The Lecherous Cultivation System

Challenge letter

Challenge letter

0"Ahhhh… So godddd….."     

Though she felt her fingers couldn't compare with a dick, Wang Xiu who had only those fingers to keep her company during many nights wasn't much disappointed and only increased the number of fingers that were inside her pussy.     

"Aawwww…. Haaaaa….."     

Breathing loudly, Wang Xiu didn't care that she was covered in sweat despite having just bathed and focussed more on the pleasure spreading all over her body as she continued masturbating.     

Raising her waist up as she continued fingering herself, Wang Xiu began shaking it as well because this was one of her quirks that made her feel as if she wasn't masturbating and instead having real sex.     

"Ahhh fuckkk.!!!"     

Letting out a sharp moan all of a sudden, Wang Xiu looked even happier after having just pinched her clitoris.     


Moving her fingers very quickly before suddenly pulling them out of her pussy, Wang Xiu continued to shake her waist as a large amount of juices began shooting out of it and quickly covered the bed, and the floor in front of it as well in the fluids of her orgasm.     

Surprisingly though, even after Wang Xiu just orgasmed, her fingers quickly traced their way back towards her wet pussy and quickly reentered it to take advantage of her current sensitivity and brought her entire body to a second orgasm.     


Gulping hard as he continued watching Wang Xiu rub the insides of her pussy without taking even a short break as if she had gone mad from horniness, Yang Shen continued waiting for the system to do its job.     

'Come on buddy!'     

'Anytime now!'     

Waiting for the system to give him a mission and tell him to satisfy the widow in front of him who was panting and moaning like a bitch, Yang Shen couldn't wait to pounce on the widow on fuck her brains out.     

Unfortunately, no matter how long he waited, the system didn't show any reaction at all as if it was looking down on him and telling him to grow a pair.     

Smiling wryly as he understood that there would be no mission, Yang Shen continued watching for a while before sneaking out of the window and going back to his house with a depressed look.     


'Sigh… In the end I just didn't have enough courage…."     

Blaming himself for not having stepped up and missed the opportunity to have sex with the widow who definitely wouldn't have refused him, Yang Shen was so disappointed in himself that his erect little brother had turned soft and showed no signs of just having witnessed a naked woman orgasming multiple times.     

Honestly though, Yang Shen really couldn't be blamed for hoping the system would give him a mission and using it as an excuse to satisfy his desires.     

After all, it hadn't even been a week since Yang Shen had opened his eyes in this world, and his old mentality had yet to completely change and adapt to his new life.     

Due to this, even though Yang Shen wanted to do many things, he just couldn't bring himself to do so.     

In the end, no matter how much one wanted to change themselves, it wasn't something which could happen in a single day or so.     

Sighing loudly for the umpteenth time already, Yang Shen finally arrived in front of his single room house.     

Stretching his hand to open the door, Yang Shen froze midway after noticing the arrow stuck to his door and the piece of paper it was sticking to the door.     

Looking around him, Yang Shen frowned as there was almost no one on the desolate streets right now. Pulling the arrow out of the door, and along with it the piece of paper it was holding, Yang Shen entered his house and quickly locked the door.     

Doing the same with the sole window as well, Yang Shen quickly opened the letter.     

"I, the great Hao Lin, am challenging you, the useless Yang Shen to a duel! Only the winner among us two will be allowed to ask for the beautiful lady Song Fei! The duel is scheduled for one month since today so that it won't be said that I, the valiant and heroic Hao Lin am bullying you, the stupid trash Yang Shen. Remem…."     

Not bothering to read the rest of the text which was nothing more than the guy who sent the letter, Hao Lin praising himself, and dissing him, Yang Shen threw both the arrow and letter to the side as the frown on his face deepened.     

A duel? Song Fei?!     

This bastard who died after looking towards a wild beast had a lover?!     

Who the fuck who would love this guy?!     

Looking towards his reflection in the mirror, Yang Shen took his words back since a person's appearance was valued a lot regardless of which world it was.     

But that didn't matter now!     

What mattered was finding out about who Hao Lin and Song Fei were!     

Feeling a headache coming up as he thought about this, Yang Shen chose to sleep for now and slowly find out more details about this duel and everything related to it since there was an entire month for it.     

This bastard… You have zero cultivation but no shortage of enemies!     

Ahhhh!!! What if the enemy is the prince?!     

Squeezing his head tight as he thought about this, Yang Shen could no longer fall asleep and therefore sat upright.     

"Hey system, is there any way I can obtain the memories of the dead Yang Shen?"     

[Memory Regaining Pill - 700 Points]     

[Recover all lost memories after consuming this pill regardless of how they were lost, taken, or sealed away.]     

Reading what the system showed him, Yang Shen didn't bother with complaining about the cost and instead sighed in relief.     

Turns out that even though the price was something he had no way of affording any time soon, Yang Shen was filled with relief from finally being able to assure himself that the system was truly a system and not something controlled by a perverted old man who was controlling it in a dark room.     

After all, if someone was controlling the system, or it had its own sentience, the item he wanted wouldn't have been shown right away and instead he would have been greeted by long lines about how hard it was to regain his memories, and how costly and even impossible it would be if he wanted to so without taking the help of the system.     

But even though he couldn't obtain the memories of his predecessor right now, or in the near future, Yang Shen planned to do somehow or the other at all costs because it wasn't just the challenge letter which pressured him to learn about the dead guy's life.     

Looking towards a specific star in the sky through the window, Yang Shen who was sure that this one had been following him for a while wanted to find out what it was as well before something bad or unexpected happened.     


"Huh? Did that brat notice something? How interesting. Is he still the same one who almost died after encountering a wild beast?"     

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