He asked but didn't look at her as he continued pressing the points on her palm.     

"I am afraid that I'll start to recall those things again. For the past four years, I thought I forgot everything, but....."      

"It's good. It's a sign that you should leave the past and start to accept new things in your life," Jiang Yang commented, still being busy with his work.     

Jiang Yuyan looked at him with a questioning sight.     

Jiang Yang let go of her hand, "Done," and looked at her to say something more.     

 "Just take it as remembering the past is like taking a few steps back then move forward and jump higher to the bright future."     

"It's easier said than done." She said, giving out a deep sigh.     

Jiang Yang agreed, "I know, but what will happen? You will be scared and will have those nightmares again. You will be anxious and frightened; what more can happen? Just get through it once and for all. Remember, whatever you will face, I'll always be there to protect you. Just face it alone this time." Saying it, Jiang Yang leaned back in this chair.     

She listened to it, but then said in a shallow voice, "I... don't.. want.. to.. see.. those... nightmares.. again."     

Jiang Yang heard his sister mumbling but didn't react. This time he didn't want to sympathize with her that can make her feel weak as he intended to prepare her to face it alone.     

"Until now, I walked with you on this difficult path, but now, I want you to walk ahead of me. If you fall, I'll be behind you to help you to get up again."     

"Do you think I can do it," She asked while looking into his eyes to get an honest answer.      

"Of course! You are the strongest girl I have ever seen," He replied while gazing back in her eyes as showing his confidence in her.     

"No need to exaggerate," She said.     

"Instead of thinking about what happened in the past, we should cherish the things in front of us at the moment," he suggested.     

"I'll try my best." Assuring, she leaned back in the chair.     

"Had a nightmare last night?" He asked     

"No!" She replied.     

"Good. But I guess you turned off the device last night." Commenting, he looked at her with questioning sight.     

She signed deeply, "I am not a baby to keep an eye day and night. I don't want you to suffer from a lack of sleep."     

"You will always be a baby for me," He commented with a teasing smile.     

She finally looked at her brother, "Then I'll start calling you father from now on."      

"Whatever suits you the best. But one thing is for sure; you will get to see a new mother every week or every month."      

She laughed, "I forgot it, brother Casanova!"     

Smiling pleasantly, both continued resting in the chairs, enjoying the morning sunlight.     

Jiang Yang had a habit of keeping that device in his sister's room whenever he felt that she might have a nightmare so that he could hear it on another device in his room and immediately go to his sister.     

When the brother entered her room, the previous night, Jiang Yuyan was aware of it, but she pretended to be asleep. When her brother left, she turned off that device as she didn't want her brother to keep worrying about her day and night and trouble himself.     

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