Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World (Hiatus)

Chapter 7 : : Experience (Previous Chapter no. 11)

Chapter 7 : : Experience (Previous Chapter no. 11)


[Player killed a Moon Wolf and gained 100 experience points & 22 soul energy points]     

"You don't need to call me Player, just call me Rex and also is it really necessary for me to speak when talking to you, the powerhouse at the Form Synthesis stage can use Qi messages to talk so can't we use a different way to talk like using the voice at a different frequency and if not then let's make a code language for it because if others saw me talking to myself like that they would think I am crazy," Rex gave his opinion.     

[Rex you doesn't actually need to speak to talk to me, we are one even if you just think of telling something to me I will know it, see I am also using this method to speak to you]     

Rex's lips slightly twitched.     

'Can't you have told me this before, I was talking to myself alone in this jungle all this time,' Rex thought, he was testing if the method was feasible.     

[You never asked]     

Rex gave a hollow laugh, just as the system mentioned in some ways it was like a 10-year-old child that needed to be taught everything from the beginning.     

'By the way, I am sure that I didn't know that this wolf is called a Moon Wolf so how did you know?' Rex curiously asked.     

[I didn't know either, all I did was gave it a random name]     

"…" (Rex)     

Rex felt that talking anymore will only result in insulting himself.     

When Rex killed the moon wolf, his sword got covered in blood and while he was talking, few drops of blood slid down the edge of the sword and fell on his hand.     


[DNA signature of Moon Wolf is obtained]     

[Required condition met]     

[DNA Codex is Activated]     

[Moon Wolf is registered in the DNA Codex]     

[Acquiring data on Moon Wolf...]     

[Creating Moon Wolf's profile......]     

[Basic profile of Moon Wolf is now available]     

Rex raised he eyebrow, he decided to open and check that what is this basic profile.     

[Race: Moon Wolf (3rd tier final phase)     

Description: A rare subspecies of wolf type monster beast, they have a high affinity for light element and born with a special ability that can give a boost to their status in the moonlight without any side effects.     

Weakness: Poison Element, Fire Element, Mental Attacks]     

"This is amazing it's alike Pokedex," Rex thought.     

Suddenly Rex thought of something and walked near the black wolf, he then placed his palm on his dead body.     


[New DNA signature detected]     

[DNA Codex updated]     

[Species: Shadow Wolf(3rd tier middle phase)     

Description: A common subspecies of wolf type monster beast, they have a high affinity with the Shadow element and born with a special ability that helps them to blend in shadows and move without making much noise when they reach high tier they can even hide in other shadows while completely erasing their presence making them a troublesome opponent.     

Weakness: Light Element, Mental Attacks]     

Satisfied with the results Rex moved to the black snake.     

[New DNA signature detected]     

[DNA Codex updated]     

[Species: Black Snake(4th tier initial phase)     

Description: A common snake-type monster beast, they have a high affinity for Earth element but even though they are snake they do not poses strong poison but they are still immune to any type of low grade poisons their tail is their strongest weapon.     

It can injure even a Soul Strengthening peak stage cultivator if they receive a direct hit but it is not their strongest point, the thing that makes it hard to defeat them is their flexibility.     

Weakness: Water Element, Wood Element]     

'To be able to dig out so much information just from DNA, you are more capable than I thought,' Rex praised.     

[Once I successfully trace back their DNA signature, I can even tell things they themselves don't about their species. It's similar to like how a doctor uses the patient's blood sample to check their disease, it's just on a different level,]     

Rex nodded.     

'One more thing, although you said that I can absorb the Exp… the purest life strength they cultivated until now from them to strengthen my own cultivation base but I am still a little confused, earlier I hadn't asked that because I was distracted by the wolf's howl but can you explain it now.     

I am confused by the part where you said that I can only absorb Exp from the targets I have killed or the ones that died because of me but I can't absorb it from others…. can you explain why? because I can still absorb SE Points you know,' Rex said.     

Rex didn't just stand there and started talking, while talking he was hurriedly absorbing the soul fragments or we can say SE Points from the dead shadow wolves all around.     

[Let's start from the Exp, it is something like Life essence of Blood Essence, you know that Life Essence or Blood Essence is the one that decided the lifespan of a person right? similar to it you can regard the Exp as the Life Energy,]     

'Life Energy?' Rex muttered to himself.     

[As the saying goes, everything is born from earth and will turn into earth one day. Life Energy is just the name I have to give in, according to my research every creature holds Life Energy, and the amount of Life Energy one could have depended on their strength.     

For example, when a child born he would have a very small amount of Life Energy in him but when he grew then his life energy will increase with him, and when he starts to grow old the life energy he had accumulated until his youth would start to slowly leak from his body until it's completely depleted and he dies.     

In case the man becomes a cultivator, becomes stronger, and gained more lifespan then it means he had accumulated a lot of Life Energy.     

It is same with all living creatures, they all absorb various kinds of thing from nature and refines it into Life Energy and in the end when they die nature take the thing it provided back from them with interest.     

When you kill your targets, we absorb a part of the Life Energy their dead bodies release, and then we use your spirit root to refine that Life Energy again guiding it into your meridians just like the refined spiritual Qi to increase your cultivation base.]     

'I see… then why can't I use the Life Energy of the people that did not die because of me,' Rex asked.     

[It's because of Heavenly Law, they can only take out rude behavior to a limit if we cross it then they will retaliate, it is also the reason that we can only absorb a part of the Total Life Energy or Exp they release,]     

'Hmm.. you say we can only absorb a part, then tell me if a Person A is at Form Synthesis peak stage and a Person B who is a mortal managed to absorb 100% of Person A's Life Energy then what realm would he reach? neglecting all the external factors that are,' Rex asked.     

[Theoretically, if that Person B managed to successfully absorb all the Life Energy of the Person A then it would also reach Form Synthesis 1st stage,]     

Rex sucked in a breath of cold air.     

No wonder Heavenly Laws forbid him to absorb the whole Life Energy of his targets or after absorbing the Life Energy of the Moon Wolf he would have already surpassed Soul Strengthening peak stage by now.     

Thinking of this Rex felt that Heavenly Dao Laws were already patient enough not to throw a random Thunder Tribulation at him.     

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