Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World (Hiatus)

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

0She tried to see her cultivation base but she wasn't able to do that, we can only see target's cultivation base properly if the target's cultivation base is at least two stages below our own cultivation base     

"Old hag your cultivation base.." Li Min asked as she tried to hide the surprise on her face     

"Hmph..who is old i look like your daughter right now" (Wang Cang)     

"…" (Li Min)     

"And i am at Spirit King 3rd stage" Wang Cang said in a prideful tone     

Li Min and the two people behind her was in shock     

Li Min herself had reached Spirit King 3rd stage after so many years of cultivation but she always had the guilty consciousness to not be able to help Wang Cang in the time of need that's why she was desperately cultivated so that one day she became strong enough to destroy Puppet Sect or at least stand beside her only friend     

But who knows Wang Cang told her she herself was a Spirit King 3rd stage she wanted to shout give me back my sympathy .. i cultivated in seclusion for years to protect you and you was enjoying your luxurious life here… playing the pig to eat the tiger     

"Old hag i thought there was still an honest innocent naive person like you was left in this world but became Spirit King for so long and didn't even bothered to tell me …sigh its better now i don't need to worry about you" Li Min shook her head     

"What do you mean by that i just became a Spirit King few days ago" Wang Cang said innocently     

"Hehehe" Li Min smiled wryly     

Even the two elders behind her were embarrassed     

She thought… you became Spirit King and on top of that you became Spirit King 3rd stage in few days and you asked me do you believe it..believe me your ghost at least think of a lie that i can believe     

"You still need some training in lying" Li Min said with a bitter smile     

"…" (Wang Cang)     

"Its true Teacher received a sudden enlightenment a few days ago and coupled with this Qi Gathering array she reached this stage… see i too became a Spirit King" Wang Xiu Ying said with a smile then she raised her hand and a small water ball appeared above her hand     

The three people gasped in surprise     

Wang Xiu Ying chose to lie because she knew the technique Rex used is not something that needed to be discussed with others even if they are our own blood relatives but she knew her teacher cannot lie that's why she made an excuse of sudden enlightenment     

As for her own, others did not knew about her cultivation base so even if she said that she just breakthrough yesterday they have to believe that     

'A total of three Spirit King who knew White Moon Sect hided that deep..' Li Na thought     

As for Luo Yan her little head was blank.. for her few days ago seeing a Spirit King stage in person was a very fortunate encounter when she saw Rex for the first time she wanted to tell all about it to her little sister Luo Ru that she had met two Spirit King in person until now..she wanted to tell her they look, how strong they are and how domineering they are     

But when she knew that the so called legendary Spirit King powerhouse is actually comes in one of the few friends of her little sister she thought her status as a admired big sister is in danger     

So when her sect master called her and told her to go to White Moon Sect with her she thought she had a chance to make a superb comeback but who knows the innocent little sect which looked like it can be crushed by Puppet Sect in few years had three old monsters who were living like weak old peoples who can die anytime     

"Sudden enlightenment..hmm" when Li Min heard that she was really surprised     

There are many type of enlightenment, different type of enlightenment have different effect but one thing for sure every enlightenment comes with a big opportunity and that opportunity can be anything     

One cannot gain enlightenment just because they want it, it comes with opportunity     

Rex skill Calm Mind have high chance to trigger an enlightenment this in itself shows the value of a Unique grade skill     

But Rex is not the only one who could do that     

It is said that there were many big figures in ancient time who could achieve enlightenment on their own violation     

Gautama Buddha and Bodhidharma are an example of that     

It is said that Buddha mastered many type of enlightenment in his life and one day when he was cultivating under a Bodhi tree he successfully merged all those enlightenment and achieved supreme enlightenment which helped him ascend     

And as for Bodhidharma he achieved the full control over all five basic element that makes a human body and he also obtained the supreme knowledge over countless type of herbs and plants     

With this knowledge he was capable of curing any disease or injury at his level even making an exiler which can increase a mortals lifespan by several folds was a small thing for him and it was only one of his abilities     

Although Rex's Calm Mind can definitely not give him an enlightenment like that specially at his current cultivation base but an enlightenment is an enlightenment after all     

"So its like that.. you have to tell me sooner.. yeah what about that powerhouse" Li Min suddenly asked     

Her main reason to come here was Rex, she did not knew that White Moon Sect have three powerhouse she only knew that White Moon Sect now has a Spirit King who is stronger than her and Puppet Sect had already made a move towards Snow FLower Sect so she thought she didn't have to keep the relation with Wang Cang a secret anymore therefore she could finally make an alliance with White Moon Sect and stand against Puppet Sect     

"Senior is talking about Rex, he is teacher's grandson" Wang Xiu Ying on the side said with a smile     

Li Min did not mind Wang Xiu Ying talking to her like that after all she reached Spirit King at such a young age so she definitely have this qualification but her words always gave her a big blow just like now     

"Grandson?" (Li Min)     

Ten horses were racing in her head     

"Its like that.. Teacher was strolling in the Eastern forest but then she saw that an area in the forest was covered in ashes when she went there to take a look she found a teenager lying there and brought him back although we don't know his origin but at that time teacher took care of him     

Later when Rex woke up his memories was a mess but he wanted to repay teacher's kindness so he stayed here     

Off course we only took his words as a joke at that time but he was injured so we let him stay here and teacher liked him very much so she treated him like her own grandson in return he called teacher granny.. it was only when his injuries were cured and he regained his strength that we realized although young but he was a Spirit King powerhouse     

As far as i can tell he is already the strongest powerhouse you could find in the whole Eastern.. no all five continents" Wang Xiu Ying said in a playful tone she was waiting to see another shocked expression of Li Min's face and the two other people behind her     

Every one in the Snow Flower Sect usually have only cold expression on their faces.. so its not everyday that you could see shocked expression on their face specially on their sect master's face again and again     

As for Wang Cang when she listened to the new edited 'True' story of Wang Xiu Ying even she began to doubt herself     

{Teacher leave it to me.. you just nod} Wang Xiu Ying send a Qi transmission message to Wang Cang     

'Looks like little boy's shamlesness is contagious' (Wang Cang)     

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