Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World (Hiatus)

Chapter 6.2 : : Sneak Attack (Previous Chapter no. 10)

Chapter 6.2 : : Sneak Attack (Previous Chapter no. 10)

0Rex first dug out some soil from the ground and rubbed it all over his body, he didn't stop there he took a lot of leaves from the tree and grass blades from the ground then squashed their juice on his clothes.     

'The smell of blood on me can attract monster beasts around, it's better to hide this smell with the help of nature,' Rex thought.     

He then collected all the swords and wrapped them all in the cloth from a disciple's uniform, Rex then carried it on his back with one sword resting on the cloth belt at his waist.     

"Steel is not a problem, neither is coal and nor do the low-grade herbs but 3-5 monster's DNA signature, if I have a chance to gain their traits as the system said then I need to carefully select those 5 creatures… monster beast is the only option for now though, it's actually not big of a problem, the main problem is the monster core, finding it won't be that easy," Rex thought as he walked through the forest.     

After a while, he arrived at a river shore, he quickly cleans the dried blood on his body then hid behind a giant tree at the bank of the river as if waiting for something.     

As time passed by many monster beasts came to drink water from the river but Rex ignored them he wasn't able to find the right beast.     


A sudden best howl caught Rex's attention.     

'From the voice, it seems like it belongs to a wolf type monster beast,' Rex thought then after thinking for a brief second he stealthily advanced in the direction the howl came from.     

After he arrived near the place where the howl came from, Rex saw several black-furred wolves lying dead on the ground.     

Rex carefully hid in the dense bushed near him and observed the ongoing battle a little far away from him.     

He saw that three black-furred wolves were fighting against a bid white-furred wolf, the white wolf looked stronger if alone he could likely easily take out 3-4 the black-furred wolf alone but he was seriously injured at the moment, his white-furred was dyed red in blood and one could even barely see his flesh through the claw and bite marks all over his body.     

When Rex saw the situation he slightly frowned because after analyzing the situation he felt that there is something seriously wrong here…     

The white wolf was strong but even if he was strong, he shouldn't be able to kill so many black wolves alone…. especially for no reason.     

After carefully looking all around, Rex finally discovered the reason for the ongoing battle.     

There was a long black snake lying near a faraway rock, the snake was big as an anaconda when it came to size, it had shining black scales all over his body… so Rex believed that it had either shed its skin or had advanced not long ago.     

From the looks of it, the snake was dead, there were deep claw marks and bite marks on its body which looked very similar to the ones on the body of the white wolf.     

This much information was more than enough for Rex to guess what happened here.     

From the aura alone, Rx could tell that the black snake was a monster beast of 4th tier but the aura emitted by its dead body was unstable which means it hadn't stabilized his cultivation base… or maybe it was killed before it could stabilize it.     

When a monster beast advances they became temporarily weak for a short period of time because of having exhausted all there energy and stamina earlier in order to complete their advancement.     

'If this snake has reached 4th stage then doesn't it mean, it has a monster core…' Rex's eyes shined.     

This time he really felt lucky to have gained such an opportunity.     

A monster beast needs to form a monster core to advance to 4th stage and it takes a lot of time and effort, but there is a quick way to do it which is to absorb other's monster core and use the energy obtained to form their own.     

Whether it's humans or monster beasts, the monster core was precious to both of them, it was just like a medicinal pill that can make them advance faster after they refine its energy.     

The black wolf probably attacked the snake when it was in the weakened state to get its monster core, they could of course not share it but the pack had a leader so it was surely for him, after having to sacrifice so many of his members when the pack leader was just about to harvest the benefits the white wolf must have interfered.     

From the looks of it, the white wolf was at the 3rd tier final phase which was just one step away from reaching the 4th tier initial phase so it probably wanted the monster core the black wolves got to help him advance quickly. How could the pack leader of black wolves let the thing he put so many efforts into obtaining get snatched at the end, the white wolf likely planned to scare them but the opposite party had no intention to back off, and once the fight broke out it was apparent that no one would want to back off.     

Rex was not a Genius Schemer or a Great General that he was able to think of all that by just a look but he was a successful business who relied on his observing and technical skills to reach that stage. He just recreated the scene in his head putting all the characters present as actors and considering all the possibilities that could lead to such a result, after doing that he just bet on the most matching situation.     

Rex didn't rush and waited for the battle to come to an end.     

The battle kept going on, even after the sunset the battle was not over, in the end only the pack leader of black wolves and the white wolf was left, both of them were seriously injured and looked like they were at their wit's end.     

'Looks like a black wolf will win' Rex thought.     

The white wolf was now almost exhausted, his legs were trembling as he walked compared to him the black wolf looked in a much better state.     

After a few seconds, it looked like the white wolf couldn't even walk anymore and kept standing at its position like he was waiting for its end.     

Rex sighed, from the looks of it both the wolves already knew that they have very low chances of survival even if they kill their opponent, in their current situation there was a high chance that they won't survive even if they managed to absorb the monster core.     

Suddenly at this time, the blood died fur of the white wolf gave off a white luster and his moment started to rise rapidly, the wolf then faced the moon in the sky and gave off a big howl.     

The black wolf wanted to take this opportunity and strike but his body was not in a condition that can allow it to successfully land a sneak attack, so he acted cautiously towards the white wolf.     

After howling, the white wolf attacked the black wolf all of a sudden and the flow of battle changed in the next moment, earlier it was obliviously black wolf who was just one step away from winning but now it was the white wolf who clearly had the upper hand, it was like someone had given a shot of adrenaline to the white wolf.     

The black wolf looked at the white wolf with hatred-filled eyes, he knew that if this goes own any longer then he would have no chance of winning so he braced himself to do an all-out attack with his remaining strength… for him it was a do or die.     

Thinking of this the black mustered up all the strength in his body and led at him, he was betting on a suicide attack but unfortunately for him, the white wolf's speed was not the same as before, the white wolf easily dodged the attack then turned around and slashed his throat.     

Blood spurted out uncontrollably, and the black wolf took his last breath then everything before his eyes turned dark as his lifeless body fell to the ground.     

After the last black wolf died, then the fur on the white wolf's body lost their luster and his momentum from earlier disappeared without a trace, he then walked to the body of a black snake with trembling legs and sat near it, he wasn't in a condition to dig out the core from snake's body so he decided to take a breather and let the wounds on his body heal.     

At this moment the white wolf truly let his guard down, he sighed in relief as he looked at the snake's body he snatched from the black wolves, he thought that now he has a chance to breakthrough but just at this time he suddenly felt something, as someone who had lived with the rule of survival of the fittest he had sharp instincts but because he let his guard down he didn't notice it before which delayed his moment.     

The white wolf quickly turned his head to look behind but… it was too late.     


A sharp sword pierced his head in the very next moment, killing him in an instant.     


[Player killed a Moon Wolf and gained 100 experience points & 22 soul energy points]     

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