Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Grandpa, One More Sacrifice..

Grandpa, One More Sacrifice..

0Jiang residence...     

Jiang Yang was wandering around in a home, as he was alone and felt bored. Coming downstairs, he went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator as he mumbled to himself, "World seems so boring without my little angry bird. Let's make it interesting."      

As he found something to eat, he commented, "Haaa! It's here, my companion for loneliness, ice-cream!"     

Taking out the ice-cream pack from the freezer, he stared at it as he questioned himself, "Why am I so happy seeing this ice-cream pack like a girl who craves for it during her periods. Hmm! Never mind, I will think I am on periods," and chuckled.     

While eating ice-cream, he preferred to watch a movie and turned on the television, but just then, his cellphone rang, and he looked at the screen.     

"I guess this man is still alive." Commenting, he received the call, "When did you come out of the grave?"     

The person from the other line replied, "Just a moment before."     

Even after so many years, the comfort between these friends was still there because they had spent quite a long part of their lives together and knew each other since childhood.     

Jiang Yang smiled, listening to this reply, but later spoke, feeling annoyed.     

"If you aren't smelling that bad, then come to my place to give me a company or take me with you to your grave since I am already dead because of this f**king loneliness and boredom."     

On the other side, the man was Lu Feng, who just came out of the hotel room after dealing with a business person and sat in his car. When he saw Jiang Yang's Message on his cell phone, he immediately dialed his number.     

Lu Feng smiled at this funny reply from Jiang Yang but then thought about what he said about feeling bored. It surprised Lu Feng as he thought it was Jiang Yuyan's birthday, and Jiang Yang must be celebrating it with her.     

"But you messaged me about Yuyan's birthday celebration, then how come you are lonely and bored?" Lu Feng asked.     

Jiang Yang sighed deeply, "That's a long story. I left those lovebirds alone."     

"Love birds?" Lu Feng asked though he knew what it was.     

"Yes! My sister and your cousin are both in love with each other, so I left those fools alone for a reason."     

"Lu Qiang and Yuyan?" Lu Feng asked to confirm what he thought was right.     

Jiang Yang replied, "Yes! Now don't tell me you don't know about Lu Qiang's feelings about My sister."     

Lu Feng's expressions changed, and he kept silent for a moment and said, "Umm!"     

Jiang Yang sensed the silence in Lu Feng's voice, "Are you busy right now or what? Let's meet."     

"I am not busy...Okay, I'll send you the address. Just come there," Lu Feng instructed.     


Jiang Yang hung up the call then went to the kitchen to keep ice-cream back to the refrigerator as he looked at an ice-cream pack sadly, "I am sorry, dear. I just realized that it was a miss call, no periods. I will eat you later. Don't be sad."      


Lu Feng cut the call as he stared at the mobile, "Lu Qiang and Yuyan? Hmm! Grandpa, one more sacrifice."     

Lu Feng looked sad and helpless. Sitting in the car, he closed his eyes to calm himself as he didn't wish Jiang Yang to see through him. Once he felt fine, He started the car and left to meet Jiang Yang to the venue he decided.     

After half an hour, Lu Feng reached the pub and waited for Jiang Yang. Both met outside of the pub and entered the pub together.     

It was one of the famous pubs in the city, where only rich people were allowed. The pub was noisy because of the loud music where everyone was busy dancing, drinking, chatting, and having fun with their partners.     

As they entered, Jiang Yang looked around and commented, "Hmm! Nice place to have fun and get rid of my loneliness."     

Lu Feng agreed, "True!"     

Both sat on the couch in one corner where nobody could disturb them. They ordered the drinks, and Jiang Yang asked, "Where were you? I tried calling you so many times, but your number was not reachable."     

Lu Feng gave out a deep sigh, "don't ask. I was busy going through some bullsh*t."     

"Oh!" Jiang Yang added, "I wanted to celebrate Yuyan's birthday just like we used to do it in the past, but you didn't receive the call, so I changed the plan."     

"Hmm!" Lu Feng said nothing much as his mind was upset with something that he didn't wish to accept.     

Jiang Yang continued, "Actually, it was for good. Did you already know that Lu Qiang liked my sister?"     

Lu Feng nodded and said calmly while hiding what he felt inside, "I saw him missing her badly when he could not contact both of you and all these years, he missed her every day."     

"Hmm! Something came up, and we had to go away from everyone for all these years," Jiang Yang informed, looking serious as if he remembered something really bad.     

Lu Feng noticed the seriousness of Jiang Yang's face and in his voice.      

"I remember Lu Qiang's last conversation with you as I was with him at that time. You said Yuyan was not well. I, too, tried to contact you, but after my uncle's accident, I couldn't.     

"Something happened to Yuyan, and I am still trying to pull her out of it," Jiang Yang informed as he added, "But, I am glad Lu Qiang is there who can help her get out of it."     

"Can I ask what happened to her?"     

Jiang Yang replied, "Of course you can. You and Lu Qiang deserve to know it as you two are still special for us, and I could feel, even after so many years, you two are the same for me. Also, I can trust both of you when it comes to my sister."     


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