The Lecherous Cultivation System

The truth

The truth

0Huh? Did I hear it wrong?     

Not just Yang Shen, but everyone in the audience began asking themselves the same thing.     

Only knowing that a commoner was fighting against a descendant of the Hao Clan over a girl from the Song Clan, everyone imagined the cliche scenario where the young commoner was going against all odds to prove his strength to the girl's family and make them realize he is worthy of their daughter.     

But in that case, why was the girl mournfully crying for the Young Master who was coming in between them?     

Understanding the shock everyone was in, while those from the Hao Clan rushed forwards to help their fainted young master, one of the burly men from the Song Clan who enjoyed gossiping began narrating the true story.     

"Young Master Hao and Young Lady Song are in love with each other, so it's only natural that she's concerned about him. On that day..."     

Turns out, the story of Yang Shen's predecessor wasn't the orthodox commoner chasing after the beauty while her family interfered.     

Though the part of the commoner chasing after the beauty was correct, it wasn't just her family which was irked by his existence. The beauty herself hated the commoner.     

After all, she was already in love with a boastful but caring boy. So why wouldn't she hate the bastard who popped up out of nowhere and publicly confessed to her?     

The exact story went something like this.     

One day Song Fei was walking around the city when Yang Shen suddenly approached her and confessed that he loved her since the moment he laid his eyes on her.     

Luckily for him, the one he proposed to wasn't an arrogant and cold descendant of the Song Clan, and rather the shy and nervous one. Due to this, other than not sending people to rough him up in secret, Song Fei didn't directly reject him either.     

Therefore, Yang Shen who felt that his handsome appearance was showing its true strength began following Song Fei around all the time and never stopped pestering. Until Hao Lin, her real boyfriend showed up.     

Given that both the Hao and Song clans were one of the strongest clans inside the Great Xia Empire after the Royal Family and the Four Great Clans, Hao Lin and Song Fei knew that getting their family members to agree for their marriage wouldn't be an easy thing.     

Thus, Hao Lin thought of using Yang Shen as a stepping stone to not just show off to the Song Clan how strong he was and that he would protect Song Fei all the time, he would even let his own Clan know that he was willing to do anything to marry his girlfriend.     


"Fufufufufufuf… How interesting. Even I didn't expect such a twist. Seems like the boy really did lose all of his memories."     

Laughing loudly, the woman who was gazing down on the arena from high up in the sky couldn't remember the last time she saw anything so funny.     




Wasn't this the so-called toad wanting to swallow the swan?     


Cursing loudly on the inside, Yang Shen couldn't even smile wryly at how everyone was glaring at him.     

Yes. Not just those from the Hao Clan and the Song Clan, but even the spectators who simply care here to watch the show were glaring at him as if he was the world's worst criminal.     

Looking towards Song Fei who was gently placing a healing pill inside the fainted Hao Lin's mouth, Yang Shen now realized why she was behaving as if he was air.     

'There goes my opportunity to find out about my past.'     

Filled with disappointment not just because he learned that he wouldn't be able to find out anything about his past from Song Fei, whom he thought was his predecessor's childhood sweetheart, but also because he wouldn't be able to live a peaceful life anymore, which was obvious from the sinister glances locked onto him by those from both the Song and Hao Clan alike, Yang Shen sighed loudly and got ready to leave this place before something more troublesome happened.     

Almost as if his thoughts were what fate was waiting for, the moment Yang Shen thought about leaving, something happened that caused those from the Hao Clan to want to swallow him whole.     

Song Fei who was for the first time so close to the new Yang Shen, who possessed the Dragon's Mark, was glaring at him in a weird way.     

While continuing to hold Hao Lin's head on her lap, Song Fei's eyes were filled with complicated emotions as she looked towards the one who thrashed her boyfriend in a single sword strike.     

On one side, she was angry that he hurt the one she loved, but her slightly erratic breathing and blushing cheeks made her altogether look like a wife who was pouting after being ignored by her husband.     

And not too long after Yang Shen stopped moving to observe Song Fei's changes, she completely stopped glaring at him and instead began shooting him flirtatious glances.     

In fact, she now wanted to push the fainted head on her lap away and hug Yang Shen who had a mysterious overflowing charm around him and a scent which had her hooked on the very moment she smelled it.     

As for poor Hao Lin, he couldn't have picked a worse time to wake up.     

Regaining some clarity, Hao Lin barely opened his eyes completely as he spotted his girlfriend throwing lust filled flirtatious glances towards the one he defeated him.     


Throwing up a mouthful of blood the moment he saw this, Hao Lin fainted for good this time.     

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