Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World (Hiatus)

Chapter 191

Chapter 191

0'She is in her weakened state… you call it weakened?' (Rex)     

[Actually, from the information we got the baby and his mother seem to be descended of some strong beast but from generation to generation the bloodline degraded and she is like that right now]     

'Huh? you mean something like those Dragon Lizards and Mammoth like Elephants' (Rex)     

When Rex was hunting spirit beasts in the forest before, he found many types of spirit beast that posses the degraded bloodline of a stronger type of beast, for example, there were some lizard which looked somehow similar to that of dragon and elephants which were like mammoths those spirit beast were almost invincible in same ranks     

Rex only found out about their degraded bloodline after getting their DNA signature but it didn't catch his interest anymore after he found out that after so many generations had passed their bloodline is now entirely changed     

Rather than saying that its degraded bloodline its actually a completely new bloodline which is same as their new evolved race, for example, the bloodline of Seven headed Drakon in front of him will be Seven Headed Drakon bloodline     

'But I am still interested in who was her ancestor although I already have an idea I want to confirm it.. she should know about it lets do a fully analyze her but we need physical contact for that..hmm I have an idea' (Rex)     

Rex made a sad expression then he gently picked up the baby beast in his hands and walked to the mother beast     

"Little baby this one's you parent, not me okay you need to live with her if fate allows us then we will meet again," Rex said with an extremely said expression like his heart was breaking right now     

The baby beast did not understood Rex's words so he only looked at him in confusion     

{This is your baby I have no intention of harming him you can have him I will leave right now} Rex said with a sad expression     

The mother beast eyes shined, she quickly extended her claws to hold the baby beast     

Rex gently gave the baby beast to her while touching her claw when her attention was still on the baby     

'Rose do it now' (Rex)     


[Analyzing complete]     

Rex then gave the baby to her without any change in expression and started to walk away     

The mother beast was very happy right now she was really afraid that Rex will take her baby away... now that he was leaving without him her anger towards him disappeared, she took the baby beast in her embrace and started to rub her head against him this was her way to show her affection     

But the baby beast didn't respond he still looked towards Rex and after he saw that Rex was leaving him behind he tried to call him back     


Rex steps halted for a second but he didn't turn around like he was hiding his tears and kept walking     

'Good baby I know you are the best... come to me... stop me... Huh. Rose do you have an eye drop or some other way to make my eyes wet.. I lack tears right now' (Rex)     


When the baby beast saw that Rex didn't stop on his call he jumped off from her mother's embrace and ran to Rex     

Rex who was already expecting that turned around and hugged the baby     

"My little cute boy I knew you love me I also can't leave you" Rex hugged the baby beast     

It looked like Rex had met his long lost son who he had lost a long time ago     

The mother beast was staring at Rex with her eyes twitching     

You disappeared so many times in battle and now it was really the time to disappear you were walking that slowly who you are kidding.. the mother beast thought     

Rex then looked at mother beast and said     

{Its looks like this little baby is really attached to me and does not like you as much as you like him but worry not I have an idea for him to like you back.. how about I live here together with you for a while when he will spend time with you then he will start to like you too... how about it} Rex innocently told her his righteous plan     

The mother beast started at Rex for a while then she averted her gaze without replying but the meaning was obvious to Rex     

{I will take it as a yes} Rex said then he quickly cut the connection and walked away with the baby for fear of mother beast changing her mind     

The mother beast was so angry at Rex that if it wasn't for the baby she would have swallowed him alive     

Rex took a look around then he took out a big black suitcase from his Inventory and opened it     

There were six black table tennis size balls inside it which were arranged in two rows of three each     

Rex then took out his silver headgear and placed it near the box Rex then he tapped it on the side and two golden lines shined around it for a second before they dimmed again     

Suddenly the six balls in the briefcase trembled and their upper part opened in four segments then four small robotic arms came out of them, every robotic arm had an angle of 90' with the adjacent arms     

There was a propeller attached at the end of every robotic arm, the four propellers on every ball made them look like drones.. then all the six balls flew in a different direction     

When the beast baby saw the flying bolls his eyes shined and he dashed towards one of them and caught it with his mouth     


Although young he was still a Monster King so he easily caught one mini drone in his mouth     

"Huh? wait boy" Rex exclaimed     

When Rex saw it he rushed to the baby and took out the mini drone from his mouth     

Although the baby beast was reluctant he still let Rex take it out, after he spat out the mini bolt from he mouth he wanted to head to other mini drones to catch them but Rex stopped him     

When Rex took out the drone from his mouth it was already broken     

'Sigh.. it was not easy to make those mini-bot even after using the SB v1.0' Rex thought as he looked at the broken mini-bot     

Rex made mini-bot after using Puppet art with Array Circuit Tech they are just like drones with an artificial intelligence in them all of them are connected to SB v1.0 which is the silver headgear     

Here SB means smart brain v1.0 its a smart computer with an advanced AI it was the first prototype Rex made using Array Circuit Tech     

The work of the mini-bots is to collect all the data on the terrain of the region, they can also show real time pictures and videos in the form of data to SP v0.1     

There was no spirit beast in the whole region except of baby beast and mother beast so Rex wasn't worried about a beast destroying them as for the other beast they were of rabbit or squirrel's like species who were just cattle here.. of course, they will still be like big shots if they go to lower realm     

Rex wanted to check the terrain before making any plans to make the base     

'It will take them some time to complete their task.. so tell me about what you found out' (Rex)     

[The mother beast seem to have ancestor which was or related to a Hydra]     

'As I thought no wonder her current bloodline is so strong' (Rex)     

Hydra is a being just like the divine dragon and Phoenix     

According to myths Hydra was very a strong entity it was a serpent like creature and scales all over its body like a dragon     

Hydra is said to possess very strong regenerative abilities which allows it to regenerate its wounds in seconds even if its head is cut it can still regenerate it in seconds     

Furthermore, Hydra cannot be killed until all its nine heads are cut at the same time or by stopping other heads from regenerating until all heads are cut     

Hydra's middle head is known as the immortal head, it is said that if it is cut then two more head will rise and it can also use its other heads to attack its target with very strong acid all these things make it a very tough opponent for its enemies, another noticeable thing about Hydra is it doesn't like to live in groups     

After confirming his doubt he looked at the baby beast     

'Appraisal: race' (Rex)     

[Race: Seven Headed Winged Drakon (Mutated)]     

A newborn baby has the same race as their parents, for instance, the mother beast only posses six heads but her race is seven headed winged drakon it's because her parent was of this race but her bloodline was less pure that's why she is not same as her parent but it doesn't change her race     

And she won't born with seven heads even if her bloodline is highly pure she will grow more heads as her cultivation base increases and if she is lucky then some heavenly treasure or high grade pills can also help her to do it     

In her race, no newborn baby can born with seven heads unless... its bloodline is at least 90% pure which is practically impossible for a normal being something like that was only possible if the newborn's all ancestor were of the same race and there was never a mutation in any generation     

'Mutated is it why his skin's white.. but one thing is strange he should have higher cultivation base because of his mother's Monster Venerable stage cultivation base..maybe he got a bigger bloodline boost instead of cultivation boost.... but then again he also absorbed my blood and because my bloodline is 100% pure my normal blood is also my blood essence so why is his cultivation base is still low' (Rex)     

[Yeah.. your bloodline should have a more powerful impact on him then it is, wait it can't be that..]     

Suddenly a thought came to Rex's mind which gave him shivers down his spine he quickly picked up the baby beast     

'Analyze him thoroughly' (Rex)     


[Analyzing complete]     

[After separating the mother beast's gene and matching yours with the baby… it matched, instead of just using your blood as an enhancement your bloodline merged with his resulting in mutation although the chances of such thing happening were almost nonexistent but it still happened,     

The mutation is still going on so we won't know where it will take him but just as I said before your child will get strength boost but not your abilities]     

Rex was silent, many horses were running inside his head     

'I am a virgin so how could I have a baby? this one doesn't count.. yes it doesn't count' Rex comforted himself     

[A test tube baby is still a baby]     

"…" (Rex)     

Rex looked at the innocent face of baby beast     

'Little Ru and Little Xiu Ying will kill me' (Rex)     


'Fukkk off' (Rex)     

Rex looked at the mother beast then the baby beast as he sighed     

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