Death Guns In Another World

[Bonus Chapter] Chapter 1261: Corpse Eater

[Bonus Chapter] Chapter 1261: Corpse Eater

0A world started to appear after that, it was a world on the other side of the ominous-looking door.     

The foul stench of blood mixed with burning fire drifted towards them following a gust of wind.     

Loud growling and howling could be heard from every direction.     

Gazing forward, one could see that they were masses of crimson light that had gathered to form a gigantic and transparent figure, one without any clear facial features. Only a pair of blank eyes and a gigantic toothy maw could be seen whenever the giant figure moved around.     

This monster made out of pure light was about the size of a large football field, it was currently lying on top of countless corpses and using its hand that was manifested from masses of light to catch and consume these corpses one by one.     

"A corpse eater!" Incursio muttered in disbelief, but she knew better than to quickly act otherwise it would be late before you become aware that you have turned into a dried-up corpse.      

Almost immediately, the monsters abruptly looked up and noticed the white-haired devil.     

[The living… must all die!]     

It mumbled.     

Numerous rays of grey light were then shot toward Incursio.     

These rays of light were a bit strange, as they didn't directly attack her, but instead manifested a glowing dark prison around her.     

The white-haired devil's lady reacted extremely quickly and immediately called out:     

『 With this holy power, Magic Break! 』     

She used one attribute (element) among the numerous ones she had. It was the White element, better known as the Holy element, pretty suitable for the current situation.     


The prison of light immediately shattered.     

Another large mass of light that had manifested into a hand swung heavily towards Incursio as soon as the other one got destroyed.     

''White Guardian Holy Knight!" Incursio rapidly chanted.     

Numerous white lights emerged from Incursio's body to form a white mass around Incursio before swiftly merging into one to form a giant made of light that stood to shield her from the incoming attack.     


The giant uttered a resounding shout and firmly stopped this hand with both of its own hands.     

Seeing this, the monster opened its large maw to spit out a mass of mist-like light.     

The mist swiftly manifested into sharp arrows of ice that shot toward Incursio.     

The white-haired devil's lady lightly sighed and uttered: 『 Protective barrier, manifest! 』     

A glowing radiant illusion of a shield manifested in front of her and completely stopped all of these arrows.      

While the radiant shield was defending against the Corpse Eater's attack. Incursio did not stand still as she finally released her Gift and automatically another sword made of pure Holy element was created.      

Soon, the swords had already attacked the monster like two flashes of light that appeared out of thin air.     

Before her swords even reached the monster, her sword skill had already taken effect!     

[Myriad Phantom Sword Slashes!]     

A bluish-white arc of lightning appeared on the monster's body and spread around it, followed by numerous sword phantoms that continuously slashed it.     

At this point, the two swords arrived to join the sword phantoms as well.     

In one mere breath's worth of time, the swords moved extremely fast and were continuously triggered and summoned numerous phantom swords.     

It was as if those myriad phantom sword slashes were coordinating with each other to unleash attacks of peerless power before fading away from the world like an illusion.     


The monster was hurt and began to grunt continuously.      

Its attacks also became more reckless.     

Suddenly, numerous layers of black eerie light manifested around Incursio's, rapidly spinning around where she stood.     


A curt and sharp howl was heard.     

The layers of black eerie light moved forward, manifesting into gloomy bones that started crawling around her body.     

Incursio tried to remove them several times, but these bones seemed to be extremely resilient as they couldn't be removed no matter what while her movements began to be greatly restrained.     

The bones slowly started to gather together and form unique patterns around the surface of her defensive clothes, just a step away from manifesting into form.     

-------this seems to be some sort of skill!     

Upon sensing the emergency of the situation Incursio hastily chanted a long incantation.     

『With my holy power I summon thee the Holy Angel, with to the hammer remove all wickedness!』     

A long-handled hammer that exuded golden light appeared the in the hands of an illusionary angel.     

 This illusionary angel tightly held onto the hammer and started to swing it towards Incursio's body-------     

「 NO! 」     

A sharp shriek resounded from the bones.     

All the bones were reduced to dust by a single strike of this hammer, which then onto the ground one by one.      

Incursio naturally understood just how dangerous things were earlier. It was why she hate dealing with these abominations created by the joint hands of those mad scientists of the organization.      

It was the time to get serious she thought.      


Incursio then uttered a curt shout and clenched her cute little fist, throwing a punch toward the monster from afar.     

[Ethereal Fist: Meteor Shower!]     

The monster of light instantly became inert and blankly stood still, allowing blinding holy light in the form of countless fists started to rain down on its body.     

A few moments later.     


The monster's body collapsed on the ground, causing the earth itself to tremble.     

Incursio swords return next to her.     

''It would be great if there is only a few of them.''      

As soon as she thought that, Incursio noticed several masses of light beginning to move within the faraway darkness.     

The light around their bodies abruptly became brighter to illuminate the entire night sky.     

''Tch! I knew it wouldn't be so easy. Nevertheless, this gonna be fun. It has been a long time since I've proper fight where I tired myself. Let's go!" Incursio silently mumbled.      

Meanwhile, the monsters turned their attention towards Incursio one by one after fully manifesting.     

[Ba… nish…]     

One monster declared first.     



All the monsters swiftly followed up.     

They were standing at a distance and didn't try to approach her at all as if they were afraid of something.     

Incursio silently waited for a bit before her lips curled up in the form of a mocking smile.     

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